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Determinants of employee intention to stay: a generational multigroup analysis

Inês Silva (Business School, ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal)
Álvaro Dias (BRU-Business Research Unit, ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal)
Leandro F. Pereira (BRU-Business Research Unit, ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal)

International Journal of Organizational Analysis

ISSN: 1934-8835

Article publication date: 25 August 2023

Issue publication date: 15 August 2024




The purpose of the study is to investigate the differences between generational groups (specifically Generations X, Y and Z) in terms of variables that influence organisational commitment and intention to stay within an organisation. The aim is to fill the research gap in understanding how different factors influence commitment and retention across different generations.


This study follows a quantitative approach based on cross-sectional survey data. The respondents were employees of Generations X, Y and Z. The data were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling and multigroup analysis.


The results of the study indicate several relationships between variables and organisational commitment/intention to stay. Person-organisation fit is positively related to organisational commitment, and work-life balance is positively related to both organisational commitment and intention to stay. The mediation of organisational commitment shows a positive relationship with person-organisation fit and work-life balance. In addition, there are positive relationships between organisational culture and both organisational commitment and intention to stay, as well as a positive relationship between person-organisation fit and intention to stay. Furthermore, all three Generations (X, Y and Z) show positive relationships between organisational commitment and intention to stay.

Research limitations/implications

The implications of the study are twofold. First, it provides theoretical contributions by uncovering the relationships between various variables and organisational commitment/retention. Second, it provides practical implications for organisations by highlighting the importance of person-organisation fit, work-life balance and organisational culture in fostering commitment and retention among employees of different generations.


The originality and value of this study lies in its exploration of the differences between generational groups in terms of variables affecting organisational commitment and intention to stay. By addressing this research gap, the study contributes to the existing literature on organisational commitment and retention. The detailed presentation of theoretical contributions, practical implications, limitations and suggestions for future research enhances the overall value of the study.



There is no conflict of interest of any kind in this research.


Silva, I., Dias, Á. and F. Pereira, L. (2024), "Determinants of employee intention to stay: a generational multigroup analysis", International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. 32 No. 8, pp. 1389-1418.



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