NOVAGate – a Nordic gateway to electronic resources in the forestry, veterinary and agricultural sciences
NOVAGate is a subject‐based information gateway covering electronic resources in the agricultural, veterinary and related fields. The service, which opened in July 1998, is produced by the veterinary and agricultural libraries of the five Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – which serve the NOVA University. The gateway covers Nordic and European resources as well as the resources of international organizations, but being planned is a network of subject gateways which will give access to a wide range of international quality resources within the agricultural, veterinary and related fields. The service uses the ROADS software.
Price, A. (2000), "NOVAGate – a Nordic gateway to electronic resources in the forestry, veterinary and agricultural sciences", Online Information Review, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 69-73.
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