
Tech, Smart Cities, and Regional Development in Contemporary Russia

ISBN: 978-1-78973-882-7, eISBN: 978-1-78973-881-0

Publication date: 29 July 2019


(2019), "Prelims", Sergi, B.S. (Ed.) Tech, Smart Cities, and Regional Development in Contemporary Russia, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxiv.



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List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Circulation of Commodities in the “Center–Periphery” Structure
Figure 1.2 Transformation of the Composition of the World Capitalist System in the Twentieth Century
Figure 1.3 Global Innovation Index 2015–2018 (WIPO)
Figure 2.1 Probability of Implementation of the Public–Private Partnership (PPP) Project Depending on Distribution of Risks between Its Participants
Figure 2.2 Types of Risks in the Projects of Public–Private Partnership
Figure 2.3 Growth of Risks of Public–Private Partnership Depending on the Stage of Implementation of an Innovational Project
Figure 2.4 The Algorithm of the System of Risk Management in the Projects of Technological Growth on the Platform of Public–Private Partnership
Figure 3.1 Semantic Network of Processes and Results of Functioning of the Standard Accounting System
Figure 4.1 Dynamics of Annual Growth Rate of Gross Added Value Created in High-tech and Science-intensive Spheres of the Economy, 2006–2018
Figure 5.1 Population Distribution of the Largest Cities (over 1 Million People) in the USSR, 1987
Figure 5.2 Population Distribution of the Largest Cities, (over 1 Million People) in the Russian Federation, 2016
Figure 5.3 Population Distribution of the Largest Cities (over 1 Million People) in the Russian Federation, 2016
Figure 5.4 The Largest Cities (over 1 Million People), in the USSR, 1987
Figure 5.5 The Largest Cities (over 1 Million People) in the Russian Federation, 2015: The Ratio of the Average Per Capita Indicators of the Largest Capital to the Value of the Corresponding Average Per Capita Indicator of the Capital of the Russian Federation
Figure 6.1 Sample Description: Multinational Companies versus Russian Companies
Figure 6.2 Sample Description by Company Size
Figure 6.3 Respondents' Sample Structure, 2016–2017
Figure 6.4 Management by Results versus Management by Instructions
Figure 6.5 The Dynamics of Management Practices of Multinational Companies, 2016 and 2017
Figure 6.6 The Dynamics of the Management Practices of Russian Companies, 2016 and 2017
Figure 6.7 Comparison of Management Practices of Multinational Companies and Russian Companies, 2016
Figure 6.8 Comparison of Management Practices of Multinational Companies and Russian Companies, 2017
Figure 7.1 The National Technological Initiative Project-planning Office with Additions to Option of Public Foundation of Funds and Institute of Development of the Russian Federation
Figure 7.2 The National Technological Initiative Project-planning Expansion Schedule
Figure 7.3 The Schedule of Removal of National Technological Initiative Project-planning Office on the Operational Power
Figure 8.1 Conceptual Model of “Underdevelopment Whirlpool”
Figure 8.2 The Dynamics Model of Disproportions in Development of Russia's Regional Economy, 2010–2018
Figure 8.3 Map of “Underdevelopment Whirlpools” in Federal Districts of the Russian Federation as of 2018
Figure 8.4 Algorithm of Overcoming Disproportions in Development of Russia's Regional Economy
Figure 9.1 The Frequency of Smart Solutions Deployed in Russian Cities in 10 Categories
Figure 9.2 Conditions for the Development of High-tech Business in the Russian Regions

List of Tables

Table 1.1 Profitability of Certain Spheres of the Russian Economy, 2017
Table 2.1 Methods of Overcoming the Risks that Appear during Implementation of an Innovational Project of Technological Growth within Public–Private Partnership
Table 3.1 Standard Calculation of Repair of a Wagon for Third-party Organizations from January 13, 2016
Table 3.2 Results of SWOT Analysis of the Use of Specified Norms Formed by the Calculation and Analytical Method in Standard Costs
Table 4.1 Dynamics of the Values of the Indicators of Effectiveness of Technological Growth in Russia, 2005–2018
Table 4.2 Dynamics of the Values of the Parameters of Technological Growth (z 1z 6) and Its Efficiency (x 1) in Russia, 2005–2018
Table 4.3 Characteristics of Regression Dependence of Gross Domestic Product Per Capita on Expenditures for Research and Development within Function y 2 = F(x 1) in Russia, 2005–2018
Table 4.4 Characteristics of Regression Dependence of Efficiency (x 1) of Technological Growth on the Values of Its Parameters (z 1z 6) in Russia, 2005–2018
Table 5.1 Major Regional Capitals of the Russian Federation: Main Characteristics
Table 5.2 Population Growth Rates (%)
Table 5.3 The Share of Various Cities in the Total Population of the Total Urban Population of the Russian Federation (%)
Table 5.4 Rank of Cities with a Population over 1 Million People. In the Resettlement System of the USSR and the Russian Federation, 1987
Table 5.5 Rank of Cities with Populations over 1 Million People. In the Resettlement System within the Borders of the Former USSR and Modern Russia, 2016
Table 5.6 The Largest Regional Capitals: Volume of Goods, Works, Services Shipped, 2015 (2005)
Table 5.7 The Largest Regional Capitals: The Volume of Retail Turnover, 2015 (2005)
Table 5.8 The Largest Regional Capitals: Investments, 2015 (2005)
Table 5.9 The Largest Regional Capitals: The Volume of Work in Construction, 2015 (2005)
Table 5.10 Growth Rates of Indicators of the Russian Federation, Cities of Federal Significance, and the Largest Regional Capitals for the Period 2005–2015 (%)
Table 6.1 Changes of Management Practices of Multinational Companies, 2016 and 2017
Table 6.2 The Changes of the Management Practices in Russian Companies, 2016 and 2017
Table 6.3 Management Practices of Multinational Companies versus Russian Companies, 2016
Table 6.4 Management Practices of Multinational Companies versus Russian Companies, 2017
Table 7.1 The Projects Realized by the Agency of Strategic Initiatives, Public Foundation of Funds, and Institute of Development of the Russian Federation within Implementation of “Road Maps” of a National Technological Initiative
Table 7.2 The Key Regulatory Acts Regulating Questions of National Technological Initiative Project-planning Office
Table 8.1 Dynamics of GDP Per Capita in Russia, 1992–2022 (RUB)
Table 8.2 Dynamics of GDP Per Capita in Federal Districts of the Russian Federation in 2010–2018 (RUB) and Years of Correspondence
Table 8.3 Calculation of “Underdevelopment Whirlpools” in Federal Districts of the Russian Federation, 2010–2018
Table 8.4 Indicators of Socioeconomic Development of Federal Districts of the Russian Federation, 2018
Table 8.5 Results of Multiple Regression Analysis of Influence of the Most Significant Factors on Depth of “Underdevelopment Whirlpools” in Regions of the Central Federal District of the RF, 2018
Table 8.6 Results of Multiple Regression Analysis of Influence of the Most Significant Factors on Depth of “Underdevelopment Whirlpools” in Regions of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation, 2018
Table 8.7 Results of Multiple Regression Analysis of Influence of the Most Significant Factors on Depth of “Underdevelopment Whirlpools” in Regions of the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation, 2018
Table 8.8 Results of Multiple Regression Analysis of the Influence of the Most Significant Factors on the Depth of “Underdevelopment Whirlpools” in Regions of the North Caucasian Federal District of the Russian Federation, 2018
Table 8.9 Results of Multiple Regression Analysis of Influence of the Most Significant Factors on Depth of “Underdevelopment Whirlpools” in Regions of the Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation, 2018
Table 8.10 Results of Multiple Regression Analysis of Influence of the Most Significant Factors on Depth of “Underdevelopment Whirlpools” in Regions of the Ural Federal District of the Russian Federation, 2018
Table 8.11 Results of Multiple Regression Analysis of the Influence of the Most Significant Factors on the Depth of “Underdevelopment Whirlpools” in Regions of the Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation, 2018
Table 8.12 Results of Multiple Regression Analysis of Influence of the Most Significant Factors on the Depth of “Underdevelopment Whirlpools” in Regions of the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation, 2018
Table 9.1 Top 30 Russian Cities in the Number of Deployed Smart City Solutions
Table 9.2 The Most Successful Projects of Smart Solutions in Russian Cities
Table 9.3 A Snapshot of Smart City Hackathons in Russia
Table 10.1A Model 1.1 Homoscedastic Variances and Identical Slopes and Intercepts
Table 10.1B Model 1.2 Homoscedastic Variances and Identical Slopes and Intercepts, Natural Log
Table 10.1C Panel Analysis of Model 1
Table 10.1D Repeats the Same Analysis Using the Natural Logarithms of the Variable
Table 10.2 Unemployment Rates for Male, Female, and Overall
Table 10.3 Correlation Coefficients of Variables
Table 10.4 Fixed Effect Regression
Table 10.5 Test of Homoscedasticity for the Fixed Effect Results
Table 10.6 Fixed Effect with Cluster-Robust Standard Errors
Table 10.7 Regression with Indicator Variables for Countries
Table 10.8 Random Effect Model
Table 10.9 Random Effect with Heteroscedastic Robust Standard Errors
Table 10.10 Breusch–Pagan Test
Table 10.11 Hausman Test of Consistent Estimators
Table 10.12 Mixed Method Model Results
Table 11.1 The Indicators of Industrial, Tech, and Financial Development of the Asia-Pacific Region, 2008 and 2018
Table 11.2 Factors of Industrial, Tech, and Financial Development of the Asia-Pacific Region, 2018
Table 11.3 Characteristics of the Effectiveness of Industrial Production and the Export of Goods from the Asia-Pacific Region, 2018
Table 11.4 Characteristics of Technological Effectiveness of High-tech Exports from the Asia-Pacific region, 2018
Table 11.5 Characteristics of the Development of Financial Markets and Direct Foreign Investments in the Asia-Pacific region, 2018
Table 11.6 Characteristics of the Foreign Economic Activities of the Asia-Pacific Region with Its Largest Foreign Trade Partners, 2018
Table 11.7 Evaluation of Developing International Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific

About the Editor

Bruno S. Sergi is an Instructor on the Economics of Emerging Markets and the Political Economy of Russia and China at Harvard University and an Associate of Harvard's Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies and the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. He also teaches International Economics at the University of Messina, is the Series Editor of Cambridge Elements in the Economics of Emerging Markets, is the Co-series Editor of the Emerald Publishing book series Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development, is an Associate Editor of The American Economist, is the Scientific Director of the Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development, and is the Scientific Director of the International Center for Emerging Markets Research at RUDN University in Moscow.

About the Contributors

Marina L. Alpidovskaya – Doctor of Economics, Professor at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. She has a proven ability to develop successful new research and to publish projects with international participation. She possesses wide connections within the Russian scientific community. She serves as an Associate Editor of The Theoretical Economy, Herald of Tver State University series “Economics and Management,” and Economy. Business. Banks. She is an active participant and organizer of leading international forums and conferences. She has published over 165 scientific papers.

Nataliya S. Andryashina – PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Chair “Corporate Economics” at Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. She is the author of more than 50 publications. She is the head of the main professional educational program for the specialty Economics. She is the organizer of the conferences “Industrial development of Russia: problems and perspectives” and “Economic development of Russia: problems and perspectives,” which are conducted in the Minin University. She is an active participant of scientific conferences, seminars, and roundtables, and oversees the research work of undergraduates.

Inna Andronova – Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations of the People's Friendship University of Russia. She is the author of more than 80 scientific papers on economic security and the economic interests of Russia in the regions of the world, including the monographs External Economic Security of Russia: Theory and Practice, External Economic Aspects of the National Interests of the Russian Federation in the Post-Soviet Space, External Economic Interests of Russia in the Transcaucasian Countries, Les interest économics de la Russie, de l’Union europeenne et de la Chine sur l'espace postsoviétique, and Russia and South Africa: Innovative Cooperation for Development.

Aleksandr V. Bezrukov – PhD, Associate Professor at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia. He has 15 years of experience in teaching and scientific research. He is the author and coauthor of 40 works on the issues of the methodology of statistical analysis and forecasting of socioeconomic phenomena and processes. He teaches the following disciplines: information technologies of statistical processing, data mining, financial mathematics, statistics of finances, and market statistics.

Olga A. Boris – Doctor of Economics, Professor at North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia. She has 12 years of experience in teaching management disciplines and scientific research. She is the author and coauthor of more than 100 papers on the problems of innovative management of modern organizations and project and strategic management. She teaches the following disciplines: strategic management, Internet marketing, management in Russia and abroad (in English), project management (in English), business development strategies (in English), change management (in English), etc.

Andrey Berezin – Director for Development for International Center for Emerging Markets Research at RUDN University, Moscow. His areas of interests are energy efficiency, risk analysis, strategy, energy conservation, sustainability, development of territories, global business, and public–private partnerships. Andrey took part in big infrastructure projects and development of waste heat recovery technology and natural gas vehicles in Russian oil and gas sector. Andrey is a graduate of Harvard University, Ural Federal University, and RUDN University with graduate degrees in civil engineering, investment management, finance, and international economics.

Aleksei V. Bogoviz – Professor in the Department of Local Administration at the School of Public Administration and a Faculty of Social Sciences in the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia. His spheres of scientific interest include economic growth, sustainable development, globalization, developing countries, institutionalization of social development, planning of development and strategic planning, agriculture, agro-industrial complex, digital economy, and state management. He has more than 200 publications in Russian and foreign peer-reviewed journals and books.

Olga V. Fetisova – Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Management at Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia. His research interests include economic growth, development strategy, regional economy, public administration, development planning, strategic planning, cluster economy. She has more than 150 publications in Russian and foreign peer-reviewed journals and books.

Ekaterina P. Garina – PhD, Associate Professor of the Chair “Corporate Economics” at Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, She is the author of 86 publications. She is the organizer of the conferences “Industrial development of Russia: problems and perspectives” and “Economic development of Russia: problems and perspectives,” which are conducted in the Minin University. She is an active participant of scientific conferences, seminars, and roundtables and oversees the research work of undergraduates.

Natalia Guseva – Professor at the School of Business and Management, and the Director of the program “Doing Business in Russia” for the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow. Natalia Guseva has a PhD in Management Sciences (Université Paris Dauphine, Paris, France) and Sociological Sciences (University of Economics and Finance, Saint Petersburg, Russia). Dr Guseva has published more than 110 research papers, including refereed articles and books. Her major scientific interests are modern management trends, organizational capabilities, cross-cultural management and negotiations in a cross-cultural context, foreign professionals, etc. Dr Guseva was a senior expert of the World Bank and the European Business Club, Moscow. She was a visiting research professor at the School of Business and Public Management, The George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, and a lecturer at the School of Business, Buckinghamshire College, Brunel University, London, UK. She is a member of the Association of International Business (AIB), the Association of North America Higher Education International, USA, and the French–Russian Association Cercle Kondratieff, France.

Konstantin V. Krinichansky – Professor of Financial Markets and Banks at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. He earned a Doctor of Sciences in Economics degree from Moscow State University. He has published many articles in journals and international conferences, as well as book chapters and research monographs. His research areas include finance–growth nexus, the origin and development of the financial market and its institutions, and spatial economic development. Since 2016, he has been a member of the Monetary Research Center (Sofia, Bulgaria). Dr Krinichansky is a member of the editorial board of Regional Economics: Theory and Practice (Russia). In 2015 he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence in Teaching and Research by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Viktor P. Kuznetsov – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Chair “Corporate Economics” at Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod. He has 16 years of experience in the sphere of higher education. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Bulletin of A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs Vladimir State University. Series: Economic Sciences. He is the head of the school Perspective Technologies of Corporate Management and the member of the dissertation council with at N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University for the specialty “Economics of national management.” He is the author and coauthor of more than 180 articles and 10 monographs.

Igor E. Mizikovsky – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Chair “Business Accounting” of the Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Russia. He has 29 years of experience in the sphere of higher education. He is the author and coauthor of more than 150 articles and 2 monographs.

Oksana N. Momotova – PhD, Associate Professor of the Chair “Management” at the Institute of Economics and Management of North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia. She has 20 years of experience in lecturing and scientific research. She received the award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the sphere of education in 2006. She is the author and coauthor of more than 100 works, including 5 books and 9 monographs. Her sphere of scientific interests include innovational development, innovational policy, innovational strategy, strategic management, and management of socioeconomic systems. She has participated in more than 30 Russian and international scientific conferences.

Shahdad Naghshpour – Professor of Economics at Alabama A&M University and Past President of the Academy of Economics and Finance. He is the recipient of numerous excellence in research and excellence in teaching award from different institutions. His research interests are in international economics, Eastern European financial sector, and income distribution and inequality. He has published in prestigious journals such as Eastern European Economics, Journal of Regional Analysis and Research, Journal of Economics and Finance, Journal of Economic Studies, and Review of Regional Studies. He has also authored eight books and eight book chapters. Shahdad has a PhD in Economics from Oklahoma State University.

Liudmila V. Oveshnikova – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia. She is the author and coauthor of 170 scientific, educational, and methodological works. She is a participant of more than 50 international and Russian scientific conferences. Her scientific interests include economic sciences, infrastructure of innovational activities and regional economics, and sectorial statistics.

Valentina N. Parakhina – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Chair “Management” at North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia. She received the award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the sphere of education in 2006 for creating a complex of study guides on the theory of management. She has 30 years of experience in lecturing and scientific research. She is the author and coauthor of 300 works on the issues of theory, methodology, and practice of development of management of socio-economic systems, strategic management, and management of innovations. She is the founder of a scientific school “The modern problem of the theory and practice of corporate management”. She teaches the following disciplines: theory of management, strategic management, and others.

Olga M. Pasynkova – PhD, Associate Professor at Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Voronezh, Russia. She has 18 years of experience in teaching and scientific research. She is the author and coauthor of more than 100 works on the issues of effectiveness of economic activities, economic security, and the state of finances of economic subjects. She teaches the following disciplines: insurance, complex analysis of economic activities, and financial construction and innovations. She is a participant of 25 international and Russian conferences.

Elena G. Popkova – Doctor of Economics, Professor, and President of the Institute of Scientific Communications in Volgograd, Russia. Her spheres of scientific interest include economic growth, sustainable development, globalization, humanization of economic growth, developing countries, institutionalization of social development, development planning, and strategic planning. She is a guest editor for International Journal of Educational Management (special issue, 2016, 2018), International Journal of Trade and Global Markets (special issue, 2017), Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies (special issue, 2017), and Contributions to Economics (book series Springer). She has more than 300 publications in Russian and foreign peer-reviewed journals and books.

Julia V. Ragulina – Doctor of Economics, Professor, and Head of the Compliance and Controlling Department of the RUDN University in Moscow, Russia. She is also an academic of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, an academic of the Russian Municipal Academy, an author of study guides on state and municipal management and economics of municipal entities, and an author of more than 200 publications. Dr Ragulina's scientific research interests include the knowledge economy, regional economics, and the interactions between state and business.

Elena V. Romanovskaya – PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Chair “Corporate Economics” at Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. She is the author of 125 publications. She is the head of the main professional educational program on the specialty “Economics.” She is the organizer of the conferences “Industrial development of Russia: problems and perspectives” and “Economic development of Russia: problems and perspectives”, which are conducted in the Minin University. She is an active participant of scientific conferences, seminars, and round tables and oversees the research work of undergraduates.

Elena V. Sibirskaya – Doctor of Economics, Professor at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia. She has 20 years of experience in lecturing and scientific research. She is the author and coauthor of 200 works, devoted to the issues of the methodology of statistical analysis and forecasting of socio-economic phenomena and processes, business statistics, and statistics of innovations. She is the founder of the scientific school “Infrastructural problems and regional aspects of development of the innovational spheres in the RF.” She teaches the following disciplines: business statistics, e-commerce, etc. She is a participant of more than 50 international and Russian scientific conferences.

Yulia I. Slepokurova – PhD, Associate Professor at Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Voronezh, Russia. She has 20 years of experience in teaching and scientific research. She is the author and coauthor of more than 150 works on the issues of management and production organization, management and economic substantiation of innovational processes in activities of sectorial companies, forecasting of socioeconomic phenomena and processes, business planning, and corporate economics. She teaches the following disciplines: project management, economics, production management, and innovational management.

Dmitry P. Sokolov – PhD (Economics), Senior Lecturer at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. He is the Scientific Secretary of the dissertation council D 505.001.04 (Financial University). He is an active participant and organizer of international forums and conferences. He has published over 20 articles in professional journals and five books as a coauthor, including Property Relations in Modern Russia: Genesis, Problems and Prospects, Institutional Challenges of Modern Russia: Economics and Law, Economic Challenges of Western Sanctions against Russia: Common and Special Features, Economic Sanctions Against Russia: Expectations and Reality and Reproduction of Russia in the Twenty-First Century: Dialectics of Regulated Development.

Anastasia A. Sozinova – PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Management for Science at Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia. Her research interests include economic growth, globalization, business reorganization, development planning, and strategic development. She is the head of the research work “Developing a Plan for the Advancement of Fish and Seafood Exports” for the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (2018). She has more than 100 publications in Russian and foreign journals and books.

Olga Tishchenko – Lecturer at the Department of General and Strategic Management at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia. She was nominated for Best Teacher award in 2017 and 2018. Her research interests include strategic management problematics, the evolution of management approaches and business education. Olga Tishchenko is a young scientist working on her PhD thesis; she is the author of 10 publications in the Russian language and international scientific journals.

Rustam M. Ustaev – PhD (Economics), Associate Professor of the Chair “Management” at the Institute of Economics and Management of North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia. He serves as the Executive Secretary of a scientific journal Bulletin of North Caucasus Federal University. He is the Chairman of Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of Institute of Economics and Management NCFU. He has five years of teaching experience. He is an author and coauthor of more than 70 scientific papers. His scientific interests include innovation potential of human recourses, public–private partnership in the aspect of innovative development of the economy, and regional socioeconomic asymmetry. He teaches the following disciplines: enterprise management, organization theory, organizational behavior, and marketing communications.

Galina V. Vorontsova – PhD, Associate Professor of the Chair “Management” at the Institute of Economics and Management of North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia. She has 25 years of experience in lecturing and research work. She received the award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the sphere of education in 2006 for creating a complex of study guides on the theory of management. She has more than 140 publications. Her sphere of interests include theoretical and methodological aspects of managing marketing of territories and managerial decisions. She teaches the following disciplines: theory of organization and study of management systems.