
Transformation for Sustainable Business and Management Practices: Exploring the Spectrum of Industry 5.0

ISBN: 978-1-80262-278-2, eISBN: 978-1-80262-277-5

Publication date: 17 February 2023

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(2023), "Index", Saini, A. and Garg, V. (Ed.) Transformation for Sustainable Business and Management Practices: Exploring the Spectrum of Industry 5.0, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 327-338.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Aarti Saini and Vikas Garg


Abnormal returns (AR)
, 283

, 282–283

calculation approach
, 281

Academic skills
, 128

Actual sustainable consumption (ASC)
, 114

, 79

, 10

After-cyber-attack sample
, 221

, 168


activation by variable-rate technology
, 79

advanced sensing technologies
, 85

agriculture 5.0
, 76

impact of agriculture on food security
, 71–73

, 77

, 78–79

, 79

developments in agriculture technology
, 75

, 71

platforms supporting detectors
, 77–78

role of IoT in
, 85

, 79

, 73

fifth industrial revolution
, 75

fourth industrial revolution
, 74–75

second industrial revolution
, 74

third industrial revolution
, 74

Aircraft systems
, 77

Algorithm management
, 233

American Management Association
, 73

, 189

Android Application
, 86

Anti-herding behavior
, 221

Anti-Money Laundering Act 2006
, 183

Anti–Money Laundering Regulations of 2012
, 177, 183

, 41

, 7

Artificial intelligence (AI)
, 3, 6, 16, 21, 59, 74, 150, 176, 189, 232–234, 279, 296–297

AI-enabled devices
, 311

EE and attitude toward
, 240

emergence of industry 5. 0 and role of
, 21–22

, 197

Attitude toward act/behavior (ATB)
, 250

Attitude toward artificial intelligence
, 233, 235–236

Augmented Dickey–Fuller test (ADF test)
, 224, 226

Augmented reality (AR)
, 23, 197

for marketing
, 197

Automated Teller Machines (ATM)
, 40

, 19, 190

strategies to enhance automations in industry 5.0
, 20–21

Average variance extracted values (AVE values)
, 257

Banking and Financial Institutions Act
, 183

Banking industry
, 40, 294

at age of industry 5.0
, 303–304

challenge of rising costs
, 302

challenges faced by banks in adoption of AI and blockchain
, 301–303

current applications of AI and blockchain in
, 296–301

employment challenges
, 301

ethical challenges
, 302

, 295–296

performance challenges
, 301

regulatory challenges
, 302–303

security, privacy, and trust challenges
, 302

Banking services
, 41

, 280, 294

technological know-how within
, 43–45

, 297

Bartlett’s test
, 109

of sphericity
, 238

Begging methods
, 70

Big data
, 59, 74, 189, 232

Big Data Analysis
, 74

Bio economy
, 6

Bio-based products
, 6

, 6

, 303

, 21, 83, 176, 181, 232, 295, 297–301

blockchain-based cryptocurrencies
, 300

on food security, impact of
, 82–84

integrations for FSC
, 84–85

Blockchain-based IoT-based food traceability system (BIFTS)
, 83

, 7

, 7

BRUSCHETTA (blockchain based certification application)
, 82

Business domains
, 40

Business implications
, 113

Business model
, 207–208

, 156, 160

Buy moments
, 275

Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
, 282–283

Causality test
, 226–227

, 45

Centre of Excellence for ICT in East Africa (CENIT@EA)
, 182

Challenges of using ICT in Indian higher education system, issues and
, 96–100

, 296–297, 304

City as emergency environment
, 60–61

Cloud computing
, 74, 176, 189, 232

Cloud technologies
, 21

Co-integration test
, 223

Co-learning approach
, 120

Cognitive computing
, 195

Cognitive engagement (CE)
, 237

Collaborative education on digital platform
, 148

Collaborative robots (CoBots)
, 310–311

Collecting methods
, 70

, 48

Commercial data management systems
, 79

Commercial livestock production
, 87

, 40

Competitive advantage

innovation and
, 32

learning and
, 32–33

Composite reliability (CR)
, 257

Computational logic
, 300

Computer fraud
, 181

Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act 2018
, 181

Computer-mediated communication
, 147

Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL)
, 147

, 99

Conscious consumerism of sustainable products

academic implications
, 113–114

awareness and purchase of sustainable/green products
, 109

business implications
, 113

demographic information
, 109

exploratory factor analysis and scale reliability analysis
, 111

information on sampling design
, 106

KMO and Bartlett’s Test
, 111

likely to buy sustainable products in next five years
, 110

measure of CSC
, 107

, 108

, 106–107

objectives of study
, 107–108

opinion on likelihood to use products meant for reused, repaired, recycled, and upcycled
, 110

opinion on sending disposal for landfill
, 110

, 108

statistical method
, 108

Conscious consumption
, 113

of sustainable products
, 104, 107

Conscious sustainable consumption (CSC)
, 108

Constructivist teaching methods
, 95

Consumer buying behavior
, 268

Consumer education
, 105

Consumer interaction and satisfaction
, 276

Consumer-generated content (CGC)
, 196

Contagion effect
, 220

Content writer
, 142

Continuous optimization
, 212

Converging technologies
, 74

, 142

Core values
, 8–9

Corona virus (COVID-19)
, 57, 60, 204

first case of
, 59

, 61

, 64

Corporate and personal mindset
, 169–170

Corporate culture
, 169

Corporate governance
, 170–171

Corporate values
, 159

Cradle-to-Cradle approach (C2C approach)
, 113

Creative content
, 196

Credit Reference Burial Regulations
, 183

Cronbach’s alpha
, 238

, 77

, 78

Cross-sectional absolute deviation model (CSAD model)
, 220

, 21

Customer data collection, management, and analysis
, 176

Customer experience
, 11, 193–194, 205–206

Customer involvement
, 168

Customers, digital literacy of
, 46

Cyber attacks
, 220

Cyber espionage
, 181

Cyber-physical systems (CPS)
, 20, 22

, 179, 220

data and methods
, 221–223

, 223–228

Cybercrimes Act
, 183

, 19–20

, 181

Data analysis procedure
, 161–164

Data privacy
, 182

Data Protecting Act of 2019
, 182

Data science
, 232

Data-driven marketing
, 195

, 79

Deep learning
, 79

Deposit insurance
, 281

Developing economies
, 156–157

Digital banking (DB)
, 41–42

causes influencing DB adoption
, 47–48

, 41

ecosystem in SL
, 42

Digital capabilities
, 205, 208

Digital disruption
, 156

, 164–171

recommendations, and future research directions
, 171–172

research methods
, 160–164

theoretical background
, 157–160

Digital DNA culture
, 210

Digital financial and legal transformation for Industry 5.0
, 178–179

Digital financial transformations

in East Africa
, 180–181

legal environment for
, 181–183

Digital infrastructure
, 42–43

Digital innovations
, 16–18

antecedents to sustainable business model
, 18

best practices of sustainable businesses with digital innovations in Industry 5.0
, 18–20

emergence of Industry 5.0 and role of AI
, 21–22

industry 5.0 and human-centric innovation
, 22–23

, 17

policy implications
, 24

strategies to enhance automations in Industry 5.0
, 20–21

sustainable business model
, 17

Digital investments well aligned to strategy
, 209

Digital leadership
, 211–212

Digital literacy of customers
, 46

Digital marketing
, 11–12

Digital platform for research
, 194

Digital revolution
, 74, 204

Digital technologies
, 8

and tools
, 168

Digital transformation
, 19, 29, 188, 179, 204, 295

building blocks
, 205–208

challenges faced in digital transformative process
, 212–215

enablers of digital transformation
, 208–210

factors, number of questions, reliability, and validity scales
, 33

, 210–212

hypothesis test results
, 35

innovation and competitive advantage
, 32

learning and competitive advantage
, 32–33

learning and innovation
, 31–32

literature review
, 30

, 33

open strategy
, 30–31

, 147

, 3, 44

, 34

Digital twin
, 16

Digital Uganda Vision
, 182

, 6, 40, 207

Digitally aligned strategy
, 208–209

Digitally connected customer-centric approach
, 210

Digitally mapped operational services
, 209–210

, 16, 18, 40

Digitized data
, 40–41

Disparity in AI and CoBots
, 314

Disruptive innovation
, 157

Disruptive technologies
, 160

Dissemination of knowledge
, 143

Distance education
, 92

Distributed cognition theory
, 148

Distributed database
, 300

Distribution channels
, 41

Do moments
, 274–275

Domino’s DXP
, 16

, 41–42

, 83

, 100

East Africa
, 177

design, methodology, and approach
, 180

, 180–181

legal environment for digital financial transformations
, 181–183

literature review
, 178–180

practical implications and recommendations
, 183

Economic dimension (ECOD)
, 108

, 10

, 40, 118

literature review
, 146–148

, 119

system in Indonesia
, 145

Education 5.0
, 145

key findings
, 150

, 149

online learning and 5. 0
, 143–144

research gaps
, 149

, 150

specifically includes in
, 145

theoretical foundation
, 148

Educational institutions
, 143

Educational technology
, 95

Efficiency score
, 282

Electronic and Postal Communications Regulations 2020
, 183

Electronic banking
, 41

Embedded banking
, 45

Employee engagement (EE)
, 234–235

and attitude toward AI
, 240

Employee motivation
, 170

Employees attitude
, 233

Enablers of digital transformation
, 208

digital DNA culture
, 210

digital investments well aligned to strategy
, 209

digitally aligned strategy
, 208–209

digitally connected customer-centric approach
, 210

digitally mapped operational services
, 209–210

Entrepreneurial intention (EI)
, 248–249

, 251–252

mediating effect of OTE in relationship between dimensions of EO and EI
, 254–255

OTE and
, 254

Entrepreneurial orientation (EO)
, 248–249

, 251–252

mediating effect of OTE in relationship between dimensions of EO and EI
, 254–255

and OTE
, 252–254

, 248

, 247–248, 252–253

Environmental advertising
, 10

Environmental dimension (ED)
, 108

Environmental sustainability
, 80

Epidemic diseases

alerting and mitigation
, 62–64

city as emergency environment
, 60–61

, 59

monitoring and detecting outbreaks
, 61–62

, 303

European Commission
, 6

European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
, 146

European Union (EU)
, 71, 177

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
, 297

Expert systems
, 79

Exploratory factor analysis
, 109

External influences
, 171

Extra virgin vegetable oil (EVOO)
, 82

, 296

Factory 5.0 model
, 16

Farm management computer code solutions
, 78

Farm management information system (FMIS)
, 78, 84

Federal Trade Commission’s Act (FTCA)
, 177

Feed conversion ratio (FDR)
, 87

Field-level Geographic Information System (FIS)
, 78

Fifth Industrial Revolution
, 75

Filtration effects
, 276

Financial businesses
, 220

Financial innovation
, 281

Financial services
, 233

conceptual model and hypothesis
, 235–238

data analysis and findings
, 239–240

EE and attitude toward AI
, 240

literature review
, 233–235

managerial implications
, 242

, 238–241

moderating impact of demographic factors
, 240–241

suggestions for future studies
, 242

, 279, 294–295

data and methodology
, 282–284

efficiency and profitability analysis
, 283–284

, 284–290

, 220

literature review
, 281–282

recommendations and practical implications
, 290–291

, 204

business model
, 160

Focus group discussion technique (FGD technique)
, 149

, 6, 70

impact of food production on food security
, 71–73

, 71, 73

property system
, 82

, 86

Food security
, 70–71, 80

impact of agriculture and food production on
, 71–73

, 73–75

benefits of using IoT Platform in FSC
, 82

impact of blockchains on
, 82–84

developed FSC IoT Technology
, 81

developments in agriculture technology
, 75–79

influence of IoT on
, 81

IoT and Blockchain Integrations for FSC
, 84–85

IoT’s role in livestock production
, 87

precision farming using IoT
, 85–86

role of FSC in relation to
, 80

role of IoT in Agriculture
, 85

technology’s role in sustaining water resources and
, 86–87

Food supply chain (FSC)
, 73

benefits of using IoT Platform in
, 82

IoT and blockchain integrations for
, 84–85

IoT Technology
, 81

role in relation to food security
, 80

, 81

Fourth Industrial Revolution
, 73–75

Framework of digital transformation
, 210

continuous optimization
, 212

development of strategy
, 211

digital leadership
, 211–212

initial assessment
, 210–211

roadmap and implementation in agile way
, 211

strategic analysis
, 211

Fraudulent use of electronic data
, 181

Fuzzy logic
, 79

, 8

Genetic algorithms
, 79

Geographic Information System (GIS)
, 78

, 59, 176

Go moments
, 274–275

Google Classroom
, 150

Government initiatives for ICT in Indian Higher Education System
, 96

Green consumption
, 104

Green marketing methods
, 11

Green products
, 105

Ground robots
, 78

Ground station server (GSS)
, 81

, 40

, 310

, 268, 310

current applications of AI and CoBots in
, 312–313

disparity in AI and CoBots
, 314

methodology and findings
, 315–322

practitioner–patient relationships
, 313–314

professional training on adoption of AI and CoBots
, 314–315

Herding behavior
, 220

, 221–222

Herding result of test on pre-and post-cyber attack sample
, 223–224

Herding tendency (see Psychological bias)

Higher education
, 118

Human capital
, 234

Human machine interfaces
, 74

Human-centric innovation, Industry 5. 0 and
, 22–23

Human-centric technique
, 8

Human-technology synergy
, 8

Hypothesis testing
, 258

, 92

In-depth interview as research method
, 315–316

, 18

, 92–96

Indian higher education system

government initiatives for ICT in Indian Higher Education System
, 96

issues and challenges of using ICT in Indian higher education system
, 96–100

list of initiatives and programs of government of India
, 97–98

objectives of study
, 94

paradigm shift in Indian higher education system
, 94

research framework
, 94

role of ICT in Indian higher education system
, 94–95

Individual entrepreneurial orientation (IEO)
, 248

Indonesia, education system in
, 145–148

Indonesian Government
, 145

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
, 189

Industrial Revolution
, 6, 73

Industrial revolution 3. 0
, 74

, 203

Industry 2.0
, 40

Industry 3.0 era
, 40

Industry 4.0
, 6, 142, 294

challenges with
, 188–189

Industry 5.0
, 7–8, 16, 142, 189–190, 220, 310

banking at age of
, 303–304

behavioral change
, 9–10

best practices of sustainable businesses with digital innovations in
, 18–20

, 7

core values
, 8–9

and digital marketing
, 11–12

emergence of industry 5. 0 and role of AI
, 21–22

evolving customer needs
, 9

and human-centric innovation
, 22–23

literature review
, 191–192

major findings
, 12

marketing and mass communication
, 10

, 191

new marketing ecosystem in
, 193–197

objectives of study
, 190–191

product development
, 10–11

product excellence and customer experience
, 11

research implications and recommendations
, 13

research methodology
, 7

strategies to enhance automations in
, 20–21

, 199

Information and communication technologies (ICTs)
, 84, 92, 176

government initiatives for ICT in Indian higher education system
, 96

issues and challenges of using ICT in Indian higher education system
, 96–100

role in Indian higher education system
, 94–95

Information Communication and Dissemination Systems (ICDS)
, 85

Information technology (IT)
, 73, 96, 211

, 31–32, 87

and competitive advantage
, 32

, 251–253

, 296

Intelligent automation
, 23

Intelligent objects
, 81

Intelligent Precision Agriculture (IPA)
, 81

Inter-subjectivity theory
, 148

Interaction process
, 142

Interception of electronic message or money
, 181

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
, 179

, 147

Internet of everything
, 74–75

Internet of Things (IoT)
, 16, 21, 59, 74, 178, 181–182, 189, 232, 294

on food security, influence of
, 81

integrations for FSC
, 84–85

mobile phones
, 81

platform in FSC, benefits of using
, 82

precision farming using
, 85–86

role in agriculture
, 85

role in livestock production
, 87

, 59

Job–demand–resource model (JD-R model)
, 235

Johansen co-integration examination
, 224, 226

, 7

Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO)
, 109, 238

KBW index returns
, 221

Kenya Information and Communication Regulation
, 182

Know moments
, 272

Knowledge transfer process
, 144

“LankaQR” program
, 45

Leadership style
, 170–171

, 31–32, 142, 148

and competitive advantage
, 32–33

learning-effect hypothesis
, 221

, 151

, 119

, 118–119

, 150

Legal environment for digital financial transformations
, 181–183

Levene’s test
, 130

Livestock production, IoT’s role in
, 87

London sewer system
, 57

Long-run causality
, 226–227

Long-run equilibrium
, 226

Long-term volatility analysis

of post-cyber attack sample
, 226–227

of pre-cyber attack sample
, 224–226

Low-tech firms
, 156–157, 164

Low-tech mechanization
, 76

Machine learning
, 176, 189, 195

, 130–133

Levene’s test of equality of error variances
, 130

multivariate tests
, 132–133

, 129

tests of between-subjects effects
, 131

Map format
, 78

Market vendors/merchants

expansion of E-banking service providers in market
, 45

technology adoption in
, 45–46

, 6, 10, 188

, 196–197

Mass communication
, 10

Massive open online courses (MOOC)
, 118, 145, 150

conceptual framework
, 118

, 124

education outcome
, 119

, 123

learning skills
, 118–119

literature review
, 119–129

, 130–133

objectives of study
, 129

reliability test
, 129–130

research methodology
, 129

, 129

suggestions and implications
, 134

Mechanical knitting machines
, 73

Mediation analysis
, 258–259

, 269

data analysis
, 272–275

, 275

, 276–277

managerial implications
, 276

, 268

, 275–276

, 81

Minimally invasive surgery (MIS)
, 310

, 62–64

MITWPU University
, 106

, 41, 270

, 178, 180

Modern agriculture
, 78

Modern education system
, 117

Money laundering (ML)
, 177

, 150

, 59

Multiple regression analysis
, 240

Network-based MOOC
, 128

Networked learning
, 147

Neural networks
, 21, 79

New marketing ecosystem in industry 5.0
, 193–197

Nutritional security
, 80

, 156

One Note
, 150

Online collaborative learning (OCL)
, 143

Online communication
, 128

Online learning and 5.0
, 143–144

Open data
, 30

Open government
, 30

Open innovation
, 30

Open learning process
, 35

Open science
, 30

Open strategy
, 30–31

, 31

Open-source software
, 30

, 30, 250

conceptual framework
, 250

data analysis
, 258–259

hypothesis development
, 251–255

limitations and future scope of work
, 261–262

practical implication
, 261

research method
, 255–258

theoretical implication
, 260–261

Openness to experience (OTE)
, 237, 248, 250

dimensions of EO and
, 252–254

and EI
, 254

mediating effect of OTE in relationship between dimensions of EO and EI
, 254–255

Operational process
, 206–207

Optimal lag
, 224

, 226

Organizational culture
, 169–170

Organizational structure
, 168–169

Organizational values
, 159

OTE, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (OCEAN)
, 250

, 11

, 46

Payment platforms
, 41

, 148

Peer-to-peer transmission (P2P)
, 300

Perceived behavioral control (PBC)
, 105, 250

Perceived enjoyment
, 300–301

Perception of conscious consumption of sustainable products
, 104

Perishable FSC (PFSC)
, 82

Personal Financial Information (PFI)
, 177

Personal identification numbers (PIN)
, 40

Personality trait
, 248, 250

, 194–195

Philip–Perron test (PP test)
, 224, 226

Physical cyber systems
, 74

Pop-up advertisements
, 273

Power distance (PD)
, 48

Practitioner–patient relationships
, 313–314

Precision agriculture (PA)
, 76

Precision Farming Using IoT
, 85–86

Predictive analytics
, 195

, 252–253

Product development
, 10–11

Product excellence
, 11

Professional training on adoption of AI and CoBots
, 314–315

Profitability (see also Reliability)
, 280

, 283–284

Programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
, 73

Project-based learning
, 151

Proximal detection
, 77

Proximal sensing
, 77

Psychological bias
, 220

Psychological empowerment
, 236

Psychological state engagement
, 236

Qualitative method
, 315

Quantum computing
, 20

, 238

Quick response payment (QR payment)
, 42

Real-time precision agricultural mechanism
, 85

, 129

, 130

, 129–130

Remote sensing platforms
, 77

Repair, reuse, and recycle (three R)
, 104

, 9

Resources, processes, values framework (RPV framework)
, 158–160

, 269

Risk-taking ability
, 251

Risk-taking proclivity
, 251

, 295

, 297

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
, 297

, 74, 189

and sensor technology
, 74

, 8

Sampath Bank
, 44

, 57

, 77

Saving advertising costs
, 276

, 92

Second Industrial revolution
, 74

Secondary resources
, 7

Self-regulated learning
, 119

Sensing subsystem
, 85

, 77

Short-run causality
, 227

Simple regression analysis
, 240

Smart city
, 56, 61

effects of
, 59

Smart devices
, 81

for shopping activities
, 193

Smart Farming
, 78

Smart technologies
, 16, 190

Smart transformation (see also Digital transformation)

alerting and mitigation
, 62–64

city as emergency environment
, 60–61

, 59

monitoring and detecting outbreaks
, 61–62

necessary in cities
, 59

, 86

Social dimension (SD)
, 108

Social media
, 10, 196

Socially acceptable methods
, 70

Society 5.0
, 22, 142

Socio-cognitive conflict theory
, 148

Socio-technical systems theory
, 179

Software Services Agreement (SSA)
, 79

Soil moisture data
, 86

, 46

Sri Lanka (SL)
, 46

acceptance of DB among customers in
, 46–47

acceptance of DB among customers in SL
, 46–47

causes that influencing DB adoption
, 47–48

DB ecosystem in
, 42

digital infrastructure
, 42–43

digital literacy of customers
, 46

technological know-how within banks
, 43–45

technology adoption in market vendors/merchants
, 45–46

transactions as percentage
, 47

, 72

Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 21)
, 33

Stealing methods
, 70

Steam engines
, 74

Strategic asset allocation (SAA)
, 297

Student-centered learning approach
, 151

Subjective criteria
, 105

Subjective norms (SNs)
, 250

Sustainable agriculture
, 70

Sustainable business model
, 16–17

antecedents to
, 18

Sustainable businesses with digital innovations in Industry 5.0, best practices of
, 18–20

Sustainable competitive advantage
, 32

Sustainable consumption
, 105

Sustainable development
, 104–105

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 112, 176

Sustainable livestock production methods
, 87

Sustainable products
, 104, 108, 113

sustainable consumption for
, 104

Sustainable tourism
, 178

Sustaining innovation
, 157

Synthetic theory of law and technology
, 179–180

Task-based MOOC
, 128

Teaching process
, 148

Technological revolution
, 74

Technological Society 4.0
, 142

, 6, 9–10, 81, 144, 204, 207

adoption in market vendors/merchants
, 45–46

management strategy
, 168

role in sustaining water resources and food security
, 86–87

technology-based online education
, 151

technology-driven progress
, 8

, 296

Theory of disruptive innovation
, 157

Theory of planned behavior (TPB)
, 248, 250

Third Industrial Revolution
, 73–74

3D-printing technology
, 23, 74

Top-level management
, 170

Traditional agriculture
, 78

Trait engagement
, 236–237

Transformational solutions
, 295

Transparency with pseudonymity
, 300

Travel and tourism
, 268–269

Triple bottom Line (TBL)
, 108

Uncertainty avoidance (UA)
, 48

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
, 93

Variable-rate technology, activation by
, 79

Variance decomposition test, result of
, 228

Vector auto-regression model (VAR model)
, 220, 223–226

Vector error correction model (VECM)
, 223, 226

, 92

Virtual learning environment
, 144

Virtual reality (VR)
, 199

, 142


, 222

, 220

, 17

Water resources and food security, technology’s role in sustaining
, 86–87

, 296

World Bank
, 71

World Bank study
, 50

World Food Organization (WHO)
, 70

You tuber
, 142

Zero moment of truth (ZMOT)
, 270

About the Book
Chapter 1: Industry 5.0 – The Co-creator in Marketing
Chapter 2: Industry 5.0 and Digital Innovations: Antecedents to Sustainable Business Model
Chapter 3: Open Strategy and Competitive Advantage in the Age of Digital Transformation
Chapter 4: The Era of the Transition – From Traditional to Digital Banking
Chapter 5: Epidemic Diseases and Smart Transformation
Chapter 6: The Impact Technologies of Blockchain and IoT, on Food Security
Chapter 7: Integration and Expansion of ICT-based Initiatives in Indian Higher Education System
Chapter 8: A Study of Conscious Consumerism of Sustainable Products Among the University Students
Chapter 9: MOOC's Impact on Higher Education
Chapter 10: Adoption of 5.0 Online and Collaborative Education Among the Youth of Indonesia
Chapter 11: Unleashing Business Model Innovation in the Era of Digital Disruption: A Multiple Case Study Analysis
Chapter 12: Digital Financial Transformation and Legal Environment for Sustainable Tourism Development in East Africa
Chapter 13: The Changing Role of Marketing: Industry 5.0 - the Game Changer
Chapter 14: Digital Transformation for Business: Enablers, Framework and Challenges
Chapter 15: Are Fintech Firms Ready for Industry 5.0? The Influence of Cybercrime on the Dynamics of Volatility and Herding Behavior Among Investors
Chapter 16: Financial Services Employee Engagement and Attitude Toward Artificial Intelligence: Evidence From Sri Lanka
Chapter 17: Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation Dimensions to Entrepreneurial Intention: Role of Openness to Experience as a Mediating Variable
Chapter 18: Consumer Micro-moments: The Four Game Changing Moments and Consumer Online Buying Behavior
Chapter 19: The Effects of FinTech on the Banking Sector: Evidence From China and Vietnam
Chapter 20: Fusion of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in the Banking Industry: Current Application, Adoption, and Future Challenges
Chapter 21: Artificial Intelligence and Collaborative Robots in Healthcare: The Perspective of Healthcare Professionals