Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Issue(s) available: 233 – From Volume: 1 Issue: 1, to Volume: 38 Issue: 9

Volume 37
Volume 36
Volume 35
Volume 34
Issue 8 2021
Issue 7 2021 Accounting for Public Services: Reconsidering Publicness in Accounting Research and Practice
Issue 6 2021 Accounting, management, finance, and accountability in times of crisis: A COVID-19 perspective
Issue 5 2021 Incorporating Context into Social and Environmental Accounting (SEA) in Developing Countries
Issue 4 2021
Issue 3 2021
Issue 2 2021
Issue 1 2021
Volume 33
Volume 32
Volume 31
Volume 30
Volume 29
Volume 28
Volume 27
Volume 26
Volume 25
Volume 24
Volume 23
Volume 22
Volume 21
Volume 20
Volume 19
Volume 18
Volume 9
Volume 8
Volume 7
Volume 6
When audit confronts blockchain
Erica Pimentel, Emilio Boulianne, Crawford SpencePrevious work has explored the ability of auditors to expand successfully into seemingly unrelated fields, referred to as new audit spaces. The present paper focuses on how…
Intergenerational accountability in the times of just transitions
Matthew Scobie, Ellie Norris, Holly WillsonThis study explores the concept of intergenerational accountability to address the grand challenge of a just transition. Intergenerational accountability extends the notion of…
Compensatory justice and accountability for First Nations peoples: the Timber Creek case
Ellie Norris, Shawgat Kutubi, Glenn FinauThis paper examines the state’s accountability to its citizens, in particular the First Peoples of settler colonial nations such as Australia, and how these responsibilities may…
Between the lines: linking carbon management to carbon accounting actions in the pursuit of corporate decarbonization
Matthew Phillip Johnson, Jakob Strobel, Gregory TrencherTo achieve net-zero by mid-century consistent with the Paris Agreement, companies must urgently formulate and implement decarbonization actions. While previous research has…
Stigma management: a counter-accounting of child labour and environmental issues in the mining sector
Sharif Mahmud Khalid, Chinyere O. UcheLarge mining companies are often subject to stigmatisation. Thus, these companies try to shift stigma to artisanal small-scale miners in stigma management. This study seeks to…
Ways of not seeing: visibility, blindness, and the transparency game
Jonathan Tweedie, Matteo RonzaniTo advance understanding of transparency by problematising the motivations and strategies of a so far underexplored group: its users.
Practical and theoretical judgment in data-driven financial due diligence
Tim Kastrup, Michael Grant, Fredrik NilssonNew digital technologies are reshaping the business landscape and accounting work. This paper aims to investigate how incorporating more data and new data analytics (DA) tools…
Accounting for digital promises: restoring and transforming promissory narratives
Martin Carlsson-Wall, Christofer Laurell, Oliver Lindqvist Parbratt, Mart OtsThe paper investigates the relationship between accounting and promises in the context of digital change.
The accounting profession in the Twilight Zone: navigating digitalisation's sided challenges through ethical pathways for decision-making
Adriana Tiron-Tudor, Waymond Rodgers, Delia DeliuThe paper aims to explore the sided challenges facing the accounting profession in an advanced digitalised future where humans and robots will collaborate in working teams.
Accountability and the metaverse: unaccounted digital worlds between techwashing mechanisms and new emerging meanings
Maurizio Massaro, Rosanna Spanò, Sanjaya Chinthana KuruppuThis paper aims to understand the main challenges connected with accountability issues across multiple layers of the metaverse, to identify whether and how any techwashing is…
Accountability in permissioned blockchains: through the ledger, the code and the people
Mélissa Fortin, Erica Pimentel, Emilio BoulianneThis study explores how introducing a permissioned blockchain in a supply chain context impacts accountability relationships and the process of rendering an account. The authors…
Accounting for the “harms” of social media firms: dialogic accountability and discursive contestation in public hearings
Kolawole Yusuff, Andrea Whittle, Frank MuellerExisting literature has begun to identify the agonistic and contested aspects of the ongoing development of accountability systems. These “contests” are particularly important…
Management accounting for a circular economy: current limits and avenue for a dialogic approach
Selena Aureli, Eleonora Foschi, Angelo PalettaThis study investigates the implementation of a sustainable circular business model from an accounting perspective. Its goal is to understand if and how decision- makers use…
The unaccounted effects of digital transformation: participatory accountability in a humanitarian organisation
Tami Dinh, Susan O'LearyThis study explores the evolving dynamics of participatory accountability within humanitarian contexts, where digitally connected crisis-affected populations demand better…
Twitter bots, democratic deliberation and social accountability: the case of #OccupyWallStreet
Dean Neu, Gregory D. SaxtonThis study is motivated to provide a theoretically informed, data-driven assessment of the consequences associated with the participation of non-human bots in social…
Co-construction of performance indicators for a circular city and its relation to a local action net
Justyna Bekier, Cristiana ParisiThis study examines how circular economy (CE) performance indicators are constructed in an urban context characterised by a multitude of conflicting interests and visions of urban…
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1988Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof James Guthrie
- Prof Lee Parker