What do researchers know about the global business environment?
Highlights the dearth of research on the range of issues surrounding the international environment and the impact on international marketing. Such issues concern trade and investment liberalization and protectionism, the role of multilateral institutions and the NGOs, and country, sector and company analyses. A research agenda is proposed. Suggests company studies (the impacts on the firm of the evolution of regulation and liberalization in different company or regional markets); country studies (impact of government intervention in international trade and investment); government assistance and support: multilateral institutions (how theses affect trade and investment relations); nonâgovernmental organizations (how they implement international marketing strategies).
Young, S. (2001), "What do researchers know about the global business environment?", International Marketing Review, Vol. 18 No. 2, pp. 120-129. https://doi.org/10.1108/02651330110389963
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