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Publication date: 1 April 1972

Diane Roberts and Betty Hobbs

Food can be contaminated with visible material, chemical substances and invisible living cells of protozoa and other parasites, bacteria and viruses. Chemical food poisoning has…


Food can be contaminated with visible material, chemical substances and invisible living cells of protozoa and other parasites, bacteria and viruses. Chemical food poisoning has occurred from metals such as copper, zinc, tin and antimony, accidental or intentional inclusion of poisons, pesticides, disinfectants, and from naturally poisonous plants. The sources of these various substances are usually fairly obvious, and the ill effect is brought about by a known dose which does not alter after access to the food.


Nutrition & Food Science, vol. 72 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0034-6659

Publication date: 1 February 1976

Government appointed and sponsored committees of every description—select, ad hoc, advisory, inquiry—such a prominent feature of the public scene since the last War, are…


Government appointed and sponsored committees of every description—select, ad hoc, advisory, inquiry—such a prominent feature of the public scene since the last War, are understandable, even acceptable, reflect the urgency of the times in which we live. In the gathering gloom of more recent twilight years, they have flourished inordinately, especially in the socio‐political field, where most of their researches have been conducted. Usually embellished with the name of the figure‐head chairman, almost always expensively financed, they have one thing in common—an enormous output of words, telling us much of what we already know. So much of it seems dull, meaningless jargon, reflecting attitudes rather than sound, general principles.


British Food Journal, vol. 78 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 January 1967

The value which can be placed upon the rights of property in a name of a commodity, a food or drink, perhaps famous all over the world, which has come down to us through the…


The value which can be placed upon the rights of property in a name of a commodity, a food or drink, perhaps famous all over the world, which has come down to us through the centuries, is incalculable. Most of such foods and drinks have a regional association, and are prepared according to methods, often secret, handed down from one generation to another and from locally grown and produced materials. Nowhere are such traditions so well established as in cheese‐making and the wine industry. The names do not signify merely a method of manufacture, since this can be simulated almost anywhere, nor even the raw materials, but differences in climate, the soil and its treatment, its produce, harvesting, even in the contaminants of environment. Rochfort cheese, for example, is made from ewe's milk, but most important, with mould growths found only in the caves of that part of France where it is stored.


British Food Journal, vol. 69 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 February 1957

In the present age the devising and formulation of standards play a steadily increasing part in the various activities one could describe, however loosely, as having a technical…


In the present age the devising and formulation of standards play a steadily increasing part in the various activities one could describe, however loosely, as having a technical (or technological) aspect or basis; it would be unjust, perhaps, to suggest that to some people the fixing and imposing of standards might seem to be almost an end in itself. While control and controls of almost any kind cannot fail to irritate the individual on occasion, it is, of course, very proper, and indeed inevitable, that they should continue to multiply as modern life grows more complicated; more and more regulation of detail becomes necessary as the machine, using the word in its widest sense, becomes more intricate and thus more liable to be put out of order by minor faults of design or usage.


British Food Journal, vol. 59 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 March 1951

In a debate in the House of Commons on February 2nd, the following Motion was proposed and agreed : – “That this House is of opinion that further steps should be taken by His…


In a debate in the House of Commons on February 2nd, the following Motion was proposed and agreed : – “That this House is of opinion that further steps should be taken by His Majesty’s Government to encourage cleanliness in the preparation and serving of food in retail shops and catering establishments.”


British Food Journal, vol. 53 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 June 1973

For most people, especially those with fixed incomes, household budgets have to be balanced and sometimes the balance is precarious. With price rises of foods, there is a switch…


For most people, especially those with fixed incomes, household budgets have to be balanced and sometimes the balance is precarious. With price rises of foods, there is a switch to a cheaper substitute within the group, or if it is a food for which there is no real substitute, reduced purchases follow. The annual and quarterly reviews of the National Food Survey over the years have shown this to be so; with carcase meat, where one meat is highly priced, housewives switch to a cheaper joint, and this is mainly the reason for the great increase in consumption of poultry; when recently the price of butter rose sharply, there was a switch to margarine. NFS statistics did not show any lessening of consumer preference for butter, but in most households, with budgets on a tight string, margarine had to be used for many purposes for which butter had previously been used. With those foods which have no substitute, and bread (also milk) is a classic example, to keep the sum spent on the food each week about the same, the amount purchased is correspondingly reduced. Again, NFS statistics show this to be the case, a practice which has been responsible for the small annual reductions in the amount of bread consumed per person per week over the last fifteen years or so; very small, a matter of an ounce or two, but adequate to maintain the balance of price/quantity since price rises have been relatively small, if fairly frequent. This artifice to absorb small price rises will not work, however, when price rises follow on one another rapidly and together are large. Bread is a case in point.


British Food Journal, vol. 75 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 March 1964

Diseases due to nutritional deficiencies might well be considered something from the poverty and grime of Victorian times and unknown to the people of this affluent society. It…


Diseases due to nutritional deficiencies might well be considered something from the poverty and grime of Victorian times and unknown to the people of this affluent society. It may come as a shock to many people, therefore, to learn that the rising incidence of rickets among the young in some of our big cities is causing grave concern; that iron deficiency anaemia, not altogether uncommon in women and in the undernourished but rarely of any great severity, is being found in a much more severe form in a great many West Indian infants, the hæmoglobin frequently not amounting to 50%; and that among the many skin lesions of coloured children there is at least the suggestion of riboflavin and perhaps other vitamin deficiencies. All this despite the blessings of the welfare state and a half‐century of local authority personal health services. It casts no reflection on these services, however; their work has resulted in vastly improved child health in this country, which speaks for itself.


British Food Journal, vol. 66 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 June 1968

This new measure of consumer law of some forty‐odd sections, a short Act by present standards but as far‐reaching as any legislation since the war, establishes a code of conduct…


This new measure of consumer law of some forty‐odd sections, a short Act by present standards but as far‐reaching as any legislation since the war, establishes a code of conduct in commerce and trade which few will be able to ignore, from the manufacturer down to the counter‐hand. Operative from November 30th of this year, traders will require to urgently consider their sales practices, advertising, labelling and their trade descriptions; sales staff will need to be instructed in their new responsibilities. The new law is not just for consumer‐retailer transactions, but extends to trade between different branches of all trades, so that a retailer will be protected against misleading descriptions and misrepresentations by a manufacturer and the latter against misdescriptions of ingredients or components.


British Food Journal, vol. 70 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X

Publication date: 1 March 2019

Colleen Dell, Darlene Chalmers, Mark Stobbe, Betty Rohr and Alicia Husband

Prison-based animal programs are becoming increasingly common in North America. The majority focus on community and animal well-being, with less explicit therapeutic goals for…




Prison-based animal programs are becoming increasingly common in North America. The majority focus on community and animal well-being, with less explicit therapeutic goals for human participants. The purpose of this paper is to measure the objectives of a canine animal-assisted therapy (AAT) program in a Canadian psychiatric prison and examine whether the program supports inmates’ correctional plans.


A modified instrumental case study design was applied with three inmates over a 24-AAT-session program. Quantitative and qualitative AAT session data were collected and mid- and end-of-program interviews were held with the inmates, their mental health clinicians and the therapy dog handlers.


Inmates connected with the therapy dogs through the animals’ perceived offering of love and support. This development of a human–animal bond supported inmates’ correctional plans, which are largely situated within a cognitive-behavioral skill development framework. Specifically, inmates’ connections with the therapy dogs increased recognition of their personal feelings and emotions and positively impacted their conduct.

Research limitations/implications

The findings suggest that prison-based AAT programs emphasizing inmate mental well-being, alongside that of animal and community well-being generally, merit further exploration. It would be worthwhile to assess this AAT program with a larger and more diverse sample of inmates and in a different institutional context and also to conduct a post-intervention follow-up.


This is the first study of a prison-based AAT program in a Canadian psychiatric correctional facility.


International Journal of Prisoner Health, vol. 15 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1744-9200


Book part
Publication date: 7 October 2015

Md Nuruzzaman

The objective of this study is to investigate how country risk, different political actions from the government and bureaucratic behavior influence the activities in industry…


The objective of this study is to investigate how country risk, different political actions from the government and bureaucratic behavior influence the activities in industry supply chains (SCs) in emerging markets. The main objective of this study is to investigate the influence of these external stakeholders’ elements to the demand-side and supply-side drivers and barriers for improving competitiveness of Ready-Made Garment (RMG) industry in the way of analyzing supply chain. Considering the phenomenon of recent change in the RMG business environment and the competitiveness issues this study uses the principles of stakeholder and resource dependence theory and aims to find out some factors which influence to make an efficient supply chain for improving competitiveness. The RMG industry of Bangladesh is the case application of this study. Following a positivist paradigm, this study adopts a two phase sequential mixed-method research design consisting of qualitative and quantitative approaches. A tentative research model is developed first based on extensive literature review. Qualitative field study is then carried out to fine tune the initial research model. Findings from the qualitative method are also used to develop measures and instruments for the next phase of quantitative method. A survey is carried out with sample of top and middle level executives of different garment companies of Dhaka city in Bangladesh and the collected quantitative data are analyzed by partial least square-based structural equation modeling. The findings support eight hypotheses. From the analysis the external stakeholders’ elements like bureaucratic behavior and country risk have significant influence to the barriers. From the internal stakeholders’ point of view the manufacturers’ and buyers’ drivers have significant influence on the competitiveness. Therefore, stakeholders need to take proper action to reduce the barriers and increase the drivers, as the drivers have positive influence to improve competitiveness.

This study has both theoretical and practical contributions. This study represents an important contribution to the theory by integrating two theoretical perceptions to identify factors of the RMG industry’s SC that affect the competitiveness of the RMG industry. This research study contributes to the understanding of both external and internal stakeholders of national and international perspectives in the RMG (textile and clothing) business. It combines the insights of stakeholder and resource dependence theories along with the concept of the SC in improving effectiveness. In a practical sense, this study certainly contributes to the Bangladeshi RMG industry. In accordance with the desire of the RMG manufacturers, the research has shown that some influential constructs of the RMG industry’s SC affect the competitiveness of the RMG industry. The outcome of the study is useful for various stakeholders of the Bangladeshi RMG industry sector ranging from the government to various private organizations. The applications of this study are extendable through further adaptation in other industries and various geographic contexts.


Sustaining Competitive Advantage Via Business Intelligence, Knowledge Management, and System Dynamics
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78441-764-2


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