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Case study
Publication date: 20 January 2017

Karel Cool, Matt Seitz, Jason Mestrits, Sona Bajaria and Uday Yadati

Although Google had a stellar performance in Web search, many of its other services, such as Google Video, were less successful. This case describes how YouTube came to dominate…


Although Google had a stellar performance in Web search, many of its other services, such as Google Video, were less successful. This case describes how YouTube came to dominate the video market for user-generated content (UGC), while Google Video tried various entry strategies and ultimately failed, ending with the acquisition of YouTube. It also reviews the various competitors in the UGC market, chronicles the entry of established and new players in the area of professionally generated content (PGC), and outlines the key challenges related to monetizing the acquisition of YouTube for Google.

The case discusses when and how to enter winner-take-all markets characterized by very strong network externalities. It focuses on the strategies of new entrants vs. those of incumbents in adjacent industries that seek to leverage their resources and skills. Further, it sheds light on how new industries are created, how convergence is changing competitive forces, how important it is to be a first or late mover in new markets, and how successful entrants may struggle to achieve profitability.


Kellogg School of Management Cases, vol. no.
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2474-6568
Published by: Kellogg School of Management


Case study
Publication date: 7 March 2022

Yuliya Polozhentseva, Ulzhan Kazybekova, Madina Subalova and Anjan Ghosh

The learning outcomes are as follows: to understand the internal processes that take place in social media influencers operations; to evaluate the role communication and planning…


Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes are as follows: to understand the internal processes that take place in social media influencers operations; to evaluate the role communication and planning in the social media marketing process; to discover the importance of social media as a pinnacle of new communication mix tool; to make strategic decisions in managing a social media account; and to highlight how the team internal interactions could determine the success and profitability of the social media influencer.

Case overview/Synopsis

Case deals with the growth and managing issues faced by the social media influencers in Kazakhstan. The case shows the other side of social media marketing, where the main focus is shifted from the corporate clients, who use social media influencer, toward the influencers themselves and challenges faced by them. Hence, the case reveals the story of Jokeasses team, who are based in Kazakhstan with significant following both on Instagram and YouTube platforms. The decision-making dilemmas in the case focused upon not only the issues of brand formation but also how online brand could be transferred into profitable enterprise.

Complexity academic level


Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.

Subject code

CSS 3: Entrepreneurship.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 12 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621



Subject area

Strategic Management.

Study level/applicability

The case is designed for a) MBA students b) Short-duration executive MBA courses.

Case overview

The case refers to India’s leading steel company Tata Steel. Tata Tiscon, the steel rebar brand, is the organization’s leading retail brand. The case chronicles the period between the birth of the retail brand in the year 2000, its dramatic rise and dominance, to the end of 2013 when some of its initiatives had failed. Tata Tiscon was established as a pan Indian brand on the dint of a distribution network comprising 33 distributors and over 2000 retailers, many of them exclusive to the brand. The brand spawned a series of innovation in the category like “selling by piece”, fixed price concept and “free” home delivery. Together with its channel partners, the company achieved dramatic success which was reflected in its leading market share coupled with significant price premium in a category where price had traditionally being the only selling pitch. After 2010, the company saw an emerging challenge in the form of a new business model, where some companies were gearing to provide the complete portfolio of construction material including cement, steel, etc., and a turnkey construction solution for house builders. Tata Tiscon responded by attempting to enter the service space by launching a building design solution and later a construction supervision solution. Both of these initiatives failed. The protagonist of the case is Mr Keshav Viswanath (Chief of Marketing for retail business at Tata Steel), who is concerned with the failures of these key initiatives and is wondering how to ensure the “leader” status of Tata Tiscon in coming years.

Expected earning outcomes

The students are expected to understand how a core strategy like differentiation is implemented successfully in “practice”; understand the exploitation–exploration dichotomy in an organization; appreciate difference between radical innovation (based on new organizational routines, new business partners and new relationships) and incremental innovation based on fine tuning of existing organizational routines and relationships.

Supplementary materials

Rebar production:; Tata TISCON AV:; TQM – The Toyota Way:; Disruptive vs. Incremental Innovation:; Approach to innovation is dead wrong:

Subject code

CSS 11: Strategy.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 6 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 29 November 2016

Kerryn Ayanda Malindi Krige and Margie Sutherland

This case was developed to explore what social entrepreneurship looks like in an emerging market context. It tells the story of Neil Campher, a self-identified social entrepreneur…


Subject area

This case was developed to explore what social entrepreneurship looks like in an emerging market context. It tells the story of Neil Campher, a self-identified social entrepreneur working in South Africa, a country that has recently been awarded middle income status by the World Bank despite sharing a ranking with Syria on the Human Development Index. In environments of deep market failure, what does social enterprise look like? and can you sustain change in communities of extreme poverty? The case looks at the academic characteristics of social entrepreneurs and applies them to Neil to see if he “qualifies”. It has a particular focus on the bricoleur social entrepreneur. It explores concepts of poverty, and looks at sustainability, achieved through asset-based community development. It explores the need for organisations to transition in response to the environment and provides a tool to assess sustainability. The value of the paper is in exploring what social entrepreneurship looks like in an emerging market context. It also raises important questions on sustainability in environments which are inherently constrained.

Study level/applicability

This case study is aimed at students of social entrepreneurship, development studies, sustainable livelihoods and asset-based development. It is written at an Honours level and is therefore appropriate for use in customised or short programmes. The case study is a good introduction for students with a background in business (e.g. Diploma in Business Administration/MBA/custom programmes) who are wanting to understand social enterprise and blended theories of social and economic change.

Case overview

The case study follows self-identified social entrepreneur Neil Campher in the grime and crime-ridden township of Helenvale, outside Port Elizabeth, in South Africa. Campher has given up his glitzy career as a financier in the economic hub of Johannesburg and returned to his home town, drawn by a need to give back. Helenvale used to be where he and his school friends would hide from the apartheid police, but as an adult, his friends are focused on strengthening and progressing the community. Campher’s entry point to change is a small waste recycling project, and the case study looks at how he uses this as a lever to achieve deeper structural change in the community. The teaching case exposes several questions around social entrepreneurship and change: what is social entrepreneurship in an emerging context and is Campher a social entrepreneur? What is community led change and can it be sustainable? Campher’s dilemma is around sustainability – has his extensive involvement of the community been enough to achieve progress in Helenvale?

Expected learning outcomes

The case study gives insight into social entrepreneurship in a developing country context. It highlights the nuances in definition and introduces the importance of context in shaping the social entrepreneur. The case is an opportunity for students to interrogate ideas on poverty and classical interpretations of social entrepreneurship and relate them to a small community that mirrors the macro country context in South Africa. The case study shows how asset-based approaches to development are interlinked with basic principles of social entrepreneurship. It shows that sustainability is more than a secure and predictable income stream and the need for community engagement and commitment to the solution. In tackling these issues, the case questions sustainability potential and the need for the organisation to transition to respond to opportunity and the changing environment.

Supplementary materials

Video X1 5minute video interview with Neil Campher 5min: YouTube Video of Campher from Interview 1 (live from 01 April 2016) Video News report of gang violence in Helenvale 3min: YouTube. This is a quick visual introduction to Helenvale. It is a news clip, so is particularly focused on the angle of the story. It includes interviews with residents. The site Northern Areas burning 2min: YouTube is a collection of video footage from a local reporter which shows Helenvale and its surroundings. The site shows the Text Global Competitiveness Report: South Africa; the first page gives additional information on social and economic development in South Africa, highlighting developed/developing country attributes. It also highlights how Helenvale is a microcosm of the negative social development indicators in South Africa ( Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.

Subject code

CSS 3: Entrepreneurship.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 6 no. 4
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 13 December 2019

Nathaniel C. Lupton, Angélica Sánchez and Annette Kerpel

1. Entender los desafíos contextuales que enfrenta una empresa de mercado emergente, y qué se debe hacer para superarlos. 2. Entender el rol de una empresa a la hora de…


Learning outcomes

1. Entender los desafíos contextuales que enfrenta una empresa de mercado emergente, y qué se debe hacer para superarlos. 2. Entender el rol de una empresa a la hora de desarrollar una competencia nacional en la industria de los productos agrícolas. 3. Demostrar la creación de “valor compartido” y examinar cómo la misión social de una compañía puede reforzar y sostener las actividades que generan valor económico. 4. Generar y evaluar opciones para desarrollar mercados internacionales cuando una empresa tiene recursos limitados para invertir en actividades de mercadeo.

Case overview/synopsis

Pacari Chocolate es la marca insignia de SKS Farms CIA Ltda., ubicada en Quito Ecuador. La compañía se especializa en producir chocolate orgánico que vende en Ecuador y exporta a otros mercados de Latinoamérica, Europa y Norteamérica. La compañía inició operaciones en 2002, fundada por Carla Barbotó y su esposo Santiago Peralta. Carla es la Directora de SKS y Santiago es el Gerente General. El caso se desarrolla justo después de que Santiago negoció un trato para suplir a Emirates Airlines con minibarras de chocolate para los pasajeros de la aerolínea. Santiago se encuentra emocionado por este nuevo trato, que proporcionará una corriente de ingresos nueva, mejorará la imagen de la marca, y potencialmente creará nuevos clientes. Carla y Santiago buscan la excelencia de sus productos, como lo evidencian más de 160 premios, muchos de estos reconocidos a nivel global. Sin embargo, su misión también es sumamente social, pues buscan mejorar las vidas de los agricultores andinos, de los pueblos indígenas y de la sociedad ecuatoriana en general. El autor principal emplea este caso en un curso sobre enfoques innovadores para aprovechar oportunidades en mercados emergentes, en los cuales el valor compartido (social + económico) y la creación de industrias nacionales fuertes son resultados clave, que se deben abordar mediante estrategias de emprendimiento mercantiles y no mercantiles.

Complexity academic level

de licenciatura, maestría.

Supplementary materials

Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.

Subject code

CSS 3: Entrepreneurship.

Supplementary materials

Hay varios videos en Youtube que se pueden usar para complementar este caso: Pacari Chocolates Reino Unido por Fair Business Alliance: En este video en inglés, de cinco minutos, Santiago Peralta discute el cultivo de cacao y la producción de chocolate en Ecuador, discute los productos de Pacari y los sabores de “fino de aroma” propios de sus productos. El video incluye imágenes de todo el proceso de producción del chocolate, incluyendo el cultivo y cosecha del cacao y la producción de chocolate en las instalaciones de SKS Farm. Hay una variedad de videos en español, incluyendo: Pacari Chocolates Ecuador: Chocolate con una misión: Carla Barboto y Santiago Peralta (TEDx Talks, Quito): Es posible que los instructores quieran usar imágenes de la presentación de mercadeo de Pacari, que está en ESTAS DIAPOSITIVAS.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 9 no. 4
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 21 March 2022

Navneet Senecha and Ritu Srivastava

After studying and analyzing this case, students will be able to: understand and evaluate the integrated marketing communications (IMC) strategy for online businesses; understand…


Learning outcomes

After studying and analyzing this case, students will be able to: understand and evaluate the integrated marketing communications (IMC) strategy for online businesses; understand and create the various components of an IMC plan; determine the challenges of scaling up a business and how social media marketing can help in that; learn how to assemble the positioning statement of a startup; determine and differentiate the different business models (revenue models); and understand and create the social media marketing strategy.

Case overview/synopsis

It was late April 2021, and Mr Srinivas Rao, the co-founder and director of Mentorrd EduTech, India, was contemplating the journey of more than five years. Much had changed since the startup Mentorrd Education Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Mentorrd EduTech) was launched in 2015. From being an online artificial intelligence (AI)-based tool for analyzing and building resumes, Mentorrd expanded to specialized premium services for career development catering to MBA aspirants from India to international markets. However, during the same time, many problems had also started showing up. The competition had increased, and conversions became difficult. Mentorrd generated 95% of its leads through Google Ads pay per click (PPC) advertising. However, now, the increased competition made PPC costlier, where Mentorrd started at INR 10 per click but was now paying INR 50 per click. The customers also were only limited to searching for keywords; hence, actual lead conversion was minimal. Mentorrd was present on different social media platforms and had developed an audience: LinkedIn (close to 10,000 followers), Facebook (1,600+ followers) and Twitter (numbers), but conversions from there were only contributing to 5% of the total revenue.Mr Rao wondered that with a change in demand from general review services to specialist resume and interview preparation services such as MBA, he would have to develop a sound social media strategy integrated with the current Google Ads usage to reach the audience and generate conversions. He had a limited marketing budget which he wanted to use most effectively but was not sure how to spend across platforms.

Complexity academic level

This case can be used as an IMC strategy case for MBA courses in marketing. In a marketing course, the focus should be on components of IMC strategy, customer perception, company positioning and marketing channels. The case can also be applied as a strategy case for courses in entrepreneurship or digital marketing strategy. In an entrepreneurship course, the focus should be on the business model, growth and scaling decisions a startup needs to make to grow the business. In a digital marketing strategy course, the focus should be on social media marketing and search engine marketing decisions and the implications for revenues and profits. The case can also be used in executive-level courses to illustrate IMC, growth and digital marketing strategies for a startup.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 8: Marketing.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 12 no. 2
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 21 January 2021

Mohanbir Sawhney and Pallavi Goodman

After the successful release of the first Hunger Games film in 2012, the film's distributor, Lionsgate, was preparing to release the next movie in the series, Hunger Games


After the successful release of the first Hunger Games film in 2012, the film's distributor, Lionsgate, was preparing to release the next movie in the series, Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Fan expectations had grown after the success of the first film, and Lionsgate faced the challenge of keeping moviegoers interested and engaged in another Hunger Games movie. In an era marked by the rising popularity of digital and social media, Lionsgate knew that attracting fans to a sequel meant pushing the boundaries of traditional marketing tactics.

Digital brand storytelling is about using digital media in a holistic way to tell a brand story and build excitement for an audience. Brand storytelling seeks to make a connection with the audience by giving them an emotional experience that resonates with them. While Lionsgate was aware that traditional marketing would need to be blended with a digital campaign to bring in moviegoers, it also needed to strike a careful balance between the two and choose the appropriate platforms to tell a cohesive story. Should Lionsgate launch a brand storytelling campaign to appeal to fans? Lionsgate's comparatively small marketing team gathered to brainstorm about how to execute such a campaign and position the film for another big success.


Kellogg School of Management Cases, vol. no.
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2474-6568
Published by: Kellogg School of Management


Case study
Publication date: 5 June 2017

Radhika Ramanchi, Sunita Mehta and Madhavi Vedera

This case helps students to analyze non-financial and financial aspects of a company and observe quantitative and qualitative aspects of decisions and decide whether to invest or…


Subject area

This case helps students to analyze non-financial and financial aspects of a company and observe quantitative and qualitative aspects of decisions and decide whether to invest or not and give suggestions to sell, buy or hold stocks. The case is expected to help the students understand and analyze the following points: the overall performance of the company and industry, how fundamental and technical analysis is applied to reach investment decisions, the areas where Jet Airways occupies the top position compared to peer group (competitor analysis), the company’s financial position and valuation with the help of tools and techniques and suggestions and observations to shareholders whether to buy/sell or hold shares.

Study level/applicability

This case can be used for MBA (Finance) students on equity research and valuation. Students are introduced to the fundamental procedures of equity research and analysis – evaluating sector desirability, financial modeling, equity valuation methods. To enhance research skills, students are required to acquire basic knowledge on macro and micro economic indicators. This case helps students to analyze non financial and financial aspects of a company and observe quantitative and qualitative aspects of decisions and decide whether to invest or not and give suggestions to sell, buy or hold stocks.

Case overview

Mr Rahul, a consultant in Karvey brokerage house was about to leave the office on the evening of March 24, 2015 when the phone rang. It was Mr Srirag, one of his clients and close friends who was passionate about investing in shares. Mr Rahul with his two decades of experience in monitoring and advising various investment plans has been continuously advising Srirag on different investments in shares. Srirag said “Rahul! You know that I bought many shares in Jet Airways. While studying the annual reports of Jet Airways 2014-2015 about its business profits and losses, I came across a January to March, 2013 business quarter analysis report that wrote about Jet Airways facing a net loss of 4.95 billion rupees due to over debt burden and interest costs. It also stated that the company sold a 24 per cent stake in 2013 to Etihad for 332$ million which is an Abu Dhabi based airline. The news said that the deal would help the company overcome financial challenges, raise cash, cut costs and gain access to the global flight network. I am worried about whether this deal would allow the company to continue its operations from India or not. I am also concerned about the downfall of Kingfisher, a major setback in the aviation industry in India that owes 8,000 crores to its employees, banks, airports, oil companies. I am worried that either my investment in Jet Airways might bring huge losses or the partnership with Etihad airways would result in the reduction of costs and due to joint sales efforts, sharing resources and network integration thereby leading to a valuable share price. Since your guidance has helped in many issues, I would like to know the present condition and future prospectus prevailing in Jet Airways”. With a lot of ambiguity in his mind, he asked Rahul to recommend if he should hold or sell the shares in Jet Airways.

Expected learning outcomes

The case is expected to help the students understand and analyze the following points: the overall performance of the company and industry, how fundamental and technical analysis is applied to reach investment decisions, the areas where Jet Airways occupies the top position compared to peer group (Competitor analysis), the company’s financial position and valuation with the help of tools and techniques and suggestions and observations to shareholders on whether to buy/sell or hold shares.

Supplementary materials

The link to the following videos to be sent to participants in advance to help them prepare for the class., Equity Research Presentation: Coca-Cola, Write Equity Research Report, format, process, Equity Valuation and Analysis-Part I.

Subject code

CSS 1: Accounting and Finance.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 7 no. 2
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 28 May 2019

Heidi M.J. Bertels

The case ties together a number of marketing concepts and theories within the context of a startup which might be addressed in an entrepreneurship or marketing course. The case…


Theoretical basis

The case ties together a number of marketing concepts and theories within the context of a startup which might be addressed in an entrepreneurship or marketing course. The case focuses on niche, digital, and social media marketing and utilizes fundamental marketing concepts such as target market, value proposition, brand positioning, the marketing communications mix and the adopter categories of the diffusion of innovation theory.

Research methodology

The case is based on interviews from 2014 to 2017 with the founder of Lammily, Nickolay Lamm, supplemented by internet research.

Case overview/synopsis

Lammily is a startup company in its second year of existence which produces toys that embody realism: a fashion doll with proportions based on an average 19-year-old American woman, a sticker set of common body markings such as booboos and cellulite to make dolls look realistically, and doll outfits. After the company’s initial success in 2014, fueled by positive publicity from online media eager to share information about the average doll project, sales were flat. Nickolay Lamm, the founder of Lammily, started to feel the heat to acquire new customers in ways that did not rely solely on digital word-of mouth. In response, Lammily commissioned a direct response TV commercial in the Summer of 2015, but it failed to lead to significant new customer growth. This case describes how Nickolay struggles to move beyond the launch phase of his entrepreneurial venture and turn his startup into a business with a sustainable customer base. Facing stagnating growth and established competitors with deep pockets, Nickolay needs to figure out why the TV commercial did not work for Lammily and what his new plan to acquire new customers will be.

Complexity academic level

This case would be well-positioned in an undergraduate or graduate-level entrepreneurship course that exposes students to the challenges of promoting a new brand and marketing a new line of products in a competitive market with established competitors. It is also good a good fit for a general marketing or entrepreneurial marketing course. The case focuses on how a startup can optimize its advertising strategy for a niche market to stimulate growth with a limited budget by using digital marketing techniques.


The CASE Journal, vol. 15 no. 2
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 1544-9106


Case study
Publication date: 16 December 2022

Sanam Sunnatullayevna Mirzaliyeva, Kamalika Chakraborty, Samir Biswas, Dina Berikkyzy and Dina Tleubek

After the case discussion in class, the audience is expected to:▪ Apply the use of management tools in identifying core competencies in the sustenance and growth of a…


Learning outcomes

After the case discussion in class, the audience is expected to:▪ Apply the use of management tools in identifying core competencies in the sustenance and growth of a venture.▪ Evaluate the sustainability of the core competencies using relevant tools and frameworks.▪ Assess using relevant criteria whether firms should diversify or not?

Case overview/synopsis

The case highlights the experience and obstacles encountered by a Kazakh entrepreneur, Moldakhmetova, who is exploring her long-term business continuity choices. Moldakhmetova ran her own tailoring business, which focused mostly on designing and creating national costumes worn at weddings and concerts. However, she was confronted with a number of obstacles pertaining to the long-term viability of her enterprise, especially with the commencement of the Covid pandemic. The volume of national costume sales was affected by the declaration of the lockdown and restrictions on concerts and celebrations. As the lockdown lifted and orders started to pour in, Moldakhmetova pondered the long-term viability of her business venture. In addition, the availability of inexpensive ready-made Moldakhemetova costumes in Almaty (one of the major cities) made her question whether or not they were her competitors. Thus, Atlas contemplated many choices as potential answers to the question of the enterprise's long-term viability. She was currently faced with the dilemma of selecting the most feasible solution from the possibilities she had identified.

Complexity academic level

BBA and MBA programs.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only. Students are recommended to watch the video about the Kazakh folk style of clothing at: (25 minutes). Students can watch the following video about specific embroidery styles applied in Kazakh national clothing at: (first 10 minutes of video). The case could be used in online teaching via the Padlet platform.

Subject Code

CSS: 11: Strategy.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 12 no. 4
Type: Case Study


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