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Publication date: 8 September 2021

Filzah Md Isa, Shaista Noor, Nik Maheran Nik Mohammad and Mohd Muttaqin Mohd Adnan

The ageing population is a rising issue worldwide, including in Malaysia, which leads to an increase in older people compared to children. Malaysia is a relatively “younger”…



The ageing population is a rising issue worldwide, including in Malaysia, which leads to an increase in older people compared to children. Malaysia is a relatively “younger” country compared to its Asian counterparts such as Japan and China. The demographic projections by the Department of Statistics of Malaysia state that by 2035 approximately 15% of its population would be above 60 years old. The powerful demographic trend of the ageing of the Malaysian population has consequences for the entire society and its economy. One of the biggest challenges for the Malaysian Government is to provide adequate facilities to the elderly in terms of care and support. For this purpose, around 365 registered and various unregistered centres are working throughout Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak. The government, non-governmental organisations, the private sector and various religious organisations run these centres. These centres provide residential and health-care services to elderlies, whereas the centre’s operators face multiple challenges in the overall operation of the centre. The purpose of this study to highlight the leadership and decision making challenges among elderly care centre operators.


The result highlights that both men and women operators face leadership and decision-making challenges for centre management. Regarding decision-making, women are experiencing more failures in proper decision-making than men. However, women operators are keen to learn from failures for appropriate decision-making.


The result highlights that both men and women operators face leadership and decision-making challenges for centre management. Regarding decision-making, women are experiencing more failures in proper decision-making than men. However, women operators are keen to learn from failures for appropriate decision-making. The present study will help the new operators to persevere in their business ventures, and policymakers look into the best supports to enhance elderly care centre operator’s success.


The present study will help the new operators to persevere in their business ventures, and policymakers look into the best supports to enhance elderly care centre operator’s success.


Leadership in Health Services, vol. 34 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1751-1879


Book part
Publication date: 18 November 2013



Intellectual Capital and Public Sector Performance
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78350-169-4

Publication date: 26 June 2024

Sukanya Wadhwa and Seshadev Sahoo

This study aims to investigate the impact of intellectual capital (IC) on investor demand (i.e. subscription rate). The rise of the knowledge economy motivates us to investigate…



This study aims to investigate the impact of intellectual capital (IC) on investor demand (i.e. subscription rate). The rise of the knowledge economy motivates us to investigate how the value added by the IC of the issuing firms affects potential investors’ responses.


This study investigates the impact of IC on initial public offering (IPO) subscription rates using 234 IPOs from March 31, 2010 to March 31, 2021. This study uses multivariate regression, including year and industry dummies, and conduct robustness tests with industry subsamples. Additionally, this paper uses an alternative demand proxy (i.e. listing day returns) and two-staged least squares to address endogeneity.


This paper documents an inverse relationship between investor demand and human capital efficiency alongside a positive correlation between investor demand and structural capital efficiency. Additionally, IC efficiency positively affects listing day returns, with individual investor demand significantly driven by institutional investors.


This study uses Pulic’s (2000) methodology for measuring IC and examines whether it reduces information asymmetry in the IPO market and encourages investors to subscribe to an issue. This study holds significant implications for IPO issuing firms, investors and regulators regarding the IC disclosure in the prospectus.

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