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Publication date: 1 June 1967

With the drastically changed pattern of the retail food trade in recent years in which the retailer's role has become little more than that of a provider of shelves for…


With the drastically changed pattern of the retail food trade in recent years in which the retailer's role has become little more than that of a provider of shelves for commodities, processed, prepared, packed and weighed by manufacturers, the defence afforded by the provisions of Section 113, Food and Drugs Act, 1955 has really come into its own. Nowadays it is undoubtedly the most commonly pleaded statutory defence. Because this pattern of trade would seem to offer scope for the use of the warranty defence (Sect. 115) in food prosecutions it is a little strange that this defence is not used more often.


British Food Journal, vol. 69 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 April 1972

A.H.J. Baines and D.H. Buss

Any Government needs to make sure that its citizens have enough of the right kinds of food to eat. After air and water, there is no more basic human need; but in assessing the…


Any Government needs to make sure that its citizens have enough of the right kinds of food to eat. After air and water, there is no more basic human need; but in assessing the adequacy of food supplies most Governments rely on data relating to production and external trade, rather than on a more direct measurement of food consumption. The statistical series Food Consumption Levels in the United Kingdom (which, despite its name, shows total amounts of foodstuffs available at a primary stage of distribution) can be matched in most developed countries; but such series cannot give any indication of the claims of different sections of the population on total supplies. In contrast, the annual reports of the National Food Survey Committee of Great Britain, entitled Household Food Consumption and Expenditure, provide a continuous evaluation of the amount and cost of food used by different types of household, a record on which a nutritional assessment can be based.


Nutrition & Food Science, vol. 72 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0034-6659

Publication date: 1 April 1977


Waste of food has been a concern to MAFF for a considerable period. Recently, because of worries over national and world food supplies, and the necessity for the UK to maintain a


Waste of food has been a concern to MAFF for a considerable period. Recently, because of worries over national and world food supplies, and the necessity for the UK to maintain a healthy import/export balance by making best use of its available materials, there has arisen within academic, industrial, public as well as govrnment circles a wider interest in the manner in which we utilise the basic food materials which we grow and import, and to what extent we actually consume the foodstuffs available. In November 1976, MAFF announced the setting up of a Food Waste Survey Unit “responsible for collecting and collating data on waste as it arises from the point at which food commodities enter into food processing, distribution and consumption, and for reviewing ways in which waste may be reduced or may be re‐cycled within the food chain or otherwise usefully employed”.


Nutrition & Food Science, vol. 77 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0034-6659

Book part
Publication date: 30 November 2020

Christina Öberg

This chapter reviews the literature on servitization to understand whether and how mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have been dealt with and what the portrayed consequences are of…


This chapter reviews the literature on servitization to understand whether and how mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have been dealt with and what the portrayed consequences are of servitization through M&As. Servitization refers to how manufacturing firms extend and remodel their offerings to focus on value in use rather than product transfer. The rationale of the chapter follows from how business model innovation or business modeling has been predicted as the next M&A wave, while the focus on servitization has been pronounced in research and practice as a means for manufacturing firms to refocus operations during the past decade. The chapter concludes that while the servitization literature is vibrant, the mode of reaching service competence and renewing business is not well explored in the literature. In line with the predicted next M&A wave, servitization through M&As would thereby create an interesting path for future research.

Book part
Publication date: 14 November 2022

Shovan Bhattacharya and Rajendra Prasad Sharma

The article consolidates the servitization knowledge base from an industrial equipment manufacturing firm's performance perspective. This conceptual review is offering an


The article consolidates the servitization knowledge base from an industrial equipment manufacturing firm's performance perspective. This conceptual review is offering an integration of the extant literature. The authors identified various advanced services impacting a firm's overall revenue, profitability, customer satisfaction, and loyalty. This paper provides a conceptual framework for industrial manufacturers' basic and advanced services to understand their relationship with various performance parameters. This study also provides a direction for future research with individual advanced services and their value cocreation with customers.


Exploring the Latest Trends in Management Literature
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80262-357-4




Servitization Strategy and Managerial Control
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78714-845-1



Servitization Strategy and Managerial Control
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78714-845-1

Book part
Publication date: 17 March 2020

Clara S. Hemshorn de Sánchez and Annika L. Meinecke

Across different research fields, it is increasingly acknowledged that gender is not a binary variable and goes beyond the male–female dichotomy. At the same time, gender is a


Across different research fields, it is increasingly acknowledged that gender is not a binary variable and goes beyond the male–female dichotomy. At the same time, gender is a prominent social cue that affects evaluations and interactions among individuals. Thus, gender can impact social processes on many levels in complex ways. Meetings provide arenas where key social processes unfold that are relevant to the organization. Understanding which role gender takes in this context is therefore central to organizations as well as meeting research. This chapter provides a critical review of research to date on social influence in meetings, specifically zooming in on the role of gender. The authors conducted a multi-step systematic literature review and identified 43 studies across a wide area of disciplines (e.g., psychology, communication, and management). The authors put special emphasis on the methodologies employed across this work since a comprehensive understanding of the applied methods is core for a synthesis of research results. Through the analysis, the authors pinpoint six variables – individual gender, sex role orientation, gender composition, gender salience, contextual factors such as task type and organizational settings, and the construction of gender as a social concept – that are directly related to gender and which represent factors that are critical for the role of gender in the meeting context. Thereby, this chapter aims to provide a roadmap for researchers and practitioners interested in the role of gender during workplace meetings. The authors conclude by highlighting methodological and managerial recommendations and suggest avenues for future research.


Managing Meetings in Organizations
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83867-227-0


Book part
Publication date: 26 July 2016

Ana Campos-Holland, Grace Hall and Gina Pol

The No Child Left Behind Act (2002) and Race to the Top (2009) led to the highest rate of standardized-state testing in the history of the United States of America. As a result…



The No Child Left Behind Act (2002) and Race to the Top (2009) led to the highest rate of standardized-state testing in the history of the United States of America. As a result, the Every Student Succeeds Act (2015) aims to reevaluate standardized-state testing. Previous research has assessed its impact on schools, educators, and students; yet, youth’s voices are almost absent. Therefore, this qualitative analysis examines how youth of color perceive and experience standardized-state testing.


Seventy-three youth participated in a semistructured interview during the summer of 2015. The sample consists of 34 girls and 39 boys, 13–18 years of age, of African American, Latino/a, Jamaican American, multiracial/ethnic, and other descent. It includes 6–12th graders who attended 61 inter-district and intra-district schools during the 2014–2015 academic year in a Northeastern metropolitan area in the United States that is undergoing a racial/ethnic integration reform.


Youth experienced testing overload under conflicting adult authorities and within an academically stratified peer culture on an ever-shifting policy terrain. While the parent-adult authority remained in the periphery, the state-adult authority intrusively interrupted the teacher-student power dynamics and the disempowered teacher-adult authority held youth accountable through the “attentiveness” rhetoric. However, youth’s perspectives and lived experiences varied across grade levels, school modalities, and school-geographical locations.


In this adult-dominated society, the market approach to education reform ultimately placed the burden of teacher and school evaluation on youth. Most importantly, youth received variegated messages from their conflicting adult authorities that threatened their academic journeys.


Education and Youth Today
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78635-046-6


Publication date: 27 May 2014

Niccolo Curatolo, Samir Lamouri, Jean-Charles Huet and André Rieutord

As reimbursements fall and costs for services climb, organizations are forced to follow the painful motto of doing more with less. A solution could be the adaptation of industrial…




As reimbursements fall and costs for services climb, organizations are forced to follow the painful motto of doing more with less. A solution could be the adaptation of industrial business process improvement (BPI) methods such as Lean to the hospital setting (HS). The purpose of this paper is to analyze if Lean approaches related in the literature provide sufficient methodological support for other practitioners to reproduce the reported results.


The authors analyzed the published Lean literature in the HS using a methodological maturity-level framework and what the authors defined as the 11 characteristic activities of BPI.


The literature analysis reveals that a Lean approach with a high-methodological maturity level that includes the 11 characteristic activities of BPI has never been reported. Considering this, the paper suggests a meta model for a high-methodological maturity-level Lean method based on the characteristic activities of BPI.


This is the first study on the Lean approach in the HS that evidences the absence of a robust Lean methodology in the literature. For Lean to be adopted and implemented by hospital practitioners a structured robust method should be provided.


Business Process Management Journal, vol. 20 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1463-7154


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