Comparative Analysis of Competitiveness of Logistics Companies in Korea, Japan and China

JunYeop Lee (School of International Trade and Regional Studies, Inha University, Korea) *
Myunghun Lee (School of International Trade and Regional Studies, Inha University, Korea)

Journal of International Logistics and Trade

ISSN: 1738-2122

Article publication date: 30 June 2011

Issue publication date: 30 June 2011

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This paper examines the comparative corporate performance of logistics companies in Korea, China and Japan. Based on the annual data from the listed companies, the growth rate of Chinese companies has surpassed that of Korean and Japanese companies and has labeled China as the fastest growing economy. How ever, labor efficiency of Chinese firms when calculated by total revenue per employee is the lowest of the three countries. In addition, the profitability of Chinese multimodal logistics companies and sea transport companies is also lower than that of Korea and Japan.

Using Data Envelop Analysis(DEA), the primary results regarding corporate efficiency among Korean, Chinese and Japanese logistic companies are as follows: In the multimodal industries, Japanese firms have revealed the highest level of efficiency, with Korean firms coming in second, and Chinese firms ranking third with distinctly inferior performance. This trend has also been examined in the maritime industries, in which the efficiency levels have been deteriorating continuously. However, in the air transportation industry Chinese companies revealed the highest level of efficiency, which resulted from the business characteristics of the government supported conglomerate companies.



Lee, J. and Lee, M. (2011), "Comparative Analysis of Competitiveness of Logistics Companies in Korea, Japan and China", Journal of International Logistics and Trade, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 27-42.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2011 Jungseok Research Institute of International Logistics and Trade


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Corresponding author

*Corresponding Author: Professor, School of International Trade and Regional Studies, Inha University, Korea, Tel: + 82 32 860 7804, Email:

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