
Protest Technologies and Media Revolutions

ISBN: 978-1-83982-647-4, eISBN: 978-1-83982-646-7

Publication date: 26 November 2020

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(2020), "Index", Karatzogianni, A., Schandorf, M. and Ferra, I. (Ed.) Protest Technologies and Media Revolutions (Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy And Culture In Network Communication), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 287-294.



Emerald Publishing Limited


Activist media practice
, 132–134

, 107

, 143

Affective labour
, 266, 271

, 263

Aggressive marketing
, 2

Agony of Russian idea, The
, 39–40

Air Force Times
, 134

, 246

Alternative media’s frames
, 88–90

American dream
, 40–41

American oligarchs
, 97

, 197–198

Andalusian trade union of workers
, 206

Anti-government protests
, 66

Antifascist issues
, 29–30

, 273

‘Arab Spring’
, 262, 264

Armed forces (bewaffnete Organe)
, 31

‘Art as Action’
, 20

‘Art of Noises’, The
, 13–14

Artistic communicator
, 150–151

Artistic skills (AS)
, 150–151

Audience Data and Reporting
, 215–216

Austerity negotiations in Greece
, 219

, 39–40, 101–102

, 98

Autonomous Left
, 203

Autonomous social movements
, 202

, 69–72, 83

Belsat satellite TV
, 86

Bereich 6/ZAIG development
, 26–29

in fictional cinema and television productions
, 29–33

Betweenness centrality
, 149, 250

, 246

, 246

Bolshevik government
, 19

Boundaries of collective
, 114–116

#Brexit for United Kingdom
, 242, 246, 248–251

semantic network
, 251–253

Broadcast Network Archetype
, 251

Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND)
, 32–33

Burnham’s theories
, 99

Café Futuristov
, 18

Café Poetov
, 18

California Department of Corrections (CDC)
, 136

Capital control measures
, 269

, 264–265

#CatalanReferendum for Catalan context
, 242, 248–251

semantic network
, 251–253

Chartist movement
, 198–199

Chinatown’ case study
, 85–86

‘Chinese industrial park’
, 3–4

‘Chinese-Belarusian industrial park’
, 85

Citizenship Amendment Act
, 8

Civil society actors
, 61–62

Clandestine unit (operative Diensteinheit)
, 27

, 273

Code Pink
, 135–136

, 111–112, 116–118

Cold War
, 99

Cold Warriors
, 100

, 141–142

Collaborative protest art
, 171–173

Collective action
, 108–109

Collective identity
, 110–112, 179

Collective voice
, 118–121

Common Dreams
, 131

‘Common Good: Ethics and Rights in Cybersecurity’, The
, 262–263

, 270, 272

, 111

, 2

, 230

Communication ecology
, 229

Communication is Constitutive of Organizing (CCO)
, 111

Communication Mailing List (CML)
, 148–149

Communication skills (CS)
, 150–151

Communicative control. See also Soviet communicative control
, 51

, 197–198

Comparative cyberconflict analysis of digital activism
, 61

, 69–72

comparison to Estonia
, 73–75

, 65–69

digital political culture and resistance publics
, 63–65

Concerted coups
, 26–27

Congress for Cultural Freedom
, 99

Congress of the Comintern
, 19

Connective action
, 109

Contemporary media industries
, 2

, 111–112

Counterpropaganda (Konterpropaganda)
, 26

Country’s opportunity structures
, 186–187

Craft solidarity
, 213

Creative resistance
, 135–137

and participation
, 171–173

Crime stories
, 32

, 65–69

‘Cultura Viva’
, 268

, 70

Das unsichtbare Visier (television series)
, 28–29

Death to Art
, 15–16

‘Decentralization-recentralization’ cycle
, 56–57

, 116

Delhi Nirbhaya Protests
, 177, 181–182

, 98, 274–275

Demonized communism
, 99

Department for Agitation (Abteilung Agitation)
, 25–29

in fictional cinema and television productions
, 29–33

Deutsche Film AG (DEFA)
, 29–30

Differential space
, 163

Digital activism
, 62–63

Digital Agenda 2020
, 75

Digital cultural economies
, 62–63

Digital media
, 64, 107–108

Digital networks
, 143–144, 241–242

Digital political culture
, 63–65

Digital technologies
, 8–9, 229–231

Direct interactions
, 52–53

Dirty cube
, 146–147

, 232–237

Disinformation campaigns
, 26

‘Distributed discourse’ concept
, 212–213

District departments (Bezirksverwaltungen)
, 25–26

‘Double tap’
, 135


activist media practice
, 132–134

, 132–133

creative resistance
, 135–137

, 127–132

‘E-residency’ programme
, 75

East German Public
, 24–26

East German State Security Service
, 23

Bereich 6/ZAIG development
, 26–29

Department for Agitation development
, 26–29

between public relations and media control
, 33–34

public relations and propaganda
, 24–26

Emergent Organization, The
, 111

‘End the Drone Wars’
, 131

Enemy agents
, 26–27

, 73–75

Eternity, loss of
, 43–44

Ethnic territoriality principle
, 56–57

European Union (EU)
, 241

, 54–55

Fictional cinema, Bereich 6/ZAIG and Department for Agitation in
, 29–33

, 146–147

Flash balls
, 6–7

Formalization of labour movement
, 204

Four Theories of the Press
, 52

, 86

alternative media’s frames
, 88–90

dissent in Post-Soviet communicative ecologies
, 86–90

mainstream media’s frames
, 86–88

, 180, 188–190

Twitter and
, 245–246

Freedom House report
, 75

‘Futurist Synthetic Theater’, The
, 13–14

, 16

Gavary praudu (GP)
, 86, 88

Geeks of the Squares

ideological production in protest technologies and media revolutions
, 268–274

masses connecting
, 261–266

, 266–268

movement actors’ experiences of use of protest technologies
, 276–278

orders of dissent and agentive action
, 265

participant interviews
, 267

protest technologies and national political cultures
, 274–276

German Democratic Republic (GDR)
, 23

Glass ceiling
, 199

Google Analytics
, 215–216

Goteo platform
, 268, 269

, 247–248

Grassroots’ organizations
, 99

‘Great Soviet Dream’
, 38–39

‘Great Utopia’
, 13–14

Greek ‘Do Not Pay’ Social Movement. See also Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement (2014)
, 227–228

communicating dissent
, 228–231

, 232–237

, 231–232

, 232–237

, 242

#Grexit for Greece
, 242, 246, 248–251

semantic network
, 251–253

Guardian, The
, 134

Halle’s tripartite typology
, 26

, 242, 246

Hierarchical meritocratic system
, 41

Homo sapiens
, 43–44

Homo Sovieticus
, 43–44

Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement (2014)
, 161–162, 164

co-production of protest art in urban space
, 168–170

collaborative protest art, creative resistance and participation
, 171–173

Lefebvre’s spatial triad
, 162–163

, 165

representational spaces and symbols of protest art
, 165–168

space production and urban social movements
, 163–164

, 14

Horizontal structures
, 185

24-Hour rule
, 117

, 263

identity-based movements
, 201–202

, 110–114, 116

Ideological production in protest technologies and media revolutions
, 268–274

, 236–237

In-Page Analytics
, 215–216

, 117

Industrial solidarity
, 213


, 84

, 97–98

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
, 61, 178, 183–186

framing process and
, 188–190

mobilization structures and
, 183–186

political opportunity structure and
, 186–188

struggle to dominating ICT terrain
, 190–193

as tools for movement action
, 178–180

Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter (IM)
, 29

Institute of Apiculture
, 44–45

Institutional Left
, 202–203

, 143–144

International solidarity
, 197–198

, 108, 179

, 69

, 74–75

, 65–68

Interpersonal communication
, 52

‘Ironic media activism’
, 4

Isola Art Center
, 146–147

John Lennon Wall in Prague
, 169–170

Juristische Hochschule Potsdam (JHS)
, 29

, 132–133

, 25, 27–28

Labour movement
, 197–199, 201–202

‘Last Soviet republic’
, 69

Latent capacity theory
, 63–64

Lavoratori dell’Arte’ (LdA)
, 142

Leaderless structures
, 185

Lefebvre’s spatial triad
, 162–163

Lefebvre’s theory of spatial reproduction
, 5, 161–162

Liberal meme makers
, 69

, 101–102

Lion Rock
, 166–167

, 54


conflicts and division of labour in Macao’s experience
, 147–151

cooperation within
, 152–153

organizational model
, 141–142

refusal of horizontality
, 141–142

Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom, The
, 98

Maduro government
, 7–8

Main departments (Hauptabteilung)
, 25–26

Mainstream media’s frames
, 86–88

Managerial Revolution, The
, 98

Manichean ideological trap
, 101–102

, 101–102

Marxian materialist interpretation
, 62–63

Mass self-communication
, 212

‘Mass vigilance’ (Massenwachsamkeit)
, 27–28

‘Material for argumentation’
, 23

Materiality of Macao’s relations
, 145–147

, 112, 230

, 9

, 111

, 111

Mediatized interactions
, 52–53

Mediatized quasiinteractions
, 52–53

Melucci’s conceptualization of collective identity
, 108

Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (MfS)
, 23

Ministry of National Defence (MfNV)
, 31

Ministry of the Interior (MdI)
, 31

Mobile phones
, 184

, 64

, 178–179, 183–186

Movement actors’ experiences of use of protest technologies
, 276–278

‘Movements of the squares’
, 107

, 214

Multi-case study approach
, 180–181

, 249

, 13–14

Music is Before all Else
, 13–14

, 13–14

, 184

Nasha Niva newspaper
, 86

National political cultures
, 274–276

‘New landlord of Belarus?’, The
, 89

‘New social movements’
, 199–202

‘New Year gateway to peace’
, 131

Nirbhaya movement
, 184

, 248

‘Non-communist Left’
, 99

Noncontentious content
, 219

, 136–137

OBERIU group
, 20

, 41

‘Occupare il conflitto’
, 148

Occupy activists
, 4, 108

Occupy London
, 113, 120–121

Occupy London Stock Exchange (OccupyLSX)
, 113, 115, 117, 120

Occupy mobilization
, 64–65

Occupy movement
, 107, 113, 214, 264–265

Occupy Nigeria Movement
, 177, 181–182, 185–186, 189

Occupy Wall Street
, 107, 112–113, 115, 119

, 67–68

, 55

Operative agitation (Operativagitation)
, 26

Organization studies (OS)
, 143–144

Organizational communication
, 110–112

‘Painted faces’
, 16

, 181–182

Participatory culture
, 63

, 39–40

Peace activists
, 131

Perception management
, 97–98

‘Performance art’
, 13–14

‘Petersburgkaia Gazeta’ newspaper
, 17

Plan-based economy
, 55

Platform for Affected by Mortgages (PAH)
, 205

, 253–257


, 64–65

opportunity structures
, 179, 186–188

, 64

, 63

Political communication (PC)
, 111

‘Political-operative protection’
, 23

, 253–257

Post-Crimea consensus
, 55

Post-Soviet communicative ecologies
, 83

framing dissent in
, 86–90

framing issue
, 86

, 86

theoretical framework
, 84–86

Post-Soviet Russia

rebirth of Soviet communicative control in
, 55–57

Russian Academy of Sciences’ Sociological Survey on Russian Dream
, 40–42

Russian Idea to Russian Dream
, 37–40

Victor Pelevin’s postmodern novel Generation “II
, 42–46

Post-Soviet Russian transition
, 51

Press conferences
, 26–27

Press office
, 26

, 25–26

‘Principles of Solidarity of OWS’
, 116

‘Private Property’
, 87

Production of Space, The
, 162

Professionalization of labour movement
, 204

, 54, 56

Proprietary platforms
, 108–109

Protest art

co-production of protest art in urban space
, 168–170

representational spaces and symbols of
, 165–168

Protest communication
, 3–4

Protest technologies. See also Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
, 9, 274–276

‘Psychological warfare’ techniques
, 101

Public affairs
, 97–98

Public diplomacy
, 97–98

Public relations (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
, 24–26, 97–98

Quantitative content analysis
, 231–232

Rammstein Album Cover
, 71–72

, 232–237

Representational space
, 162–164

and symbols of protest art
, 165–168

Representative democracy
, 200

Resistance publics
, 63–65

Resistant microbloggers
, 65–66

Resource mobilization theory
, 178

Rhizomatic structures
, 185

Royal Air Force (RAF)
, 131

Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
, 37

Sociological Survey on Russian Dream
, 40–42

‘Russian avant-garde’
, 13

Russian dream
, 42, 45

Russian futurists
, 15

‘Russian hackers’
, 102

Russian idea and the American dream, The
, 37–38

Russian Idea to Russian Dream
, 37–40

‘Russian meddling’
, 97, 102

Russian media environment
, 65–66

‘Russian oligarchs’
, 97

Russian protest movement
, 51

Russian Revolution
, 1, 2, 9

Russian society
, 37

, 273

, 273

, 118

Short message service (SMS)
, 178

Silent revolution
, 199–200

Situationist International
, 202–203

Social media
, 108–109, 184, 213

Social movement (SM). See also Greek ‘Do Not Pay’ Social Movement
, 118, 143, 228, 230

case study and methods
, 142–143

conflicts and division of labour in Macao’s experience
, 147–151

cooperation within Macao
, 152–153

framing organization in hybrid movements
, 143–145

materiality of Macao’s relations
, 145–147

Social networks
, 248–251

, 197–198

Socialist development
, 27–28

Sociopolitical agency
, 263, 265–266

Soft or smart power
, 97–98

, 83–84

movement in Poland
, 201

‘Someone-as-anyone’ strategy
, 119

SORM ICT monitoring system
, 71

Soviet communicative control
, 52–55

and implications
, 57

in Post-Soviet Russia
, 55–57

review and methodology
, 52–53

Soviet ideology
, 55

Soviet intellectuals
, 44

Soviet power
, 54

Soviet Union
, 54–55

Sozialistische Einheitspartei (SED)
, 24–25

Space production
, 163–164

‘Spaces of play’
, 172–173

Spaces of representations
, 162, 163–164

Spain’s 15-M Movement
, 197

logics of collective action in conflict
, 202–205

Trade Unions and
, 205–207

Spatial practice
, 162–164

Staatssekretariat für Staatssicherheit. See State Secretary for State Security (SfS)

State Secretary for State Security (SfS)
, 24–27

State Security Service
, 24–26

Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)
, 214

Summer Camp
, 145–147

‘Symphony of Sirens’, The
, 19

Task Force for Public Connections (Arbeitsgruppe Öffentliche Verbindungen)
, 29

Technical activist
, 150–151

Technical communicator
, 150–151

, 269

Telegraph service
, 54

Telephone service
, 54

Television productions, Bereich 6/ZAIG and Department for Agitation in
, 29–33

, 111–112, 116–118

Thematic analysis
, 221

Theory of interactions
, 52–53

Tiananmen Square
, 161

To Restore American Independence Now (TRAIN)
, 100

Trade Unions
, 205–207, 211

Traditional media
, 84


labour solidarity
, 212–214

, 6–10

Truth About Civil Turmoil (TACT)
, 100

, 119–120

, 242

digital methods, data collections and limitations
, 247–248

and framing
, 245–246

networks and politics
, 243–245

as political sphere and tool for campaigning
, 242–243

‘Tyranny of structurelessness’
, 144–145

‘Umbrella Everywhere’
, 168–169

Umbrella Movement
, 164, 166

Umbrella Revolution. See Umbrella Movement

Umbrella Square
, 165–166

Union Solidarity International (USI)
, 5–6, 211

data and research methods
, 215–216

, 216–223

transnational labour solidarity
, 212–214

Twitter account
, 217

Unit of analysis
, 231–232

Unofficial Collaborators
, 29

Urban social movements
, 163–164

US Committee for Public Information (CPI)
, 101

, 118–119

Victor Pelevin’s postmodern novel Generation “II
, 37, 42–46

Victory over the Sun
, 14–15

‘Virtual democracies’ phenomenon
, 70

Visual analysis
, 165

Visual Arts Section
, 19

, 247–248

, 67–68

Web 1. 0
, 212–214

Web 2. 0
, 212–214, 229

Western intelligence agencies
, 24

, 184

Women workers
, 199

Workers World
, 130–131

, 89

Yellow vests
, 6–7

YouTube’s ‘alternative’ TV channels
, 86

Zentrale Auswertungs-und Informationsgruppe (ZAIG)
, 28–29

Chapter 1 Introduction: Protest Technologies and Media Revolutions in the Longue Durée
Part I From the Russian Revolution to Post-soviet Digital Activism and the New Cold War
Chapter 2 Art as a Form of Social Action in the Russian Avant-garde (1905–1930)
Chapter 3 Secret Police and Public Sphere: The East German State Security Service (‘Stasi’) between Media Control and Public Relations
Chapter 4 The Russian Dream and Victor Pelevin's Generation “Π”: Ideology in Post-Soviet Russia
Chapter 5 Soviet Communicative Control: Some Implications of Digital Activism in Contemporary Russia
Chapter 6 A Comparative Cyberconflict Analysis of Digital Activism across Post-Soviet Countries
Chapter 7 Dis/Engagement in Post-soviet Communicative Ecologies: Re-Framing the ‘Chinatown’ Dissent Campaign in Belarus
Chapter 8 Media Tooth and Claw: Ecologies of Post-truth Suasion in Total (Culture) War
Part II The Road to Occupy and Its Influence
Chapter 9 Creating the Collective: Social Media, the Occupy Movement and Its Constitution as a Collective Actor
Chapter 10 Ground the Drones: Direct Action and Media Activism
Chapter 11 Beyond Social Media Determinism: How Artists Reshape the Organization of Social Movements?
Chapter 12 ‘The City Is a Work of Art and Everyone Is an Artist’: Collaborative Protest Art, Participation and Space Reproduction at the 2014 Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement
Chapter 13 A Comparative Study of the Delhi Nirbhaya Protests and the Occupy Nigeria Movement: Evaluating Uses of ICTs and Social Media
Chapter 14 From Classical Syndicalism to Spain's 15-M Movement
Chapter 15 The Trials and Tribulations of Social Media and Transnational Labour Solidarity
Chapter 16 The Online Communication Strategies of a Small-Scale Social Movement: The Case of the Greek ‘Do Not Pay’ Social Movement
Chapter 17 The EU Referendum in the Twittersphere: #Grexit, #Brexit and the #CatalanReferendum
Chapter 18 The Geeks of the Squares: Agency, Control and Surveillance in Protest Movement Mediation Technologies