Table of contents
Understanding the entrepreneurial intentions of youth: a PLS multi-group and FIMIX analysis using the model of goal-directed behavior
Juan Carlos Londono, Bradley Wilson, Fabian Osorio-TinocoThis paper aims to test the model of goal-directed behavior (MGB) in the prediction of entrepreneurial intentions of high school students. It also uncovers heterogeneity and…
Overcoming the theoretical duality on social enterprise formation
Leandro da Silva Nascimento, Viviane Santos SalazarNowadays, creation and discovery theories are the two main theoretical approaches supporting the studies on the emergence of enterprises and some scholars analyze these theories…
Examining the interrelatedness among human resources management practices, entrepreneurial traits and corporate entrepreneurship in emerging markets: an evidence from Egypt
Gamal Mohamed Shehata, Mohammed Abdel-Hakim Montash, Mohamed Raafat AredaThe main purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships among a set of human resources management (HRM) practices, entrepreneurial traits (ET) and corporate…
Entrepreneurship research in the Middle East and North Africa: trends, challenges, and sustainability issues
Abobakr AljuwaiberThis paper aims to offer a wider examination of the research concerning entrepreneurship characteristics in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region via a review of recent…
Quo vadis, ethnic entrepreneurship? A bibliometric analysis of ethnic entrepreneurship in growing markets
Nurul Indarti, Naya Hapsari, Andy Susilo Lukito-Budi, Risa VirgositaThis study aims to investigate the trends in existing studies in the field of ethnic entrepreneurship in the context of growing markets in terms of definitions, theories, themes…
SECURE – a new business model framework for measuring start-up performance
Tahseen Anwer Arshi, Venkoba Rao, Sardar Islam, Swapnil MorandeExisting business model frameworks show weak conceptual unification, a paucity of measurement focus and limitations when applied in emerging economies. The study proposes a new…

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Journal of Chinese EntrepreneurshipOnline date, start – end:
2014Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Jun Li