
Industry Transformation and Disruption through Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Table of contents
(11 chapters)Part 1 Industry Transformation
This chapter examines the marketplace context for media innovations. This includes factors that have been well researched and about which much is known, for example, pricing and early adopters, as well as marketplace elements and patterns that are not so thoroughly understood but are nonetheless very important in understanding the process of adoption, for example, the role of serendipity. It reviews patterns of adoption that were prevalent in the twentienth century but which have changed in the twenty-first century, for example, how word of mouth has been transformed by social media. Declines and failures as well as successes along with the international scope of media innovations, including in developing countries, are accessed.
The advantages and disadvantages of large and small companies creating media innovations are reviewed as are the respective roles of content creation and distribution. The concluding discussion section describes the contexts for media innovations today, including concerns about their privacy, use of media in public places, filters for new media innovations to identify likely successes, and the importance of teams in developing media innovations.
Since 1939, with the introduction of television at the World Fair in New York City, the television business has gone through many changes from the introduction of color to multichannel offering through cable and satellite. Recent years have brought an accelerated pace of change driven in large by the proliferation of digital platforms. Change that is manifested in the way consumers view television. Technology adoption is more of an evolutionary process than a full-fledged revolution. As such, learnings from consumer adoption of interactive television can provide a footprint for other industries. An example is digital health that includes applications and platforms, which are applied toward improving healthcare delivery or the healthcare systems.
This chapter will provide a comparison between the television and health industries as they transition into the digital age. It juxtaposes learnings from changing business models and consumer adoption from both industries and offers a possible roadmap for other industries on the quest to engage and grow their consumer base in the digital age.
This chapter is a position paper that explores issues relating to the design of new digital technologies that could enable even nonmusicians to create music they find meaningful and through which they can express their unique musical personality. We first propose criteria for evaluating the musical effectiveness of new tools, and then present a simple cognitive model to help explain key issues related to how humans are able to create and experience music. On this basis, we derive a set of guiding principles towards designing a new generation of tools that support creation. A major theoretical and practical challenge we raise is the need to bridge between mind and tool – that is, between the creator’s intents, which represent subjective musical experiences, and the computational formalisms required by digital tools in order to realize them. We also discuss the need for deep personalization on the levels of concepts, tools, and workflow. We finally propose components for a common framework that will enable the design of a new generation of tools that can explore many different approaches for expanding the bounds of personal creative expression
Innovation is about creating new products, and new solutions, sometimes in ways people can’t even anticipate. Why is it then important of to use user-centered design processes? What is the value and ROI of User Experience (UX)-based practices for entrepreneurs? And how can those be achieved?
This chapter will introduce User Experience principles, their value add for innovation, and the best practices for achieving them. Children-centric design examples will be incorporated.
This chapter deals with online consumer behavior from a psychological perspective. It integrates psychological findings and online behavior, trying to shed light on the mind of the costumer. The chapter explores how customers’ emotions influence their experience on a website. The chapter explains how the customers’ thought processes, emotions, and psychology influence their purchase intention and how online retailers should respond to increase sales and conversion.
Part 2 Innovative Entrepreneurship
While the web was meant to broaden our horizons, the opposite has happened. Social media filter bubbles, a fragmented news landscape and the drive to personalization have all but insulated and polarized us. The Perspective seeks to counter the growing polarization taking hold all over the world as amplified in the case of Brexit, the 2016 US presidential election and more.
The Perspective is a global enterprise, defined by its mission of opening minds this by displaying two sides of current events. The psychological insights gathered were translated into de-facto design choices and editorial guidelines. The Perspective won the 2017 Eppy and WebAward and it is also a highly commended finalist of The 2018 Drum award and a Webby award nominee (www.theperspective.com).
As deep as we’d like to think that journalism is already embedded in the Internet way of doing things, some destructive basic print-era practices are still present in news production. One of them is that news organizations are autarchic entities – they produce most of their content internally. As in the real economy, this inevitably leads to a huge waste of resources – exactly what news organizations cannot afford to do. And, as in the real economy, the answer is commerce. News organizations need to pool resources by creating a syndication network that will push each member to produce only content that cannot be produced by others or outsourced to others – while acquiring all the rest. This will lead to bigger revenues from selling content as well as production cost reductions that exceed the increased costs of buying content.
This chapter explores how audience research company Shareablee empowered marketers to look beyond ‘big numbers’ as social media was growing, and adjust their thinking towards a single, digestible source of meaningful measurement. As consumers spend more time online and on mobile devices, their attention continues to fragment across platforms, devices, and apps. This creates new challenges for marketers when it comes to reaching consumers meaningfully with content – and many challenges for researchers when it comes to measuring ROI. Shareablee believed that social media presented both a channel for connecting marketers with customers, and an unprecedented research opportunity to consider what billions of people care about, in real time. Innovating through a fast-changing and crowded digital environment means building quickly on partial information, iterating openly and forming strong but flexible opinions about what will benefit marketers most as the world changes around them.
Talentedly is a startup focused on delivering accessible, actionable, and affordable one-on-one professional coaching virtually and at scale. By leveraging technology to deliver every aspect of the experience, Talentedly is able to ensure the quality and consistency of service and measure the impact that professional and career coaching has on individual and business outcomes. This case study explores three areas of professional coaching in the digital age: market size and overall state of coaching in the US market, a review of meta-analyses that measure the impact of coaching on the individual and company, and the outcomes, potentially predictive, of self-assessment criteria on the completion of virtual one-on-one professional coaching.

- 10.1108/9781789736199
- Publication date
- 2019-02-08
- Editor
- 978-1-78973-622-9
- 978-1-78973-619-9