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Publication date: 3 July 2017

Kerri Anne Crowne, Thomas M. Young, Beryl Goldman, Barbara Patterson, Anne M. Krouse and Jose Proenca

The purpose of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of an emotional intelligence (EI) and leadership development education program involving 20 nurse leaders at nursing…




The purpose of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of an emotional intelligence (EI) and leadership development education program involving 20 nurse leaders at nursing homes. Also, it investigates the relationship between EI and transformational leadership.


Three research questions are posed. Correlation analysis and t-tests were conducted to answer the questions posed.


The findings of this paper indicate that the EI educational development was effective, while the personal leadership development was not. The data also showed a positive significant relationship between EI and transformational leadership.

Research limitations/implications

This paper is limited by the small sample size; thus, a causal relationship between EI and leadership could not be investigated. Additionally, the sample was not randomly selected because of the commitment needed from the participants. Furthermore, the paper was focused on nurse leaders in nursing homes, so it may not be generalizable to other populations.

Practical implications

With the increasing need for nursing home facilities and the limited training generally provided to nurses who move into managerial roles in these facilities, it is critical for organizations to understand the effectiveness of educational programs that exist. Moreover, the findings of this paper may provide information that would be useful to others who wish to develop EI and/or leadership education for nurses.


While much research exists on EI and transformational leadership, little of this research focuses on nurses in nursing home facilities. Thus, this paper fills a gap in the literature.


Leadership in Health Services, vol. 30 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1751-1879


Book part
Publication date: 25 February 2011

Elisabeth Newbold

San Diego County (California, USA) contains 18 Indian reservations—more than any other county in the United States. Citizens of these reservations, each recognized as a sovereign…


San Diego County (California, USA) contains 18 Indian reservations—more than any other county in the United States. Citizens of these reservations, each recognized as a sovereign nation, have information needs that are highly sophisticated. Coming from a civilization that preserved history through oral tradition, they have only recently made the transition to writing things down and collecting books into buildings. In spite of many tragic events that drastically reduced their population, San Diego County's Indians have retained much of their heritage through efforts of tribal elders and non-Indian historians. With federal and local assistance, tribal libraries were constructed on about half of San Diego County's reservations during the 1980s. Over the next few years, reduction of grant funds adversely affected them, resulting in some closures. Thanks to creative efforts made by many individuals at a local university, the state library, professional associations, and most of all by the Indians themselves, a number of San Diego County's tribal libraries are growing and taking on new shapes. Five local tribal librarians were surveyed twice over a 12-month period regarding their respective libraries. Analysis yielded four key factors for success: (1) the presence of a designated librarian; (2) support from the tribal government; (3) plans and a vision for the future; and (4) partnerships and connections with other entities. The research suggests that these factors are applicable toward ensuring success for small, geographically and culturally isolated libraries in any context.


Advances in Librarianship
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-0-85724-755-1

Open Access
Publication date: 15 June 2014

Barbara Van Winkle, Stuart Allen, Douglas DeVore and Bruce Winston

The purpose of this study was to measure the relationship between followers’ perceptions of the servant leadership of their immediate supervisor and followers’ sense of…


The purpose of this study was to measure the relationship between followers’ perceptions of the servant leadership of their immediate supervisor and followers’ sense of empowerment in the context of small businesses. A quantitative survey was completed by 116 employees of small businesses, including measures of supervisors’ servant leadership behaviors and followers’ self- perceived empowerment. Followers’ perceptions of being empowered were found to correlate positively with their ratings of the servant leadership behaviors of immediate supervisors. The findings support the researchers’ assertions that followers’ perceptions of being empowered will increase as supervisors’ servant leadership behaviors increase.

The power of servant leadership lies in the leader’s ability to unleash the potential and thus the power in those around them. Greenleaf (1977) ascribed greatness to the leader’s attention to followers, “When it is genuine, the interest in and affection for one’s followers that a leader has is a mark of true greatness” (p. 34). In the foreword to the Anniversary edition of Greenleaf’s Servant Leadership, Covey (2002) related empowerment to servant leadership. He acclaimed the importance of empowerment to the sustainable success of organizations in the 21st century. Organizations structured to support and encourage the empowerment of their employees will thrive as market leaders (Covey, 2002). While other leadership styles have been found to empower followers, it is agreed across current literature, that the focus on developing and empowering the follower as their primary concern is specific to servant leaders (Greenleaf, 1977; Parolini, Patterson, & Winston, 2009; Parris & Peachey, 2012; Stone, Russell, & Patterson, 2004; van Dierendonck, 2011).

The context chosen for the study was small business because of the crucial role it plays regarding job growth in the United States (Howard, 2006) and in “enriching the lives of men and women of the whole world” (Kayemuddin, 2012, p. 27). Servant leadership enables small business leaders to fully discover, develop, and employ follower potential through empowering behaviors.

This study sought to contribute to the empirical research of servant leadership by measuring the relationship between supervisors’ servant leadership behaviors and followers’ perceptions of empowerment within the context of small business.


Journal of Leadership Education, vol. 13 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1552-9045

Publication date: 1 March 1992

Naftaly S. Glasman and Jean Fuller

Presents selected findings from an ongoing investigation ofrelationships between changes in student test scores and specificactions taken by principals in regard to student…


Presents selected findings from an ongoing investigation of relationships between changes in student test scores and specific actions taken by principals in regard to student learning. Uses a list of 20 open‐ended questions to elicit from school principals verbal descriptions of their behaviours associated with student test scores. Each of the 20 questions deals with a different behavioural step belonging to a rational decision‐making model and were addressed to two samples of elementary school principals of schools which experienced either a continuous improvement or a continuous decline in student test scores in reading, writing and mathematics over a three‐year period. Differences found between the two groups included those related to the principals′ perceptions of the need to improve student test scores, and those related to the nature of principals′ involvement in this area. Also discusses selected issues concerning the research design and methodology used in the study ‐ e.g. the cyclical nature of the two central variables (change in test scores and change in principal behaviour) – and the study′s internal validity. Concludes with a brief analysis of the possible contributions of the findings to the debate regarding the usefulness of the rational model of administrative behaviour. Argues that, under conditions which force an emphasis on outcomes, the concept of rationality in administrative behaviour has both practical and theoretical implications.


International Journal of Educational Management, vol. 6 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0951-354X


Publication date: 28 February 2024

Barbara Neuhofer

Through an interdisciplinary lens of positive psychology, this paper aims to explore positive experiences for human transformation, recognising their potential for a positive…



Through an interdisciplinary lens of positive psychology, this paper aims to explore positive experiences for human transformation, recognising their potential for a positive impact and contribution to the future tourism industry and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


A literature review forms the basis for the present paper.


Based on an in-depth literature review, four main avenues for positive experience design are proposed: designing transformative tourism experiences and measuring long-term impact; designing digital transformative tourism experiences; facilitating and guiding transformative experiences; and training to guide transformative experiences.


This study contributes to the interdisciplinary body of literature on positive psychology, experience design, and human transformation in the context of tourism. Cutting-edge perspectives are outlined to develop a theoretical and practical understanding of how to intentionally design for positive transformative experiences in tourism and make a positive contribution to the SDG 3 good health and well-being.


本文通过积极心理学的跨学科视角, 探讨促进人类转变的积极体验, 认识到其对未来旅游业和可持续发展目标(SDGs)产生积极影响和做出贡献的潜力。


研究结果 - 基于深入的文献综述, 提出了积极体验设计的四个主要途径, 包括:1)设计变革性旅游体验并衡量长期影响; 2)设计数字化变革性旅游体验; 3)促进和引导变革性体验; 以及 4)培训指导变革性体验。


本研究为有关积极心理学、体验设计和旅游业背景下的人类转型的跨学科文献做出了贡献。本研究概述了前沿观点, 以便从理论和实践上理解如何在旅游业中有意识地设计积极的转型体验, 并为可持续发展目标 3–良好的健康和福祉做出积极贡献。


A través del prisma interdisciplinar de la psicología positiva, este documento explora las experiencias positivas para la transformación humana, reconociendo su potencial para un impacto positivo y su contribución a la futura industria turística y a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS).


El presente documento se basa en una revisión bibliográfica.


Sobre la base de una revisión en profundidad de la literatura, se proponen cuatro vías principales para el diseño de experiencias positivas, incluyendo 1) el diseño de experiencias turísticas transformadoras y la medición del impacto a largo plazo, 2) el diseño de experiencias turísticas transformadoras digitales, 3) la facilitación y guía de experiencias transformadoras, y 4) la formación para guiar experiencias transformadoras.


Este estudio contribuye al cuerpo interdisciplinario de literatura sobre psicología positiva, diseño de experiencias y transformación humana en el contexto del turismo. Se esbozan perspectivas de vanguardia para desarrollar una comprensión teórica y práctica de cómo diseñar intencionadamente experiencias transformadoras positivas en el turismo y hacer una contribución positiva al ODS 3 buena salud y bienestar.

Open Access
Publication date: 15 January 2019

Barbara A. Klocko, Riley J. Justis and Elizabeth A. Kirby

Leadership tenacity for school superintendents rests largely upon experience, grit, and subsequently resilience as they balance the pressures of the operational challenges of…


Leadership tenacity for school superintendents rests largely upon experience, grit, and subsequently resilience as they balance the pressures of the operational challenges of school operation with the instructional needs of the children they serve. Through this study, the authors identified the critical aspects of how effective superintendents may have developed and whether deliberate practice was evidenced in their experience. The superintendent’s perseverance to doing what matters over an extended period of time and under challenging conditions contributes to leadership grit and resilience. Viewed through the lens of these superintendents, experience, grit, and resilience influence leadership tenacity interdependent, but not limited to the theory of deliberate practice and transformational leadership.


Journal of Leadership Education, vol. 18 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1552-9045

Publication date: 1 January 1983

Janet L. Sims‐Wood

Life studies are a rich source for further research on the role of the Afro‐American woman in society. They are especially useful to gain a better understanding of the…


Life studies are a rich source for further research on the role of the Afro‐American woman in society. They are especially useful to gain a better understanding of the Afro‐American experience and to show the joys, sorrows, needs, and ideals of the Afro‐American woman as she struggles from day to day.


Reference Services Review, vol. 11 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0090-7324

Publication date: 14 November 2017

Barbara J. Philips

Imagination is a complex mental process where consciousness departs from reality to create new content not currently found in existence. Imagination is key to marketing…




Imagination is a complex mental process where consciousness departs from reality to create new content not currently found in existence. Imagination is key to marketing persuasion, but studies that examine consumer imagination in response to marketing messages illustrate confusing and sometimes contradictory perspectives about consumers’ mental processing. This paper aims to provide a review of the existing literature on consumer imagination relevant to marketing scholarship, and builds a new theoretical framework to organize and explain these papers.


A systematic review of the marketing literature was undertaken to identify all papers related to consumer imagination and its role in marketing persuasion. A focus was placed on empirical papers, review papers and meta-analyses.


A new conceptual framework was created to classify the consumer imagination literature based on both the characteristics and the content of imagination. The existing marketing literature was then organized into the framework. The framework helps to explain seeming contradictions between different studies as well as helps to collect similar studies together to summarize schools of thought.


The imagination framework presents an entirely new way of conceptualizing imagination research in marketing. This new categorization structure not only clarifies consumers’ use of imagination in response to marketing messages but also identifies questions for future research in this area of marketing theory.


European Journal of Marketing, vol. 51 no. 11/12
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0309-0566


Content available
Book part
Publication date: 30 October 2018

Robert A. Stebbins



Social Worlds and the Leisure Experience
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78769-716-4

Publication date: 1 March 1985

Douglas J. Ernest and Lewis B. Herman

In recent years, guides to hiking trails and wilderness areas have enjoyed an increase in popularity. Here, Douglas J. Ernest and Lewis B. Herman evaluate more than 100 such books.


In recent years, guides to hiking trails and wilderness areas have enjoyed an increase in popularity. Here, Douglas J. Ernest and Lewis B. Herman evaluate more than 100 such books.


Reference Services Review, vol. 13 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0090-7324

1 – 10 of 264