The Journal of Adult Protection: Volume 6 Issue 3

Evidence-based practice in relation to safeguarding adults


Table of contents

Initial conclusions on the design and validation of the ‘Inadequate Treatment Detection Scale’ for elders

Carmen Touza, M Segura, Carmen Prado

The pilot study described here is part of a domestic elder abuse detection project developed by a social services team in Madrid. The project's fundamental objective is to…

A multi‐method study on elder abuse and neglect in nursing homes

Thomas Goergen

This study provides data on elder abuse and neglect in German nursing homes. It uses a multimethod approach to analyse conditions leading to abusive and neglectful behaviour.

Elderly people at risk: a Norwegian model for community education and response

Olaug Juklestad

Awareness of the problem of elder abuse was aroused in Norway in the early 1980s. A pilot project conducted between 1991 and 1994, described here, established an important body of…

Challenging poor practice, abusive practice and inadequate complaints procedures: a personal narrative

Margaret Flynn

The impetus for this paper was the Channel 5 documentary Who Cares for Gary? and the combined efforts of the author, her family and friends to challenge practice within one of the…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Bridget Penhale
  • Dr Margaret Flynn