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1 – 10 of 458Asad Ullah Khan, Muhammad Rafi, Zhiqiang Zhang and Asad Khan
Dynamic technologies have revolutionized human socio-economic activities, including health care, higher education, business and improved customer service in academic sectors…
Dynamic technologies have revolutionized human socio-economic activities, including health care, higher education, business and improved customer service in academic sectors. Leveraging the latest technology leads to high productivity, confidence, improved management skills, satisfactory performance and innovative academic services. In the era of technocentrism, the purpose of this paper is to find out whether useful technologies and competent user managers support users in the use of resources, increasing research productivity and improving academic library services.
This study is based on primary data collected from students at universities in the provincial capital using a printed research questionnaire. The authors followed the Likert scale for instrument development and contacted service professionals prior to distribution to test the applicability. Based on the technology acceptance model, this study established a conceptual model with multiple associated hypotheses to test the suitability of the research model. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling software for path analysis and model development.
The results of this study show that technological advances greatly accelerate the use of library resources, strengthen management skills, improve user performance and ultimately enhance academic performance and services. In addition to deploying and leveraging technology, expert leadership has also had a positive impact on improving user productivity and maintaining proactive academic library services.
Practical implications
The TAM-based theoretical model will prove to be a useful tool in the future for delivering technology, improving management skills, promoting the use of library resources, increasing user productivity and providing advanced library services.
Based on primary data collected from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa degree students, this study provides an insight into the actual state of technology used to improve academic performance for the first time. In addition, the study also explores executive collaboration to improve employee and user efficiency and service reform in academic libraries.
Amjid Khan, Shamshad Ahmed, Asad Khan and Ghalib Khan
The role of digital library resources (DLRs) in accelerating academic and research productivity has been acknowledged worldwide. The purpose of this study is to empirically…
The role of digital library resources (DLRs) in accelerating academic and research productivity has been acknowledged worldwide. The purpose of this study is to empirically explore the use of DLRs as a predictor of satisfaction and research productivity in the context of Pakistan to examine its impact on engineering research productivity.
Given the research objectives, the most suitable methodology for this study is survey. The tool used for gathering the research data on the frequency of usage, purpose, satisfaction level and impact of DLRs usage on research productivity was questionnaires.
The findings of this study showed that the frequency of use of DLRs and purposes of DLRs significantly contributed to the research students’ satisfaction and research productivity. In addition, a significant relationship was found between the predictors (DLRs purposes, DLRs frequency) and outcome variables (users’ satisfaction and research productivity). Thus, all five hypotheses are supported. The findings of this study further suggested the provision of information sources by university libraries to support research efforts and make a scientific knowledge-based society in the country. The findings are also significant for Higher Education Commission (HEC) authorities, university library administrators, Library and Information Science professionals/information providers to develop e-resources and formulate effective usage policies through which they could make effective use of DLRs.
The rationale of the present study is to fill the gap by empirically investigating the association of users’ satisfaction and research productivity with two dimensions of DLRs, namely, DLRs usage frequency and purposes of DLRs usage.
Asad Ullah Khan, Saeed Ullah Jan, Muhammad Naeem Khan, Fazeelat Aziz, Jan Muhammad Sohu, Johar Ali, Maqbool Khan and Sohail Raza Chohan
Blockchain, a groundbreaking technology that recently surfaced, is under thorough scrutiny due to its prospective utility across different sectors. This research aims to delve…
Blockchain, a groundbreaking technology that recently surfaced, is under thorough scrutiny due to its prospective utility across different sectors. This research aims to delve into and assess the cognitive elements that impact the integration of blockchain technology (BT) within library environments.
Utilizing the Stimulus–Organism–Response (SOR) theory, this research aims to facilitate the implementation of BT within academic institution libraries and provide valuable insights for managerial decision-making. A two-staged deep learning structural equation modelling artificial neural network (ANN) analysis was conducted on 583 computer experts affiliated with academic institutions across various countries to gather relevant information.
The research model can correspondingly expound 71% and 60% of the variance in trust and adoption intention of BT in libraries, where ANN results indicate that perceived possession is the primary predictor, with a technical capability factor that has a normalized significance of 84%. The study successfully identified the relationship of each variable of our conceptual model.
Unlike the SOR theory framework that uses a linear model and theoretically assumes that all relationships are significant, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, it is the first study to validate ANN and SEM in a library context successfully. The results of the two-step PLS–SEM and ANN technique demonstrate that the usage of ANN validates the PLS–SEM analysis. ANN can represent complicated linear and nonlinear connections with higher prediction accuracy than SEM approaches. Also, an importance-performance Map analysis of the PLS–SEM data offers a more detailed insight into each factor's significance and performance.
Asad Khan, Zia ur Rehman, Imtiaz Badshah and Muhammad Ibrahim Khan
This study aims to reconcile and address Bowman’s paradox empirical criticism from the lens of financial theory, corporate strategy and their econometric adversaries based on…
This study aims to reconcile and address Bowman’s paradox empirical criticism from the lens of financial theory, corporate strategy and their econometric adversaries based on three issues, i.e. risk conceptualization, measurement and econometric modeling in Asian emerging countries (AEC).
The study is conducted on panel data sampling from 2,872 firms across four Asian Emerging Countries (AEC) and employs a two-stage least squares (2SLS) estimation technique. We proposed a theoretical framework based on triangulation that outlines four risk-return relationships based on proxies derived from capital market and firm-level data and used different econometric models to answer Bowman’s paradox ongoing criticism.
The empirical results negate the empirical artifact viewpoint in AEC. The risk-return relationship estimated on firm accounting-based ratios or its combination with market-based measures supports Bowman’s paradox and thus upholds the corporate strategy point of view. Whereas the risk-return relationship based on market-based ratios upholds the financial theory point of view. However, the results are mixed when risk is subdivided into systematic and business risk. Our results are robust across standard deviation and semi-standard deviation-based measures of risk, and there is no evidence of a non-linear relationship.
A compelling debate exists that Bowman’s paradox is an empirical artifact. We provide an innovative approach that aims to reconcile and address the ongoing debate by employing diverse risk-return proxies and econometric models in Asian emerging countries. Methodological issues such as endogeneity, sample biases, temporal fluctuations, downside risk variations, multiple moments of a variable and model misspecification are also addressed. This triangulation enhances the robustness of our analysis, providing a comprehensive perspective on AEC and laying the groundwork for future researchers to explore Bowman’s paradox through alternative measures and models.
Asad Khan and Saima Qutab
The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that influence the adoption of Higher Education Commission (HEC) National Digital Library among research students in…
The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that influence the adoption of Higher Education Commission (HEC) National Digital Library among research students in different universities of Pakistan.
The study framework was based on technology acceptance model (TAM). A sample of Pakistani university students completed the questionnaire measuring the effects of extraneous stimuli through cognitive responses on adoption of the HEC digital library. To test the research hypotheses, multiple regression analysis was used.
The findings revealed that: cognitive responses predicted students’ intention of using HEC digital library; extraneous variables significantly influenced cognitive responses; system characteristics directly influenced usefulness and ease of use; interface characteristics directly influenced cognitive responses; and individual differences significantly affected the ease of use. Similarly, system quality was identified with the highest direct effect on usefulness, whereas navigation had the highest influence on easy use of the HEC digital library of Pakistan. In addition, usefulness was explored with the highest effect on intention to use the HEC digital library of Pakistan. The findings revealed that individual behaviours influence the use of digital libraries which imply that acceptance of an information system (IS) involve cognitive idiosyncrasies. Findings of the study are useful for Pakistani academic librarians to enhance adoption and usability of the HEC digital library of Pakistan. The study extended cross-cultural validation of TAM and explored how that Pakistani university students utilize HEC digital library.
Research limitations/implications
These findings have significant implications for librarians in developing countries, such as to evaluate usability of digital libraries from individuals’ perspective, create awareness, customize users’ interface and train students in navigational techniques. It may also facilitate librarians to improve their current levels of library assistance and emphasize the usefulness of digital libraries towards academic excellence. The findings equally suggest that individual behaviours influence the use of digital libraries because acceptance of an information system involves cognitive idiosyncrasies. This study explored all possible links between the study constructs and emphasized that findings are useful to enhance the adoption and usability of digital library in the developing countries.
This study is the first attempt that empirically assessed the adoption of digital libraries in terms of Pakistani research students. The study validated TAM in the context of Pakistani university librarianship that extended the cross-cultural validation of TAM. Furthermore, the study focused on real constructs instead of dummy variables and predicted significant effects on acceptance and rejection of digital libraries.
Asad Khan and Mohamad Noorman Masrek
Training improves workers’ competencies by eliminating or reducing mismatch between the levels of acquired and required skills. However, the question of who needs the training can…
Training improves workers’ competencies by eliminating or reducing mismatch between the levels of acquired and required skills. However, the question of who needs the training can be pertinently managed by training needs analysis (TNA). Thus, the purpose of this paper was to explore the training needs of Pakistani university librarians on collection management skills.
The study was conducted on a randomly selected sample of Pakistani university librarians. Using survey questionnaire method, a five-point Likert scale was utilized to measure the acquired and required levels of collection management skills (CMS). A paired sample t-test was used to ascertain the significance of difference between the acquired and required skills. Further, descriptive statistics were used to perform TNA.
Results of the paired sample t-test showed a significant difference among all indicators of CMS. Further, findings of TNA specified more than 50 per cent of deficit (over-utilization), less than 50 per cent of surplus (under-utilization) and 20 per cent of job best-fit in terms of CMS. Based on these results, training and top-down allocation of tasks are suggested to the higher authorities to manage over and under-utilization of CMS and to produce more job best-fits.
These findings are significant to design training programs on CMS, to revise courses on collection management, to evaluate performance of collection managers and understand the causes of under and over utilization of CMS. Moreover, findings inform librarians to eliminate mismatch in the levels of acquired and required CMS through training programs that may further enhance job best-fits.
Asad Khan, Zia ur Rehman, Muhammad Ibrahim Khan and Imtiaz Badshah
This study aims to verify the significance of Andersen (2008) corporate risk management (CRM) framework in Asian emerging markets (AEMs) to control firm risk and improve firm…
This study aims to verify the significance of Andersen (2008) corporate risk management (CRM) framework in Asian emerging markets (AEMs) to control firm risk and improve firm performance.
The cross-sectional analyses are performed on a sample of 4,609 firms across nine Asian emerging countries using 2SLS estimation technique.
The empirical findings show that the adoption of CRM not only enhances firm performance by increasing the firm ability to capitalize on the market opportunity but also plays a significant role in reducing firm risk. The findings of this study assert that by institutionalizing risk management practices into an integrated CRM framework, the firm can reap multiple benefits by maintaining better contractual agreements and strategic partnerships with key stakeholders.
The study shifts the focus of CRM away from Western countries toward AEMs, which has been afflicted by high risks and uncertainties. The effectiveness of CRM against firm risk is established by dividing firm risk into firm-specific risk and systematic risk. Furthermore, this study also establishes that CRM not only leads to high returns but also reduces firm operational and production costs. Overall, the study provides a compelling argument to implement CRM for improving organizational performance and managing risks in a strategic and integrated manner. The findings are also relevant to risk management practitioners, as well as to academicians interested in the broader fields of corporate finance and strategy.
Asad Khan, Mohamad Noorman Masrek, Khalid Mahmood and Saima Qutab
This study aims to explore the factors affecting the adoption of digital reference services (DRS) among the university librarians in Pakistan.
This study aims to explore the factors affecting the adoption of digital reference services (DRS) among the university librarians in Pakistan.
Based on the adapted unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model, the proposed study tested 12 hypothetical relationships through structural equation modelling (SEM) techniques. The study approach was quantitative based on a questionnaire distributed online to a sample of Pakistani university librarians and completed by 289 respondents. The questionnaire used in this study was developed from other validated instruments used in past empirical studies. Descriptive and inferential data analyses were performed through SPSS and AMOS for SEM.
The results revealed usefulness, ease of use and information and communication technology (ICT) skills as the significant predictors of the adoption of DRS. However, moderating influence of the demographic factors (age, gender and type of library) on the relationship of predictors with outcome variable was found insignificant. The findings of this study imply that individuals’ readiness for the adoption of DRS is present in the university libraries of Pakistan.
In the context of Pakistan, this study was the first attempt that investigated factors of the adoption of DRS at individual level. In addition, two new factors – namely, ICT skills and library type – were incorporated into the UTAUT model and were then evaluated in the Pakistani context. However, these two factors were found insignificant in influencing librarians towards the adoption of DRS. The intended study is equally useful for librarians in other countries in terms of understanding the factors that impact the effective adoption of DRS.
Asad Khan, Muhammad Ibrahim Khan, Zia ur Rehman and Shehzad Khan
This study aims to extend Bowman's risk–return paradox to Asian emerging markets and explain its causes under the prospect theory.
This study aims to extend Bowman's risk–return paradox to Asian emerging markets and explain its causes under the prospect theory.
The study is conducted on a cross-sectional sample of 4,609 firms across nine Asian emerging countries. The two stage least squares (2SLS) estimation technique is used to evaluate the three objectives of the study, i.e. Bowman's risk–return paradox, significance of firm-specific risk and prospect theory explanation of Bowman's paradox.
The authors challenge the two basic financial economics arguments that higher risk is rewarded with higher return, and firm-specific risk is diversifiable. The empirical findings confirm the negative impact of firm-specific and systematic risk on firm return, thus, corroborates the Bowman's explanation of risk–return trade-off. However, the authors did not find empirical evidence to support prospect theory's explanations of Bowman’s paradox in Asian emerging markets.
A holistic approach is adopted to analyze the various aspects of Bowman's paradox and its causes for the same time period, variables and sample. The authors also rectified several methodological limitations observed in previous studies, i.e. the use of same proxies for firm return and risk, endogeneity and survivorship issues. Furthermore, the findings of this study will enable managers to formulate critical viewpoint on firm-specific risk and systematic risk and take informed strategic decisions regarding optimum utilization of their firm's key resources in Asian emerging markets.
This study aimed to examine the current and needed levels of the digital information literacy (DIL) skills of Pakistani librarians and further explored the strategies of and…
This study aimed to examine the current and needed levels of the digital information literacy (DIL) skills of Pakistani librarians and further explored the strategies of and barriers to its acquisition and/or enhancement.
Using the quantitative approach, a cross-sectional survey was conducted. A convenience sample of Pakistani university librarians was recruited. Out of 225 distributed questionnaires, only 180 surveys were returned, a response rate of 80%. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analyzes.
The present status of DIL skills was found low and there is a high demand for its acquisition. The results also explored that the present level of DIL skills is not matching with its required level and thus training is needed. Further, strategies adopted for its attainment were identified including training programs, seminars and social media. Additionally, barriers in the attainment of DIL skills were also established including librarians’ lack of interest, poor internet facilities, absence of users’ demand, no training programs and lack of collaboration between the faculty and librarians.
Research limitations/implications
This study was limited to librarians serving in three different universities of Pakistan. The findings of this study may motivate librarians toward the adoption of digital innovations. This study also informs librarians to recognize gaps in their DIL skills and should attempt to diminish it using diverse strategies. The results also inform the concerned authorities about the barriers faced by librarians in the acquisition of DIL skills and can plan for training programs. Additionally, LIS curriculum should be revised to incorporate topics related to the learning of innovative digital skills. Finally, results motivate librarians to attain DIL skills that possibly augment their performance.
This study is the first attempt in Pakistan that examined supply-demand mismatches, adoption strategies and acquisition barriers in the context of librarians’ DIL skills serving in the university libraries of Peshawar. As the current status of DIL skills of Pakistani librarians was found low, thus university authorities should organize professional development programs for librarians to acquire and/or enhance the DIL skills.