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Publication date: 3 August 2021

Irvin Dongo, Yudith Cardinale, Ana Aguilera, Fabiola Martinez, Yuni Quintero, German Robayo and David Cabeza

This paper aims to perform an exhaustive revision of relevant and recent related studies, which reveals that both extraction methods are currently used to analyze credibility on…



This paper aims to perform an exhaustive revision of relevant and recent related studies, which reveals that both extraction methods are currently used to analyze credibility on Twitter. Thus, there is clear evidence of the need of having different options to extract different data for this purpose. Nevertheless, none of these studies perform a comparative evaluation of both extraction techniques. Moreover, the authors extend a previous comparison, which uses a recent developed framework that offers both alternates of data extraction and implements a previously proposed credibility model, by adding a qualitative evaluation and a Twitter-Application Programming Interface (API) performance analysis from different locations.


As one of the most popular social platforms, Twitter has been the focus of recent research aimed at analyzing the credibility of the shared information. To do so, several proposals use either Twitter API or Web scraping to extract the data to perform the analysis. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations are performed to discover the advantages and disadvantages of both extraction methods.


The study demonstrates the differences in terms of accuracy and efficiency of both extraction methods and gives relevance to much more problems related to this area to pursue true transparency and legitimacy of information on the Web.


Results report that some Twitter attributes cannot be retrieved by Web scraping. Both methods produce identical credibility values when a robust normalization process is applied to the text (i.e. tweet). Moreover, concerning the time performance, Web scraping is faster than Twitter API and it is more flexible in terms of obtaining data; however, Web scraping is very sensitive to website changes. Additionally, the response time of the Twitter API is proportional to the distance from the central server at San Francisco.


International Journal of Web Information Systems, vol. 17 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1744-0084


Book part
Publication date: 27 January 2022

Manuela Gomez-Valencia, Camila Vargas, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Indianna Minto-Coy, Miguel Cordova, Karla Maria Nava-Aguirre, Fabiola Monje-Cueto, Cyntia Vilasboas Calixto Casnici and Freddy Coronado

This study identifies measures to recover economic growth and build sustainable societies and markets in post-COVID-19 scenarios – with a perspective of resilience and…


This study identifies measures to recover economic growth and build sustainable societies and markets in post-COVID-19 scenarios – with a perspective of resilience and adaptability to climate change and massive biodiversity loss. Additionally, this study uncovers the interventions implemented to address economic, environmental and social consequences of past crises based on a systematic literature review. Specifically, this chapter provides answers to the following six questions:

  1. What has been done in the past to rebuild social, economic and environmental balance after global crises?

  2. Where (geographical region) did the analysis on measures taken concentrate?

  3. When have scholars analysed past measures to rebuild business and society after a global crisis?

  4. How did the past measures to rebuild business and society after the global crisis take place?

  5. Who promotes the measures to rebuild business and society after a global crisis takes place?

  6. Why is it important to study the previous literature on past measures to rebuild business and society after a global crisis takes place?

What has been done in the past to rebuild social, economic and environmental balance after global crises?

Where (geographical region) did the analysis on measures taken concentrate?

When have scholars analysed past measures to rebuild business and society after a global crisis?

How did the past measures to rebuild business and society after the global crisis take place?

Who promotes the measures to rebuild business and society after a global crisis takes place?

Why is it important to study the previous literature on past measures to rebuild business and society after a global crisis takes place?

Finally, this chapter identifies future research opportunities to rebuild business and society after the past global crises.


Regenerative and Sustainable Futures for Latin America and the Caribbean
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80117-864-8


Book part
Publication date: 17 March 2020

Fabiola H. Gerpott, Ming Ming Chiu and Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock

During team meetings, expressing negativity about other team members’ ideas and contributions – that is, negative disagreements – can derail team processes and harm team…


During team meetings, expressing negativity about other team members’ ideas and contributions – that is, negative disagreements – can derail team processes and harm team productivity. If team members want to improve their meetings and reduce negativity, which aspects are relevant starting points? This chapter discusses the complexity of this question by considering the interplay of team attributes, individual characteristics, and verbal interaction dynamics that may evoke negative disagreements in meetings. To this end, this chapter relies on existing behavioral and survey data of 259 employees nested in 43 team meetings that were analyzed using statistical discourse analysis. The results of this analysis highlight several potential starting points for reducing negativity in workplace meetings. First, we discovered that team attributes matter, as teams with a lower overall level of job satisfaction were more likely to experience negative disagreements during their meetings. Second, at the individual level, we found a significant gender effect such that women were more likely than men to start negative disagreements. Third, individual team members reporting lower organizational trust were more likely to start negative disagreements. Finally, counter to previous work on interaction dynamics during meetings, we could not identify specific verbal behaviors that triggered negative disagreements. In terms of practical implications, we discuss how managers can increase organizational trust and job satisfaction (e.g., through ensuring justice and improving job design) in order to encourage more positive meeting interactions.

Content available
Book part
Publication date: 24 July 2020



Strategy, Power and CSR: Practices and Challenges in Organizational Management
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83867-973-6

Content available
Book part
Publication date: 11 November 2019



HRM 4.0 For Human-Centered Organizations
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78973-535-2



Strategy, Power and CSR: Practices and Challenges in Organizational Management
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83867-973-6

Publication date: 19 November 2018

Lucía Isabel García-Cebrián, Fabíola Zambom-Ferraresi and Fernando Lera-López

The purpose of this paper is to analyze efficiency and its evolution in teams that played in the UEFA Champions League during nine seasons. The aim is to present a research…



The purpose of this paper is to analyze efficiency and its evolution in teams that played in the UEFA Champions League during nine seasons. The aim is to present a research procedure for determining the most accurate data envelopment analysis to estimate and compare the efficiency.


First, the authors analyzed the existence of a temporal trend using the S-statistic. The authors calculated the Kruskal–Wallis statistic to verify if there is stability in relative ranks. The results of the aforementioned tests have indicated that window analysis is an accurate methodology to apply to the sample. The authors analyzed 94 clubs with a sample of 288 observations, obtaining 768 efficiency ratios. They have been calculated using super-efficiency which enables to discriminate efficient units.


Results indicate that there is a low efficiency level in the nine seasons observed. There is a strong correlation between sports results and the efficiency of semifinalists. The authors conclude that improvement in a club’s efficiency could enhance its sports results. Finally, as practical implications, the authors highlight benchmark teams and alternative sports tactics to help clubs become more efficient and achieve better sports results.


This paper contributes to sports efficiency literature by presenting a research procedure to identify the most accurate methodology to be applied to panel data. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this paper is the first empirical study on international football competitions applying WindowDEA to incomplete panel data.


International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, vol. 67 no. 9
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-0401


Publication date: 13 January 2023

Alessio Di Leo, Fabiola Sfodera, Nicola Cucari, Giovanni Mattia and Luca Dezi

The purpose of this research is to identify the sustainable practices of luxury fashion brands through their communications via official reporting documents to classify practices…




The purpose of this research is to identify the sustainable practices of luxury fashion brands through their communications via official reporting documents to classify practices used for communicating sustainability performance.


This research uses the qualitative content analysis of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)-oriented sustainability reports to examine the sustainable practices of 31 companies within the top 100 global luxury brands.


The authors classify the sample into four clusters: sustainability driven, sustainability newcomers, sustainability potential and sustainability passive. Results indicate that companies in this sector are focused on the issue of sustainability even though there is a remarkable fragmentation in terms of practices.


The study contributes to a better understanding of sustainability reporting activities and approaches in the fashion luxury industry by describing best practices and the effect of sustainability in corporate communications.


Management Decision, vol. 61 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0025-1747


Content available
Book part
Publication date: 13 August 2024



Exploring Hope: Case Studies of Innovation, Change and Development in the Global South
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83549-736-4

Publication date: 31 August 2022

Gerardo Rivera Ungson, David Hudgens, Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Yim-Yu Wong, Sara A. Wong, Fabiola Monje-Cueto, Armando Borda and Sada Soorapanth

This study aims to propose the roles for business, broadly defined, in government-led programs designed to enhance human capital investment. Through conditional cash transfers…



This study aims to propose the roles for business, broadly defined, in government-led programs designed to enhance human capital investment. Through conditional cash transfers (CCTs), businesses have opportunities to alleviate poverty, address the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda (SDGs), enhance CCT viability and explore new market opportunities.


This multifaceted research approach consists of five case studies of CCTs in Latin America, face-to-face field meetings with CCT administrators, 48 CCT beneficiaries in a pilot study and 31 interviews (verbal and remote) with business managers and companies in five countries.


Building on an on-site pilot study, an in-depth appraisal of five CCTs in Latin America over a five-year period, the authors examined six stages of CCT activities to assess possible areas of business engagement. The cases, augmented by field interviews with businesses, present fledgling business engagement in CCTs. In light of anticipated growth in CCTs, this study presents six major ways businesses can further participate in selected stages of CCT operations that contribute to their long-term sustainability, as well as future market opportunities.


Conducted over a five-year period with participants from government, businesses and CCT beneficiaries, this study deepens our understanding of how businesses can alleviate poverty through engaging in government-led antipoverty programs.



Este estudo propõe papéis amplamente definidos para empresas em programas liderados pelo governo projetados para melhorar o investimento em capital humano. Por meio de transferências condicionadas de renda (TCRs), as empresas têm oportunidades de aliviar a pobreza, abordar a Agenda 2030 (ODS) das Nações Unidas, melhorar a viabilidade do transferências condicionadas de renda e explorar novas oportunidades de mercado.


Com base em um estudo piloto no local, uma avaliação aprofundada de cinco transferências condicionadas de renda na América Latina durante um período de cinco anos, identificamos e analisamos seis etapas das atividades da transferências condicionadas de renda para avaliar possíveis áreas de participação empresarial. Nossos cases, enriquecidos por entrevistas de campo com empresas, apresentam oportunidades de participação empresarial em TCRs. À luz do crescimento antecipado dos TCRs, este estudo apresenta seis principais maneiras pelas quais as empresas podem se engajar ainda mais em etapas selecionadas de operações de TCR que contribuem para sua sustentabilidade de longo prazo, bem como oportunidades futuras de mercado.


Utilizamos uma abordagem de pesquisa multifacetada composta por 5 estudos de caso de TCR na América Latina, reuniões presenciais de campo com administradores da TCR, 48 beneficiários da TCR em um estudo piloto e 31 entrevistas (presencial e remota) com gerentes de negócios e empresas em 5 países.


Este estudo foi realizado ao longo de um período de 5 anos com participantes de beneficiários do governo, empresas e transferências condicionadas de renda, e aprofunda a compreensão de como as empresas podem contribuir para o alívio da pobreza por meio da participação em programas de combate à pobreza liderados pelo governo.



Este estudio propone roles para las empresas, ampliamente definidos, en programas dirigidos por el gobierno diseñados para mejorar la inversión en capital humano. A través de las transferencias monetarias condicionadas (TMC), las empresas tienen oportunidades para aliviar la pobreza, abordar la Agenda 2030 (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas, mejorar la viabilidad del TMC y explorar nuevas oportunidades de mercado.


Sobre la base de un estudio piloto in situ, una evaluación en profundidad de cinco TMC en América Latina durante un período de cinco años, identificamos y analizamos seis etapas de las actividades de TMC para evaluar posibles áreas de participación empresarial. Nuestros casos, enriquecidos por entrevistas de campo con empresas, presentan oportunidades para participación empresarial en los TMC. A la luz del crecimiento anticipado en los TMC, este estudio presenta seis formas principales en que las empresas pueden participar aún más en etapas seleccionadas de las operaciones de TMC que contribuyen a su sostenibilidad a largo plazo, así como a las oportunidades futuras del mercado.


Usamos un enfoque de investigación multifacético consiste en 5 estudios de casos de TMC en América Latina, reuniones de campo cara a cara con administradores de TMC, 48 beneficiarios de TMC en un estudio piloto y 31 entrevistas (presenciales y remotas) con gerentes de negocios y empresas en 5 países.


Este estudio fue llevado a cabo en un período de 5 años con participantes del gobierno, las empresas y los beneficiarios de TMC, y profundiza el entendimiento de cómo las empresas pueden contribuir a aliviar la pobreza a través de la participación en programas contra la pobreza liderados por el gobierno.

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