Soldering & Surface Mount Technology: Volume 10 Issue 1


Table of contents

Maximising throughput of the component assembly process

Alan Nesbit

This paper considers how the throughput of the component assembly process can be maximised by the use of software tools. Optimum results are achieved if the tools provide an…


Microstructure of solder joints with electronic components in lead‐free solders

Yoshikazu Nakamura, Yoshinori Sakakibara, Yoshihisa Watanabe, Yoshiki Amamoto

The microstructure of the Sn‐3.5wt%Ag/Cu and Sn‐9.0wt%Zn/Cu interfaces after soldering at 250°C was evaluated. The cross‐sections were investigated using a scanning electron…


The application of IR thermography to process monitoring and control of reflow soldering

Paul Conway, David Whalley, Michelle Wilkinson, S.M. Hyslop

This paper describes a technique for the monitoring and control of the reflow soldering process. The technique combines state‐of‐the‐art infra‐red (IR) sensor technology, coupled…

Lead‐free alloys

Anton Zoran Miric, Angela Grusd

In recent years, efforts to develop alternatives to lead‐based solders have increased dramatically. These efforts began as a response to potential legislation and regulations…


Solder joint reliability of cavity‐down plastic ball grid array assemblies

S.‐W. Ricky Lee, John H. Lau

A computational model was established in this study to simulate cavity‐down plastic ball grid array (PBGA) assemblies. Stress analysis was performed to investigate the solder…

Surface mount assembly of BGA and μBGA

Volker‐Ekkehart Koch

A ball grid array (BGA) is a surface‐mount device and is processed in a standard surface‐mount (SM) assembly line. However, there are some special features which make it different…

Mechanical properties of Pb/Sn Pb/In and Sn‐In solders

W. Kinzy Jones, Yanqing Liu, Milind Shah, Robert Clarke

The mechanical properties of eight solder alloys from the Pb‐Sn‐In‐Ag alloy systems were determined over the temperature range ‐200°C to 100°C, using uniaxial tensile tests…

Cover of Soldering & Surface Mount Technology







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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Professor Peng He
  • Associate Professor Shuye Zhang