International Perspectives on Education and Society

Education Strategy in the Developing World: Revising the World Bank's Education Policy

ISBN: 978-1-78052-276-0, eISBN: 978-1-78052-277-7

ISSN: 1479-3679

Publication date: 12 March 2012

This content is currently only available as a PDF


(2012), "International Perspectives on Education and Society", Collins, C.S. and Wiseman, A.W. (Ed.) Education Strategy in the Developing World: Revising the World Bank's Education Policy (International Perspectives on Education and Society, Vol. 16), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, p. iii.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2012, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Education Strategy in the Developing World: Revising the World Bank's Education Policy
International Perspectives on Education and Society
International Perspectives on Education and Society
Copyright Page
List of Contributors
Education, Development, and Poverty: An Introduction to Research on the World Bank's Education Policy and Revision Process
World Bank Group Education Strategy 2020
Six Questions about the World Bank's 2020 Education Sector Strategy
When Models Become Monopolies: The Making of Education Policy at the World Bank
The World Bank's “Education Strategy 2020”: A Personal Account
Education Sector Strategy 2020 and Popular Participation: Parallels and Pitfalls
The World Bank, the International Finance Corporation, and Private Sector Participation in Basic Education: Examining the Education Sector Strategy 2020
Theory and Ideology in the Gender Proposals of the World Bank's Education Strategy 2020
World Bank and Education: Ideological Premises and Ideological Conclusions
Education and Inequality: Implications of the World Bank's Education Strategy 2020
Constructing and Measuring Teacher Effectiveness in Global Education Reform
Deliberative Educational Planning: Including Educators’ Deliberations in Educational Policy Making
The Approach of the World Bank to Participation in Development and Education Governance: Trajectories, Frameworks, Results
ICT, the Education Sector, and Open E-Learning: A Unique Opportunity for the Decade Ahead
What doesn’t the Education Sector Strategy Say? How the Fast Track Initiative and Multisector Operations are Changing the Landscape of World Bank Education Financing
Taming the Youth Bulge in Africa: Rethinking the World Bank's Policy on Technical and Vocational Education for Disadvantaged Youth in the Knowledge Economy
Framing the World Bank Education Strategy 2020 to the Indian Context: Alignments, Challenges, and Opportunities
The World Bank and Educational Reform in Indonesia
Increasing the Flow of Students, Washing Out Quality: World Bank Policy Effects in Tanzanian Secondary Schools
About the Authors
Author Index
Subject Index