Philosophy of Science and Meta-Knowledge in International Business and Management

Philosophy of Science and Meta-Knowledge in International Business and Management

ISBN: 978-1-78190-712-2, eISBN: 978-1-78190-713-9

ISSN: 1571-5027

Publication date: 30 May 2013

This content is currently only available as a PDF


(2013), "Philosophy of Science and Meta-Knowledge in International Business and Management", Devinney, T.M., Pedersen, T. and Tihanyi, L. (Ed.) Philosophy of Science and Meta-Knowledge in International Business and Management (Advances in International Management, Vol. 26), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, p. i.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2013, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Philosophy of Science and Meta-Knowledge in International Business and Management
Advances in International Management
Advances in International Management
Copyright Page
List of Contributors
Editors’ Biographies
Editors’ Introduction
Introduction to Part I: Booz & Co./Strategy+Business Eminent Scholar in International Management 2012
From the American Challenge to the Dragons at Your Door: Forty Years of Work on the Theory of the Multinational Enterprise
Internalization Theory as the General Theory of International Strategic Management: Jean-François Hennart’s Contributions
Jean-François Hennart: Types of Research, Qualities and Contributions
Introduction to Part II: Do We Do Science? Philosophy and Knowledge in International Business and Management
Inherited Philosophy of Science? Economics and International Business Research
The Road to Relevance
Why Baseline Modelling is Better than Null-Hypothesis Testing: Examples from International Business Research
Ontology and IB: Re-Imagining the Multinational
The Philosophy of Turning Points: A Case of De-Internationalization
Do We Really Understand a Research Topic? Finding Answers through Meta-Analyses
Meta-Analytic Research in International Business and International Management
International Business Research: Understanding Past Paths to Design Future Research Directions
Progress, Maturity or Exhaustion? Sources and Modes of Theorizing on the International Strategy – Performance Relationship (1990–2011)
What Do We Know about the Success and Failure of International Joint Ventures? In Search of Relevance and Holism
What Do We Know about Going Global Early? Liabilities of Foreignness and Early Internationalizing Firms
International Technology Transfer and its Implications to Dominant Design Theory
What Do We Know About Post-Merger Integration Following International Acquisitions?
Authors’ Biographies