www.whichcompany.net Launch

Soldering & Surface Mount Technology

ISSN: 0954-0911

Article publication date: 1 December 2000




(2000), "www.whichcompany.net Launch", Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, Vol. 12 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/ssmt.2000.21912cab.035



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited

www.whichcompany.net Launch

www.whichcompany.net Launch

Keywords Plimsoll, Internet

Plimsoll Publishing is set to launch its new acquisitions service, www.whichcompany.net. In a unique approach, this service finds and names companies that would be the best acquisition prospects in your chosen market. It then provides "projections" on how much hidden profit these prospects could achieve.

As an example, an acquisition prospect from the Electronics Manufacturers industry was highlighted as a loss making under achiever with pre-tax losses of over £5 million. In whichcompany.net's projection, by reducing internal costs including stocks, debtors, and staffing levels the company posted a projected pre-tax profit of over £11 million.

"Our research revealed that 'busy managers' were very keen to pursue acquisitions. Yet they did not have a simple, cost effective means of assessing the prospects in their target area. Now, prior to calling in the big gun consultants, they can take a good look at real possibilities for themselves", says David Pattison, Manager of Plimsoll Publishing Ltd.

The Electronics Manufacturers industry is only one of the several hundred industries covered by the whichcompany.net service.

Locating a required industry via the Web site is simple. Then overnight your acquisition pack, priced at only £450.00 is compiled and delivered next day. The analysis is completely confidential as these prospects are not necessarily for sale. Yet because the entire industry has been scanned every individual UK company can be evaluated for their acquisition potential incorporating your own personal requirements.

Further information: www.whichcompany.net, Tel: +44 (0) 1642 257800.

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