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Publication date: 5 February 2020

Yan-Kai Fu, Weilun Huang and Chin-Nung Liao

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the hotel selection problem of airlines for their hotel and airline alliance (HAA) to develop potential customers of airlines. This paper…



The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the hotel selection problem of airlines for their hotel and airline alliance (HAA) to develop potential customers of airlines. This paper will propose a hybrid mathematics evaluation model to help airline to select an optimal hotel with both qualitative and quantitative criteria.


To solve the hotel selection problem of airlines for their HAA, this paper focuses on the implementation of the NGT, Fuzzy TOPSIS and MCGP models in the hotel selection process. Initially, the NGT was used to create HAA decision-making criteria based on the literature review and expert opinions, and it was found that scale and scope possibility, brand value, tourism attraction, operating cost and industrial conditions are the most important criteria. Later, the Fuzzy TOPSIS method was used to obtain the general normalized fuzzy preference and to compute the closeness coefficients of each alternative hotel with respect to each criterion. Third, five tangible constraints were incorporated into the Fuzzy TOPSIS-MCGP model to calculate the optimal hotel with LINGO software.


Airline managers can use the proposed model to form a clear view of how to choose the most suitable hotel to cooperate with to outperform their competitors. Having access to this information allows airline managers to take steps to perform better and improve the performance of the partnership, helping them to gain more confidence in their decision-making capabilities while reducing investment risks.


This is the first paper that has adopted Fuzzy TOPSIS-MCGP to select hotel for their HAA from the airline’s point of view. The major contributions of this study are as follows: an efficient and simple evaluation framework is proposed for handling vagueness and uncertainty in real-world hotel selection problems; the advancement of treating uncertainty in the MCDM process; the fuzzy TOPSIS-MCGP method is extended for such problems, taking into account tangible and intangible criteria; airline managers can now make decisions in choosing to select the best hotel for their HAA that meets the airline's business goals and passenger demands; hotel operators are flexible in selecting their airline partnership, thus creating greater profit for both parties.

饭店和航空公司之间横向联盟的选择模型:NGT, fuzzy TOPSIS和MCGP方法的综合应用


本文的主要目的是在协助驾驶评估酒店选择的问题, 并通过由酒店与航空公司的合作联盟HAA, 开发整合的潜在客户。评估模型, 以帮助航空公司选择同时满足定性和定量标准的最佳酒店。


这些研究集中在规模和范围的可能性, 品牌价值, 旅游吸引上力, 运营成本和产业条件上。第二个步骤是日期近似近似最佳解排序技术(fuzzy TOPSIS)计算每家替代酒店与理想解决方案的接近度系数。规划方法(MCGP)选择最佳酒店, 同时选择方法同时考虑酒店的定性和定量标准, 并且从未在酒店选择文献中被采用过。


为了帮助评估评估合适的酒店和建立合作联盟, 因此本文提出了NGT-Fuzzy TOPSIS-MCGP模型, 以帮助决策的决策者实现替代的酒店。在此模型中, 决策者通过最后, 在名目人群技术(NGT)确定客观的酒店选择规范, 然后他们可以根据模糊近似最佳解排序技术(TOPSIS)确定标准权重, 并计算模糊的TOPSIS-MCGP模型中, 决策制定者可以使用多选择目标规划(MCGP), 通过设定每个目标的期望水准寻找最佳酒店。


这是第一篇以航空的角度, 同时采用模糊TOPSIS-MCGP方法选择合适的酒店的论文。本文最主要的贡献是: 1. 提出了一种有效而简单的评估框架, 用于处理现实世界中酒店选择问题中的模糊性和不确定性。2. 在处理MCDM过程中不确定性方面的进展;模糊TOPSIS-MCGP方法针对此类问题进行了扩展, 同时考虑了有形和无形的标准。3. 航空公司经理现在可以做出决定, 选择适合其HAA的最佳酒店, 借以满足航空公司的业务目标以及乘客的需要。4. 酒店运营商可以灵活选择航空公司合作伙伴关系, 从而为双方创造更大的利润。


饭店, 航空公司, 名目人群技术(NGT), 最佳解排序技术(TOPSIS), 多选择目标规划(MCGP), 横向联盟

El modelo de selección Para alianzas horizontales entre hoteles y aerolíneas (Haa): una aplicación integrada de los métodos NGT, fuzzy TOPSIS y MCGP


El objetivo principal de este documento es evaluar el problema de selección de hoteles de las aerolíneas para su HAA (hotel airline alliance) a fin de desarrollar clientes potenciales para las aerolíneas. Este documento propondrá un modelo híbrido de evaluación matemática para ayudar a la aerolínea a seleccionar un hotel óptimo con criterios cualitativos y cuantitativos.


Para resolver el problema de selección de hoteles de las aerolíneas para su HAA, este documento se centra en la implementación de los modelos NGT, Fuzzy TOPSIS y MCGP en el proceso de selección de hoteles. Inicialmente, el NGT se utilizó para crear criterios de toma de decisiones de HAA basados en la revisión de la literatura y las opiniones de expertos, y se descubrió que la escala y la posibilidad de elección, el valor de la marca, la atracción turística, los costes operativos y las condiciones industriales son los criterios más importantes. Posteriormente, se utilizó el método Fuzzy TOPSIS para obtener la preferencia fuzzy general y normalizada y calcular los coeficientes de cercanía de cada hotel alternativo con respecto a cada criterio. En tercer lugar, se incorporaron cinco restricciones tangibles al modelo Fuzzy TOPSIS-MCGP para calcular el hotel óptimo con el software LINGO.


Los gerentes de aerolíneas pueden usar el modelo propuesto para tener una visión clara de cómo elegir el hotel más adecuado para colaborar con el fin de superar a sus competidores. Tener acceso a esta información permite a los gerentes de las aerolíneas tomar medidas para gestionar mejor y mejorar el resultado de la alianza, lo que les ayuda a ganar más confianza en su capacidad de toma de decisiones y al mismo tiempo reducir los riesgos de inversión.


Este es el primer documento que adopta el modelo Fuzzy TOPSIS-MCGP para seleccionar un hotel para su HAA desde el punto de vista de la aerolínea. Las principales contribuciones de este estudio son las siguientes: 1. Se propone un marco de evaluación eficiente y simple para manejar la imprecisión y la incertidumbre en los problemas de selección de hoteles del mundo real. 2. El avance del tratamiento de la incertidumbre en el proceso MCDM; extiende el método fuzzy TOPSIS-MCGP a tales problemas, teniendo en cuenta criterios tangibles e intangibles. 3. Los gerentes de aerolíneas ahora pueden tomar decisiones al elegir el mejor hotel para su HAA que cumpla con los objetivos comerciales de la aerolínea y las demandas de los pasajeros. 4. Los operadores de hoteles son flexibles en la selección de su asociación de aerolíneas, creando así mayores ganancias para ambas partes.

Palabras clave:

Hotel, Aerolínea, Técnica de grupo nominal (NGT), Técnica Para el orden de preferencia por similitud a solución real (TOPSIS), Programación de objetivos de opción múltiple (MCGP), Alianza horizontal

Tipo de papel

Trabajo de investigación

Publication date: 13 December 2017

Vahid Kayvanfar, Mohsen S. Sajadieh, S.M. Moattar Husseini and Behrooz Karimi

In this paper, a multi-objective multi-echelon supply-distribution model is proposed to optimize interactions of entities located within an Industrial Cluster (IC) including…




In this paper, a multi-objective multi-echelon supply-distribution model is proposed to optimize interactions of entities located within an Industrial Cluster (IC) including small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), using a third-party logistics provider (3PL)-managed supply-demand hub in industrial cluster (SDHIC) as a specific public provider of warehousing and logistics services.


The three considered objectives are minimizing the total logistics costs, maximizing the rate of demand satisfaction and maximizing the quality of delivery. Because some parameters such as “demand of customers” are naturally fuzzy because of incompleteness and/or inaccessibility of the needed information, the triangular fuzzy number is applied for all fuzzy parameters to handle this difficulty. The proposed model is primarily changed into a correspondent supplementary crisp model. To solve such a model, a revised multi-choice goal programming (RMCGP) approach is then used with the purpose of finding a compromise solution.


Experimental results demonstrate that all enterprises involved in such a supply chain benefit with several advantages using SDHIC by consolidating shipments and merging the storage space of inventories. The applicability of the presented model is shown by conducting these experiments over an applied industrial case study.


The main contributions of this research are proposing a practical mathematical approach to the supply chain of ICs using a specific public warehouse managed by a 3PL, called SDHIC, bridging the existing gaps with respect to the already published researches in this area by applying real-world assumptions such as uncertainty; optimizing the interactions of involved entities in the supply chain of an IC, comprising suppliers, SMEs as manufacturers and customers; minimizing the total incurred logistics costs to such a system through optimum usage of lands, facilities, labors, etc. and boosting the satisfaction of customers through maximizing the service level criteria, illustrating the positive consequences of cooperation of 3PL with the SMEs/manufacturers in an IC, showing the applicability of the adopted approach by implementing it on an applied industrial instance.

Publication date: 8 February 2022

Hassan Ali, Jingwen Zhang, Sheng Liu and Muhammad Shoaib

Due to the fierce market competition, many organizations seek global suppliers because of lower procurement costs and better product quality. However, selecting suitable global…



Due to the fierce market competition, many organizations seek global suppliers because of lower procurement costs and better product quality. However, selecting suitable global suppliers is one of the complicated decision-making tasks for decision-makers due to the involvement of various qualitative and quantitative factors. The primary purpose of this research is to design an integrated approach for global supplier selection and order allocation in the context of developing an environment-friendly supply chain under data uncertainty.


Initially, the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) is used to calculate the selected criteria weights. After that, the weights obtained from FAHP are inserted into the fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (FTOPSIS) to examine the performance of selected suppliers and determine their final ranks. Finally, the obtained results from FTOPSIS are incorporated into the multi-choice goal programming (MCGP) model, which involves multi-aspiration levels to allocate the optimal order quantity to the selected global suppliers.


A real-time case study of the automotive industry is presented to demonstrate the efficiency and practicality of the suggested approach. The case study and sensitivity analysis results show that the proposed model effectively tackles suppliers' evaluation and order allocation data uncertainty.


Incorporation of risks, environmental management and economic factors during global supplier selection in the automotive sector has not been given much attention in the past literature. So, this research aims to fulfill the gap by developing an integrated approach that can tackle data uncertainty effectively.


Kybernetes, vol. 52 no. 8
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0368-492X


Publication date: 3 October 2016

Chhabi Ram Matawale, Saurav Datta and S.S. Mahapatra

The recent global market trend is seemed enforcing existing manufacturing organizations (as well as service sectors) to improve existing supply chain systems or to take up/adapt…




The recent global market trend is seemed enforcing existing manufacturing organizations (as well as service sectors) to improve existing supply chain systems or to take up/adapt advanced manufacturing strategies for being competitive. The concept of the agile supply chain (ASC) has become increasingly important as a means of achieving a competitive edge in highly turbulent business environments. An ASC is a dynamic alliance of member enterprises, the formation of which is likely to introduce velocity, responsiveness, and flexibility into the manufacturing system. In ASC management, supplier/partner selection is a key strategic concern. Apart from traditional supplier/partner selection criteria; different agility-related criteria/attributes need to be taken under consideration while selecting an appropriate supplier in an ASC. The paper aims to discuss these issues.


Therefore, evaluation and selection of potential supplier in an ASC have become an important multi-criteria decision making problem. Most of the evaluation criteria being subjective in nature; traditional decision-making approaches (mostly dealing with objective data) fail to solve this problem. However, fuzzy set theory appears an important mean to tackle with vague and imprecise data given by the experts. In this work, application potential of the fuzzy multi-level multi-criteria decision making (FMLMCDM) approach proposed by Chu and Velásquez (2009) and Chu and Varma (2012) has been examined and compared to that of Fuzzy-techniques for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) and Fuzzy-MOORA in the context of supplier selection in ASC.


It has been observed that similar ranking order appears in FMLMCDM as well as Fuzzy-TOPSIS. In Fuzzy-MOORA, the best alternative appears same as in case of FMLMCDM as well as Fuzzy-TOPSIS; but for other alternatives ranking order differs. A comparative analysis has also been made in view of working principles of FMLMCDM, Fuzzy-TOPSIS as well as Fuzzy-MOORA.


Application feasibility of FMLMCDM approach has been verified in comparison with Fuzzy-TOPSIS and Fuzzy-MOORA in the context of agile supplier selection.

Publication date: 3 May 2016

Chhabi Ram Matawale, Saurav Datta and S.S. Mahapatra

The concept of agile supply chain (ASC) has become increasingly important as means of achieving a competitive edge in turbulent business environments. An ASC is a dynamic alliance…




The concept of agile supply chain (ASC) has become increasingly important as means of achieving a competitive edge in turbulent business environments. An ASC is a dynamic alliance of member enterprises, the adaptation of which is likely to introduce velocity, responsiveness and flexibility into the manufacturing system. In ASC management, supplier/partner selection is a key strategic concern; influenced by various agility-related criteria/attributes. Therefore, evaluation and selection of potential supplier in an ASC has become an important multi-criteria decision-making problem. The purpose of this paper is to report, a supplier selection procedure (module) in the context of ASC.


During supplier selection, subjectivity of evaluation information (human judgment) often creates conflict and bears some kind of uncertainty. To overcome this, the present work attempts to explore vague set theory to deal with uncertainties in the supplier selection decision-making process. Since, vague sets can provide more accurate information as compared to fuzzy sets. It considers true membership function as well as false membership function which give more superior results for uncertain information. In this procedure, first, linguistic variables have been used to assess appropriateness rating (performance extent) as well as priority weights for individual quantitative or qualitative criterions. Second, the concept of degree of similarity and probability of vague sets has been used to determine appropriate ranking order of the potential supplier alternatives.


A case empirical example has been provided. It has been proved that the methodology would be fruitful in considering different evaluation criterion (indices); may be contradicting in nature like beneficial and cost criterions. The application of vague set theory has also been proved as a better option to work under uncertain (fuzzy) decision-making environment in comparison to fuzzy set theory.


The application of vague set theory in multi-criteria group decision making has been reported in literature to a limited extent. Application of vague set as a decision-making tool in agile supplier selection appears relative new and unexplored work area. The work has got remarkable managerial implications.

Publication date: 3 July 2017

Peeyush Pandey, Bhavin J. Shah and Hasmukh Gajjar

Due to the ever increasing concern toward sustainability, suppliers nowadays are evaluated on the basis of environmental performances. The data on supplier’s performance are not…



Due to the ever increasing concern toward sustainability, suppliers nowadays are evaluated on the basis of environmental performances. The data on supplier’s performance are not always available in quantitative form and evaluating supplier on the basis of qualitative data is a challenging task. The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework for the selection of suppliers by evaluating them on the basis of both quantitative and qualitative data.


Literature on sustainability, green supply chain and lean practices related to supplier selection is critically reviewed. Based on this, a two phase fuzzy goal programming approach integrating hyperbolic membership function is proposed to solve the complex supplier selection problem.


Results obtained through the proposed approach are compared to the traditional models (Jadidi et al., 2014; Ozkok and Tiryaki, 2011; Zimmermann, 1978) of supplier selection and were found to be optimal as it achieves higher aspiration level.

Practical implications

The proposed model is adaptive to solve real world problems of supplier selection as all criteria do not possess the same weights, so the managers can change the criteria and their weights according to their requirement.


This paper provides the decision makers a robust framework to evaluate and select sustainable supplier based on both quantitative and qualitative data. The results obtained through the proposed model achieve greater satisfaction level as compared to those achieved by traditional methods.


Benchmarking: An International Journal, vol. 24 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1463-5771


Publication date: 13 January 2022

Umar Muhammad Modibbo, Musa Hassan, Aquil Ahmed and Irfan Ali

Supplier selection in the supply chain network (SCN) has strategic importance and involves multiple factors. The multi-criteria nature of the problem coupled with environmental…



Supplier selection in the supply chain network (SCN) has strategic importance and involves multiple factors. The multi-criteria nature of the problem coupled with environmental uncertainty requires several procedures and considerations. The issue of decision-making in selecting the best among various qualified suppliers remains the major challenge in the pharmaceutical industry. This study investigated the multi-criteria multi-supplier decision-making process and proposed a model for supplier selection problems based on mixed-integer linear programming.


The concept of principal component analysis (PCA) was used to reduce data dimensionality, and the four best criteria have been considered and selected. The result is subjected to decision-makers’ (DMs’) reliability test using the concept of a triangular fuzzy number (TFN). The importance of each supplier to each measure is established using fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution approach, and the suppliers have ranked accordingly.


This study proposes a mixed integer linear programming model for supplier selection in a pharmaceutical company. The effectiveness of the proposed model has been demonstrated using a numerical example. The solution shows the model's applicability in making a sound decision in pharmaceutical companies in the space of reality. The model proposed is simple. Readily commercial packages such as LINDO/LINGO and GAMS can solve the model.

Research limitations/implications

This research contributed to the systematic manner of supplier selection considering DMs’ value judgement under a fuzzy environment and is limited to the case study area. However, interested researchers can apply the study in other related manufacturing industries. However, the criteria have to be revisited to suit that system and might require varying ratings based on the experts' opinions in that field.

Practical implications

This work suggests more insights practically by considering a realistic and precise investigation based on a real-life case study of pharmaceutical companies with six primary criteria and twenty-four sub-criteria. The study outcome will assist organizations and managers in conducting the best decision objectively by selecting the best suppliers with their various standards and terms among many available contenders in the manufacturing industry.


In this paper, the authors attempted to identify the most critical attributes to be preserved by the top managers (DMs) while selecting suppliers in pharmaceutical companies. The study proposed an MILP model for supplier selection in the pharmaceutical company using fuzzy TOPSIS.

Publication date: 5 April 2019

Mohamad Amin Kaviani, Amir Karbassi Yazdi, Lanndon Ocampo and Simonov Kusi-Sarpong

The oil and gas industry is a crucial economic sector for both developed and developing economies. Delays in extraction and refining of these resources would adversely affect…



The oil and gas industry is a crucial economic sector for both developed and developing economies. Delays in extraction and refining of these resources would adversely affect industrial players, including that of the host countries. Supplier selection is one of the most important decisions taken by managers of this industry that affect their supply chain operations. However, determining suitable suppliers to work with has become a phenomenon faced by these managers and their organizations. Furthermore, identifying relevant, critical and important criteria needed to guide these managers and their organizations for supplier selection decisions has become even more complicated due to various criteria that need to be taken into consideration. With limited works in the current literature of supplier selection in the oil and gas industry having major methodological drawbacks, the purpose of this paper is to develop an integrated approach for supplier selection in the oil and gas industry.


To address this problem, this paper proposes a new uncertain decision framework. A grey-Delphi approach is first applied to aid in the evaluation and refinement of these various available criteria to obtain the most important and relevant criteria for the oil and gas industry. The grey systems theoretic concept is adopted to address the subjectivity and uncertainty in human judgments. The grey-Shannon entropy approach is used to determine the criteria weights, and finally, the grey-EDAS (evaluation based on distance from average solution) method is utilized for determining the ranking of the suppliers.


To exemplify the applicability and robustness of the proposed approach, this study uses the oil and gas industry of Iran as a case in point. From the literature review, 21 criteria were established and using the grey-Delphi approach, 16 were finally considered. The four top-ranked criteria, using grey-Shannon entropy, include warranty level and experience time, relationship closeness, supplier’s technical level and risks which are considered as the most critical and influential criteria for supplier evaluation in the Iranian oil and gas industry. The ranking of the suppliers is obtained, and the best and worst suppliers are also identified. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the results using the proposed methodology are robust.

Research limitations/implications

The proposed approach would assist supply chain practicing managers, including purchasing managers, procurement managers and supply chain managers in the oil and gas and other industries, to effectively select suitable suppliers for cooperation. It can also be used for other multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) applications. Future works on applying other MCDM methods and comparing them with the results of this study can be addressed. Finally, broader and more empirical works are required in the oil and gas industry.


This study is among the first few studies of supplier selection in the oil and gas industry from an emerging economy perspective and sets the stage for future research. The proposed integrated grey-based MCDM approach provides robust results in supplier evaluation and can be used for future domain applications.

Publication date: 3 December 2019

R. Ghasemy Yaghin and P. Sarlak

This paper aims to propose an integrated supplier selection, order allocation, transportation planning model, along with investment planning for corporate social responsibility…



This paper aims to propose an integrated supplier selection, order allocation, transportation planning model, along with investment planning for corporate social responsibility (CSR), over a given multi-period horizon under uncertainty. Furthermore, a customer’s behavior to pay more money for items with CSR attributes is considered in the total market demand.


The objective functions, i.e. social value of purchasing, total profit (TP), total delivery lead-time, total air pollution, total water pollution and total energy consumption with regard to a number of constraints are jointly considered in a multi-product system. It is worth noting that operational- and sustainable-related parameters are usually vague and imprecise in this area. Therefore, this paper develops a new fuzzy multi-objective optimization model to capture this inherent fuzziness in critical data.


Through the numerical examples in the textile industry, the application of the model and usefulness of solution procedures are carried out. The numerical results obtained from the proposed approach indicate the efficiency of the solution algorithm in different instances. Moreover, the authors observe that social investment of the buyer, to stimulate market demand, can affect the TP and also involve the total contribution of suppliers in social responsibility.


This research work concentrates on providing a procurement and inventory model through the lens of sustainability to enable textile supply chain managers and related industries to apply the approach to their inventory control and supply management. Totally, the proposed methodology could be applied by many fabric buyers of textile industry tackling purchasing issues and attempting to perfect understanding of social supply chains.


Journal of Modelling in Management, vol. 15 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1746-5664


Publication date: 6 February 2024

Aşkin Özdağoğlu, Eda Acar, Mücella Güner and Ayşegül Çetmeli Bakadur

The textile industry harms the environment at every stage of production, from the acquisition of raw materials to the disposal of finished products. It is very important for the…



The textile industry harms the environment at every stage of production, from the acquisition of raw materials to the disposal of finished products. It is very important for the textile industry to adapt to the basic policies on environmental sensitivity and sustainability to keep up with the transformation in production processes and the rapid changes occurring around the world in order to exist in global competition. Within the scope of sustainable development goals, it is of great importance to measure and evaluate indicators of all processes of the sector. This paper aims to present application of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods for the assessment of sustainable development in textile industry.


The data of a multinational clothing company’s four-year sustainability performance between 2018 and 2021 were evaluated under 22 sustainability parameters determined using two new MCDM techniques, namely the combined consensus solution method and multi-attribute ideal real comparative analysis. In determining the criteria, priority key indicators were determined by taking into account the sector’s relationship with the environment, raw material consumption and social adequacy.


According to the application results of both methods, the year 2021 shows the best performance. It has been seen that the sustainability performance of the Inditex group has increased over the years and the results of the applied models support each other. It can be suggested that the proposed approach be applied to evaluate the progress in the textile sector with the relevant data on a particular company or on a macro scale.


This study makes an important contribution to the field in terms of the fact that the methods used are recent and have no application in the field of textiles. It allows the evaluation of different sustainability criteria together using a single method. It is very important to share data on sustainability indicators with customers, employees, suppliers, investors, partner organizations and society and evaluate performance. Analyzing sustainability performance on the basis of annual reports is important in terms of identifying good practices, sharing them with the community and setting an example. In addition, using scientific methods in the evaluation of the sustainability report data published by companies regularly provides significant feedback for policymakers and academics.


Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, vol. 35 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1477-7835


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