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Publication date: 12 December 2023

Qingjin Lin, Loo-See Beh and Nurul Liyana Mohd Kamil

This study aims to explore the associations between leadership styles (i.e. transformational and ethical) and innovative work behavior within higher education institutions (HEIs)…



This study aims to explore the associations between leadership styles (i.e. transformational and ethical) and innovative work behavior within higher education institutions (HEIs), additionally investigating the mediating role of work engagement and the moderating role of psychological empowerment.


The basis of this study rested upon adopting a cross-sectional research framework. The data were acquired from a sample comprising 825 academic staff and 275 leaders across 226 HEIs in China. Employing a quantitative methodology, the researchers used AMOS version 26.0 and SPSS version 22.0 for statistical analysis.


The results indicated that leadership styles (i.e. transformational and ethical) positively affected innovative work behavior, both directly and indirectly (via work engagement). Also, psychological empowerment moderated the linkage between leadership styles and innovative work behavior but not the association between work engagement and innovative work behavior.


Despite some existing literature having discussed the correlation between leadership styles and innovative work behavior, there appears to be a conspicuous dearth of research endeavoring to explore the mediator (i.e. work engagement) and the moderator (i.e. psychological empowerment) within the above nexus, especially in the context of HEIs. Thus, this study can be considered original, introducing novel perspectives and substantial contributions to the management literature on HEIs. In addition, it offers insights for organizational managers.


Kybernetes, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0368-492X


Publication date: 13 September 2022

Imran Shafique, Masood Nawaz Kalyar, Muhammad Shafique, Aino Kianto and Loo-See Beh

This study examines the relationship between knowledge management (KM) capability and innovation ambidexterity, and their subsequent influence on firm performance. It also…



This study examines the relationship between knowledge management (KM) capability and innovation ambidexterity, and their subsequent influence on firm performance. It also investigates whether organizational structure – in terms of connectedness and centralization – helps to develop a suitable context that either hinders or catalyzes the effectiveness of KM capability in predicting innovation ambidexterity.


Data were collected from 336 manufacturing organizations in Pakistan using a random sampling technique. Partial least square-based structural equation modelling (PLS–SEM) was employed to analyze the data.


Results reveal that KM capability is positively linked with innovation ambidexterity and firm performance. Innovation ambidexterity positively mediates the link between KM capability and firm performance. Connectedness positively moderates the association between KM capability and innovation ambidexterity. However, centralization negatively moderates the link between KM capability and innovation ambidexterity.

Research limitations/implications

This research offers theoretical insights into when and how KM capability is effective in prompting performance through innovation ambidexterity by creating a suitable context.

Practical implications

The study indicates that innovation may develop in an ambidextrous manner in an organization as long as the organization is proficient in creating a suitable context, i.e. structure to support it. Organizations should strive to develop sustained KM capabilities because these are seminal for enabling the challenging task of exploiting existing resources for innovation while also tapping on new opportunities for explorative breakthroughs.


This research contributes to a novel understanding regarding the importance of KM capability in fostering manufacturing organizations to engage in ambidexterity by creating a suitable context where optimal amount of each form of innovation activities is calibrated using KM capability.


  1. Knowledge management capability is crucial for simultaneous exploitation and exploration of innovation

  2. Innovation ambidexterity (i.e. simultaneous exploitation and exploration of innovation) fosters firm performance

  3. Innovation ambidexterity mediates the positive effect of knowledge management capability on firm performance

  4. Connectedness strengthens the relationship between knowledge management capability and innovation ambidexterity

  5. Centralization weakens the effect of knowledge management capability on innovation ambidexterity

  6. Innovation can be developed in an ambidextrous way in organizations as long as organizations have knowledge-based competencies and proficient in creating suitable context

Knowledge management capability is crucial for simultaneous exploitation and exploration of innovation

Innovation ambidexterity (i.e. simultaneous exploitation and exploration of innovation) fosters firm performance

Innovation ambidexterity mediates the positive effect of knowledge management capability on firm performance

Connectedness strengthens the relationship between knowledge management capability and innovation ambidexterity

Centralization weakens the effect of knowledge management capability on innovation ambidexterity

Innovation can be developed in an ambidextrous way in organizations as long as organizations have knowledge-based competencies and proficient in creating suitable context


Business Process Management Journal, vol. 28 no. 5/6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1463-7154


Publication date: 17 October 2019

Rosintansafinas Munir and Loo-See Beh

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of the organizational creative climate, knowledge sharing and innovative work behavior in startups development. This study also…




The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of the organizational creative climate, knowledge sharing and innovative work behavior in startups development. This study also aims to discover the R square, predictive relevance and effect size of the developed model.


A quantitative method was used, and a total of 352 usable questionnaires were collected from employees at startups particularly in services sector in Malaysia. The structural equation was developed to explain the complicated relationship between organizational creative climate, knowledge sharing and innovative work behavior. The results of hypothesis were analyzed using structural equation modeling – partial least square (SEM-PLS) test.


The results indicate that organizational creative climate significantly influence innovative work behavior (H1), organizational climate positively affects knowledge sharing (H2) and knowledge sharing significantly influence innovative work behavior (H3). In addition, the results also show that the R square values of innovative work behavior is weak (R2 = 0.067), while the predictive relevance value demonstrating the model has sufficient predictive relevance. Further, the results of effect size show medium effect for organizational creative climate and knowledge, while the remaining indicates small effect size.

Practical implications

This study provides a comprehensible and clear understanding on how organizational creative climate and knowledge sharing play important role in fostering the individual innovative work behavior in Malaysian startups.


Research on the significance of organizational creative climate, knowledge sharing and to innovative work behavior particularly in the startups context has not been sufficiently explored. This study shed new light to the startups eco-system stakeholders in stimulating individual innovative work behavior through the practices of sharing information as well as the creative climate and innovative elements in the entrepreneurial activities.

Book part
Publication date: 23 April 2018

Loo-See Beh

This chapter highlights how Malaysia has experienced a successful economy through different stages since independence. The development, administration and institution-building…


This chapter highlights how Malaysia has experienced a successful economy through different stages since independence. The development, administration and institution-building phase was followed by reform initiatives throughout the years. Master Industrial Plans, 5-year development plans and other mid-term plans are used, which include governance and performance management reform. Today, public service reform continues to evolve with emphasis on better services, e-government and one-stop clearance centres. Under the Government Transformation Programme launched in 2010, seven National Key Results Areas have been identified, e.g., reducing crime, fighting corruption, improving education, and raising living standards of low-income households. Within this, political transformation programme, digital transformation programme, community transformation programme and social transformation programme have been created that advance public sector reforms. This chapter shows that while states and leaders remain powerful actors, leaders recognise a need to reform and overcome unethical and inefficient bureaucratic dysfunctions, or keep them at a minimum. Leaders manage such problems by using transparency to address problems of vested interests, stringent audits and punishing civil servants for criminal breaches of trust, removal of ministerial control over government-linked companies and removing resisting actors. Yet, more reforms in shepherding public service renewal are needed in sustaining reforms and reputations of public institutions. The author calls for increased values-based leadership that is inclusive at the highest levels.


Leadership and Public Sector Reform in Asia
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78743-309-0


Publication date: 14 March 2016

Qile He, Abby Ghobadian, David Gallear, Loo-See Beh and Nicholas O'Regan

– Recognizing the heterogeneity of services, this paper aims to clarify the characteristics of forward and the corresponding reverse supply chains of different services.




Recognizing the heterogeneity of services, this paper aims to clarify the characteristics of forward and the corresponding reverse supply chains of different services.


The paper develops a two-dimensional typology matrix, representing four main clusters of services according to the degree of input standardization and the degree of output tangibility. Based on this matrix, this paper develops a typology and parsimonious conceptual models illustrating the characteristics of forward and the corresponding reverse supply chains of each cluster of services.


The four main clusters of service supply chains have different characteristics. This provides the basis for the identification, presentation and explanation of the different characteristics of their corresponding reverse service supply chains.

Research limitations/implications

The findings of this research can help future researchers to analyse, map and model forward and reverse service supply chains, and to identify potential research gaps in the area.


The findings of the research can help managers of service firms to gain better visibility of their forward and reverse supply chains, and refine their business models to help extend their reverse/closed-loop activities. Furthermore, the findings can help managers to better optimize their service operations to reduce service gaps and potentially secure new value-adding opportunities.


This paper is the first, to the authors ' knowledge, to conceptualize the basic structure of the forward and reverse service supply chains while dealing with the high level of heterogeneity of services.


Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, vol. 21 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1359-8546


Publication date: 14 March 2016

Loo-See Beh, Abby Ghobadian, Qile He, David Gallear and Nicholas O'Regan

The authors examine the role of entrepreneurial business models in the reverse supply chain of apparel/fashion retailers. The purpose of this paper is to offer an alternative…




The authors examine the role of entrepreneurial business models in the reverse supply chain of apparel/fashion retailers. The purpose of this paper is to offer an alternative approach to the “return to the point of origin” prevalent in the reverse chain of manufacturers but less technically and economically feasible in the case of apparel/fashion retailers. This approach, second-life retailing, not only reduces waste but also democratises consumption.


The paper is based on an extensive literature review, semi-structured interviews with managers of two second-life retailers in Malaysia and observations of a number of stores.


Using the Business Model Canvas, the authors demonstrate the essential characteristics of second-life retailers. Retailers in this study, unlike retailers in the developed world, combine traditional business models with off-price retailing. There is no clear demarcation between the forward and reverse supply chain used to manage first- and second-hand retailing.

Practical implications

The paper demonstrates the potential of innovative business models in the reverse supply chain. It encourages managers to look beyond the “return to the point of origin” and seek imaginative alternatives. Such alternatives potentially could result in additional revenue, enhanced sustainability and democratisation of consumption meeting triple bottom line objectives.


This paper highlights the importance and relevance of entrepreneurial business models in addressing the reverse supply chain, demonstrating this with the aid of two Malaysian off-price retailers. It also contributes to our nascent knowledge by focusing on emerging markets.


Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, vol. 21 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1359-8546


Content available
Book part
Publication date: 23 April 2018



Leadership and Public Sector Reform in Asia
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78743-309-0

Book part
Publication date: 23 April 2018

Evan Berman

This introductory chapter explains why public sector reforms matter and why a focus on Asia and leadership is needed. It also provides an overview of highlights, lessons and…


This introductory chapter explains why public sector reforms matter and why a focus on Asia and leadership is needed. It also provides an overview of highlights, lessons and conclusions in this book. Cases of successful public sector reforms usually show leadership by central agencies, with support of the office of President or Prime Minister. While laws and rules are commonly used to further reform, cases show that more is needed to ensure success and sustainability. A range of strategies include heightened accountability, personnel changes, supporting change leaders in departments, reform through capacity development, and learning from innovations other jurisdictions. Conclusions include suggestions for further research.


Leadership and Public Sector Reform in Asia
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78743-309-0

Publication date: 21 November 2022

This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.




This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies.


This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context.


Firm performance can be significantly enhanced through appropriate emphasis on both exploitative and exploratory innovation. Effective knowledge managements help to facilitate innovation ambidexterity, which further benefits from a supportive organizational structure strongly oriented toward connectedness.


The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.


Strategic Direction, vol. 38 no. 12
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0258-0543


Publication date: 21 February 2024

Mohammed Awad Alshahrani, Muhammad Zafar Yaqub and Mahmoud Abdulhadi Alabdali

Based on the intellectual capital (IC) theory and the resource-based view (RBV), the paper seeks to elucidate the direct and indirect relationships between IC and competitive…



Based on the intellectual capital (IC) theory and the resource-based view (RBV), the paper seeks to elucidate the direct and indirect relationships between IC and competitive advantage in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Therewithal, besides examining the mediating role of innovation capabilities in the IC-competitiveness link, it scrutinizes the moderating effect of entrepreneurial orientation in causing IC to boost competitiveness in SMEs through flourishing innovation capabilities.


Data were collected from 206 participants working in SMEs operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the help of a structured questionnaire distributed through LinkedIn. Partial least square (PLS)-based structural equation modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS 4.0 has been performed to calibrate the auxiliary and structural models.


Based on the empirical analysis, IC significantly and directly enhances the competitive advantages of SMEs. Additionally, innovative capability has been found to be a complementary partial mediating condition in enabling IC to foster competitiveness in SMEs. Furthermore, the moderated mediation analysis reveals that innovation capabilities strongly mediate the association between IC and competitiveness in SMEs, characterizing higher entrepreneurial orientation.

Research limitations/implications

The study provides significant insights to academicians and practitioners seeking to comprehend or configure interactions among IC, innovation capabilities, and entrepreneurial orientation in maturing competitiveness among SMEs, especially in emerging economies. Furthermore, the study provides a valuable integrative perspective on SMEs’ competitiveness by involving three voguish constituents of contemporary scholarly discourse grounded into the leading underpinning theoretical perspectives, such as IC theory, RBV, and entrepreneurship theory.


The uniqueness of this model lies in its rich theory-laden conceptualization and explanation that could extend theoretical debate and managerial action to the next levels.


Journal of Intellectual Capital, vol. 25 no. 2/3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1469-1930


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