Table of contents
Governance structures of the electricity distribution network operation activities: Towards a benefits‐based analysis
Anna Tanskanen, Ari Jantunen, Juha‐Matti Saksa, Jarmo Partanen, Jukka BergmanThe purpose of this paper is to shed light on the governance choices of firms operating in the electricity distribution network operation activities. The study aims to consider…
Is electricity deregulation beneficial to Israel?
Asher Tishler, Chi‐Keung WooThe objective of the paper is to analyse the economic justification of introducing deregulation to Israel's regulated electricity market and infer whether such a policy change…
Sensitivity analyses in multi‐attribute decision support for off‐site nuclear emergency and recovery management
Valentin Bertsch, Martin Treitz, Jutta Geldermann, Otto RentzEmergency situations may differ in many ways but they share some common characteristics, such as the sudden onset and the need to transparently evaluate various usually…
The governance of oil supply: an institutional perspective on NOC control and the questions it poses
Ralf BoscheckThe purpose of this paper is to offer an appreciation of the role of national oil companies (NOCs) which control roughly 90 percent of the global hydrocarbon reserves, and whose…
Evaluation of electricity rates through characterization and forecasting of energy consumption: A case study of an Italian industrial eligible customer
Bruna Di Silvio, Vittorio Cesarotti, Vito IntronaLiberalisation of the European electricity sector has allowed the industrial consumers to freely choose their electricity suppliers. Proliferation of different contract proposals…
The White Paper on energy: will it really meet the United Kingdom's energy challenge?
Subhes C. BhattacharyyaThe purpose of this commentary is to review the recently published White Paper on energy that outlines the policies the government intends to take to meet the energy challenges.

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2007Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Prasanta Dey