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Open Access
Publication date: 24 July 2024

Adil Ellikkal and S. Rajamohan

In todays highly competitive world, the purpose of this research is to emphasize the increasing significance of management education and advocate for the adoption of innovative



In todays highly competitive world, the purpose of this research is to emphasize the increasing significance of management education and advocate for the adoption of innovative teaching approaches, specifically focusing on artificial intelligence (AI)-driven personalized learning (PL). This study aims to explore the integration of self-determination theory (SDT) principles into management education, with a primary focus on enhancing student motivation, engagement and academic performance (AP).


This interdisciplinary research adopts a multifaceted approach, combining perspectives from AI, education and psychology. The design and methodology involve a thorough exploration of the theoretical foundations of both AI-driven education and SDT. The research demonstrates how these two elements can synergize to create a holistic educational experience. To substantiate the theoretical claims, empirical data-driven analyses are employed, showcasing the effectiveness of AI-enabled personalized learning (AIPL). The study integrates principles from SDT, such as autonomy, competence and relatedness, to create an environment where students are intrinsically motivated, receiving tailored instruction for optimal outcomes.


The study, rooted in SDT, demonstrates AIPLs transformative impact on management education. It positively influences studentsautonomy, competence and relatedness, fostering engagement. Autonomy is a key driver, strongly linked to improved AP. The path analysis model validates these relationships, highlighting AIs pivotal role in reshaping educational experiences and intrinsically motivating students.

Practical implications

This study holds substantial significance for educators, policymakers and researchers. The findings indicate that the AIPL model is effective in increasing student interest and improving AP. Furthermore, this study offers practical guidance for implementing AI in management education to empower students, enhance engagement and align with SDT principles.


Contribute original insights through an interdisciplinary lens. Synthesize AI and SDT principles, providing a roadmap for a more effective educational experience. Empirical data-driven analyses enhance credibility, offering valuable contributions for educators and policymakers in the technology-influenced education landscape.


Vilakshan - XIMB Journal of Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0973-1954


Open Access
Publication date: 9 July 2024

Giacomo Morri, Anna Dipierri and Federico Colantoni

This paper aims to explore the dynamic relationship between ESG scores and REITS returns. The overarching goal is to provide a better understanding of how ESG considerations impact



This paper aims to explore the dynamic relationship between ESG scores and REITS returns. The overarching goal is to provide a better understanding of how ESG considerations impact financial performance across different temporal contexts.


Using a sample of 175 European Equity REITs, this analysis combines numerical ESG scores with the Fama-French model, employing both random and fixed effects methods. It integrates individual REIT data and the HESGL (High ESG Scores Minus Low ESG Scores) factors to assess their impact on REIT returns.


The findings highlight divergent patterns between the numerical ESG score and the HESGL factor concerning REIT returns. While the numerical ESG score displays a negative impact in later periods, the HESGL factor demonstrates a positive effect during prosperous times but loses significance during crises.


This research contributes original insights by emphasizing the importance of temporal segmentation in understanding the nuanced and evolving nature of the relationship between ESG scores and REITsreturns. The study provides a comprehensive analysis and highlights divergent outcomes that are essential for a better interpretation of ESG impacts on real estate investments.


Journal of European Real Estate Research, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1753-9269


Open Access
Publication date: 16 July 2024

Tula Brannelly, Anjali Bhatia, Arezoo Zarintaj Malihi, Lucie Vanderpyl, Buster Brennan, Leo Gonzalez Perez, Fahima Saeid, Eleanor Holroyd and Nadia Charania

The purpose of this paper is to examine community based, trauma informed to support refugee mental health and wellbeing, recognising that refugee status is met through forced



The purpose of this paper is to examine community based, trauma informed to support refugee mental health and wellbeing, recognising that refugee status is met through forced displacement in which refugees have experience of personal human rights abuses and have survived atrocities in which family and community have been lost.


A co-production approach was taken to review existing literature and policy to produce a position statement on how to better meet the needs of people who experience mental distress who are refugees. The co-production was between refugee and mental health researchers and refugee representatives.


Understanding the mental health needs of refugees has conventionally focused on incidence of mental illness such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. If mental health and illness are understood as a continuum, diagnosis of mental illness indicates a significant problem, and furthermore access to services is predicated on risks associated with mental illness. When accessing mental health services, refugees have an added issue in a lack of communication availability and recognition of the trauma that they have survived.


In this paper, a different position is advocated, that understanding the mental health of refugees can be framed more effectively as a process of recovery from trauma that emerges during resettlement, and over a long period of time before people are able to talk about the trauma they experienced. Community-based responses that enable recovery from trauma are more readily able to meet the mental health and wellbeing needs of refugee communities.


Mental Health and Social Inclusion, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2042-8308


Open Access
Publication date: 22 July 2024

Rachid Boukbech and Mariem Liouaeddine

This paper aims to evaluate the impact of thePostliteracyprogram on the qualification of beneficiaries for socioeconomic integration. This qualification is achieved first



This paper aims to evaluate the impact of thePostliteracyprogram on the qualification of beneficiaries for socioeconomic integration. This qualification is achieved first through the consolidation of the achievements of individuals freed from illiteracy, and then through their support in creating income-generating activities by providing them with technical, economic, legal and institutional knowledge to ensure their conscious and responsible participation in local and regional development efforts.


To evaluate the impact of thePostliteracyprogram, this paper uses quasi-experimental methods with a control group (participants of theLiteracyprogram 2020 / 2021) and a treatment group (participants of thePostliteracyprogram 2021 / 2022). Skill acquisition is measured through pretest and posttest evaluations using a questionnaire aligned with the National Agency for the Fight Against Illiteracy (ANLCA)-adopted curriculum. The survey occurred at the beginning and at the end of the program, providing sufficient time for skill development. The questionnaire includes three sections covering socioprofessional characteristics, technical and economic domains and legal and institutional aspects. These sections contribute to a score reflecting the acquired skills for successful socioeconomic integration.


The results of the study demonstrate that thePostliteracyprogram has a positive impact on the acquisition of competences necessary for improved socioeconomic integration of the beneficiaries. The various matching techniques reveal a score difference ranging from 12 to 14 points in favor of program participants compared to those who did not participate. The Difference-in-Differences method confirms the positive and significant impact of the program.

Practical implications

The findings highlight the importance of thePostliteracyprogram in national literacy policy, underlining the need to further strengthen its presence within the programs deployed by ANLCA, notably by increasing the number of beneficiaries targeted by this program. To achieve this, it would be advisable to increase the funds allocated to it within ANLCA's budget.


The originality of this work is a unique research of the case of Morocco based on a microeconometric study for which the authors evaluate the impact of adult education by applying impact evaluation methods in the field of adult literacy.


Quality Education for All, vol. 1 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2976-9310


Open Access
Publication date: 17 July 2024

Simplice Asongu, Emeride F. Kayo, Vanessa Tchamyou and Therese E. Zogo

This article analyses the effect of bank concentration on women's political empowerment in 80 developing countries over the period 20042020.



This article analyses the effect of bank concentration on women's political empowerment in 80 developing countries over the period 20042020.


Banking concentration (BC) is measured by the assets held by the three largest commercial banks as a percentage of total commercial bank assets in a country. We use several indices to measure political empowerment, namely: the political empowerment index, composed of three indices (i.e. the women's civil liberties index, the women's participation in civil society index and the women's political participation index). The empirical evidence is based on the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Fixed Effects (FE) techniques.


The following findings are established. Banking concentration reduces women's political empowerment. Furthermore, information sharing offices (i.e. public credit registries and private credit bureaus) mitigate the negative effect of bank concentration on womens political empowerment. Information sharing thresholds that are needed to completely dampen the negative effect of bank concentration on womens political empowerment are provided. Policy implications are discussed, notably: (1) that governments in developing countries increase competition by easing barriers to entry for potential banks, to facilitate the transition from confiscatory concentration to distributive concentration favorable to all stakeholders; and (2) information sharing offices should be consolidated beyond the established thresholds in order to completely crowd-out the unfavorable effect of bank concentration of womens political empowerment.


The paper provides new empirical evidence that helps to advance the debate on the effects of banking concentration and information sharing in the banking sector on women's political empowerment in developing countries.


International Journal of Social Economics, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0306-8293


Open Access
Publication date: 11 July 2024

V Shunmugasundaram and Aashna Sinha

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of behavioral biases on investment decisions through a serial mediation of overconfidence and disposition effects.



The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of behavioral biases on investment decisions through a serial mediation of overconfidence and disposition effects.


The authors assess the behavioral biases affecting the investment decisions of life insurance policyholders through the serial mediation of overconfidence and disposition effects using a structured questionnaire. The study included 501 life insurance policyholders who were selected using a snowball sampling technique.


The results of this study revealed that behavioral biases influence the investment decisions of life insurance policyholders. The results also support the serial mediation model, where behavioral biases influence the investment decisions of life insurance policyholders via overconfidence and disposition effects.

Research limitations/implications

This study makes a theoretical contribution to the field of behavioral finance by exploring the influences of behavioral biases on investment decisions. It also introduces overconfidence and disposition effects as serial mediators between behavioral biases and investment decisions. The study will be helpful for researchers, academicians and policymakers in the development of a more comprehensive model in the area of behavioral finance and in raising awareness regarding those biases among policyholders in order to improve their investment strategy.


This study has extended the ongoing simple mediation model by integrating overconfidence and disposition effects in a serial mediation model between behavioral biases and investment decisions. The study will contribute to the area of behavioral finance, as it is the first time this particular study has been conducted according to the authorsknowledge.


Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2077-1886


Open Access
Publication date: 16 July 2024

Thanh D. Nguyen, Thi H. Cao, Tuan M. Nguyen and Tuan T. Nguyen

This literature review aims to explore the various aspects of psychological capital (PsyCap), including its theoretical foundations, measurement methods, and the factors directly



This literature review aims to explore the various aspects of psychological capital (PsyCap), including its theoretical foundations, measurement methods, and the factors directly associated with PsyCap.


The approach employed in this study is scientific document synthesis, with a specific emphasis on scholarly articles published between 2001 and 2023. The selection of articles is limited to those published in internationally renowned journals that are indexed by reputable databases, including ISI (WoS) and SJR (Scopus).


Psychological capital is closely linked to other concepts at different levels. Scholars are investigating various factors associated with PsyCap, including health, project success, service marketing, banking services. It is important to note that different research areas have varying conceptualizations and scales when it comes to PsyCap.


This literature review of related studies reveals a growing global interest among researchers in the concept of positive psychological capital. The research results have shown significant interest in the items related to PsyCap, and and the factors directly associated with it, including antecedents, mediators, moderators, and outcomes.


Asian Journal of Economics and Banking, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2615-9821


Open Access
Publication date: 11 July 2024

Lazarus Chapungu and Godwell Nhamo

This study aims to examine academic staffs engagement with sustainable development goals (SDGs) in higher education institutions.



This study aims to examine academic staffs engagement with sustainable development goals (SDGs) in higher education institutions.


The triangulation, convergence model of the mixed methods research design was adopted as the strategy for inquiry. A total of 56 questionnaires and 25 interviews were used to collect the data, and this was buttressed by document review and use of secondary data obtained from Scival.


The results show moderate levels of engagement of academic staff with the SDGs. However, SDGs familiarisation is not correlated with the rate of localisation. The lack of funding deflated political will by university management, demotivated academia and shrinking government support are the leading impediments to SDGs localisation.

Research limitations/implications

The results could be improved by using a larger sample size equally distributed across disciplines. Triangulation of academicsviews with those of students and non-academic staff could have improved the understanding of other dynamics involved in the localisation of SDGs by university teaching staff.

Practical implications

The results point towards the need for a university-based framework that interweaves national, institutional, thematic, structural and personal aspects into the SDGs implementation matrix. The underlying determinants of successful localisation of SDGs by academia need to be addressed through a bottom-up approach.


To the best of the authorsknowledge, this paper is the first attempt in Zimbabwe to exclusively look at University teaching staffs engagement with SDGs.


International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, vol. 25 no. 9
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1467-6370


Open Access
Publication date: 30 July 2024

Evan Witt

Many colleges and universities within USA higher education claim that their graduates understand global leadership. The purpose of this study is to explore undergraduate students’…



Many colleges and universities within USA higher education claim that their graduates understand global leadership. The purpose of this study is to explore undergraduate studentsunderstanding of global leadership through their participation in short-term study abroad leadership courses.


Utilizing a post-intentional phenomenological (PIP) framework, this qualitative study explored how the phenomenon of undergraduate studentsunderstanding of global leadership may take shape through their participation in short-term study abroad leadership courses. A secondary research question explored how the context of short-term study abroad leadership courses provokes studentsunderstanding of global leadership. Interviews were conducted with a diverse sample of twelve participants, either current students or alumni, from three institutions.


The four key productions of the phenomenon were developing a leadership identity, influences of experiences, perceived impact of short-term study abroad courses on understanding of global leadership and application of global leadership. Select productions and associated provocations are discussed.

Research limitations/implications

Based on these productions and provocations of the phenomenon, implications for leadership educators are provided.


This inquiry focuses on the phenomenon of undergraduate studentsunderstanding of global leadership to build on the knowledge about the experiences of students participating in short-term study abroad leadership courses. It fills a gap in the literature related to what is known about short-term study abroad leadership courses and outcomes from student participants. The methodology of this study as a PIP design further contributes to the need for qualitative research in leadership education. It is through this methodology that the diverse sample of student voices has been captured to inform our field of their experiences.


Journal of Leadership Education, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1552-9045


Open Access
Publication date: 30 July 2024

Lídia Oliveira, Ana Caria and Diogo Nunes

Based on the comprehensive definition of accounting of Carnegie et al. (2021a, 2021b), this study examines how visual imagery can expand and enhance accountability to stakeholders



Based on the comprehensive definition of accounting of Carnegie et al. (2021a, 2021b), this study examines how visual imagery can expand and enhance accountability to stakeholders and create room for more human-centric accounts. This study aims to understand how this use can elucidate and prompt interpretations of rhetorical features aimed at envisioning legitimacy and being perceived as accountable.


Following a methodological interpretative approach, this paper draws on a qualitative case study based on a Portuguese charity, the Santa Casa da Misericordia do Porto, from 2019 to 2021, including the COVID-19 crisis period, analysing visual rhetoric in annual and sustainability reports.


The study illuminates how the visual images interact and evoke shared cultural understandings, shaping meanings that can symbolically foster organisational legitimacy and envisions accountability. These symbolic and emotive elements capture and make visible social impacts and reflect broader societal concerns.


The study of visual images within the accounting context can enrich the understanding of accounting as a technical, social and moral practice, while expanding the scope of accountability and promoting a more human-centred approach to accounting. It also adds to the literature on the persuasiveness and rhetoric of accounting and reporting visualisations and on charitiesaccountability in crisis period.


Meditari Accountancy Research, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2049-372X


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