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Publication date: 31 October 2015

Hyunju Oh

Since joining Bennett College in 2008, Dr. Oh has directed 17 undergraduate students’ research projects in applied mathematics. The National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded Dr…


Since joining Bennett College in 2008, Dr. Oh has directed 17 undergraduate students’ research projects in applied mathematics. The National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded Dr. Oh grants from the Historically Black Colleges and Universities – Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP). The grants allowed her to mentor eight mathematics majors/minors in summer research for four years (2009–2012). Based on the four years of successful undergraduate research (UGR) experiences, she, together with Dr. Jan Rychtar from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), received funding for two summers National Research Experience for Undergraduates (NREUP), an activity of Mathematical Association of America (MAA), funded by the NSF in 2013 and 2014. During the six years of funded UGR, Bennett students made 33 presentations at regional, state, and national conferences; two teams won the outstanding student presentation award and first place for presentation. Three papers were published; two of them by Dr. Oh and one of them with a UGR coauthor. Three projects resulted in manuscripts. As a result of the UGR experiences in 2015, Dr. Oh received three more grants: the MAA NREUP, the NSF’s Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM), and the NSF’s Preparation for Industrial Careers in Mathematical Sciences (PIC Math) program awarded grants. A grant was also submitted to HBC-UP-Targeted Infusion Projects: Computational Mathematics at Bennett College.

Overall, the six years of UGR at Bennett College attained the three goals of: (1) enhancing the quality of undergraduate STEM education and research for a deeper appreciation in those disciplines; (2) supporting increased graduation rates in STEM undergraduate education of females; and (3) broadening participation in the nation’s STEM workforce as well as enrollments in graduate schools.


Infusing Undergraduate Research into Historically Black Colleges and Universities Curricula
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-78560-159-0


Publication date: 1 December 2001

Alexander J.J.A. Maas, Erik M. Manschot and Ton J. Roodink

Illustrates a core concept: multiple inclusion or the process of multiple including. Offers a perspective of configuring human beings who organize simultaneously “worlds of…



Illustrates a core concept: multiple inclusion or the process of multiple including. Offers a perspective of configuring human beings who organize simultaneously “worlds of difference”, or “realities” and the perspective from the point of view of an actor, in relation to others. Each appearance of an actor’s participation or “inclusion” thus becomes related to a specific context. Claims this social space always has a multiple character. To an actor, it is an area of tension which contains various dimensions. It is crucial that another inclusion or a new definition of a situation can be introduced, as an indication of the variety of contexts. An actor may evoke or find an inclusion at the social‐ or cognitive‐structural levels. Both can be called on at once. But the moment variety is no longer allowed, problems of power can emerge. Utilizes a previous study of the Utrecht Jazz Orchestra for consequences of this stand for diagnosis in an organizational context.


Career Development International, vol. 6 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1362-0436


Book part
Publication date: 13 March 2023

Ramjanul Ahsan

This study critically analyzes the micro-, meso- and macro-level factors that influence the female academics to engage in academic entrepreneurship (AE). The extant literature…


This study critically analyzes the micro-, meso- and macro-level factors that influence the female academics to engage in academic entrepreneurship (AE). The extant literature, which seeks to understand the female academics engagement in AE mostly revolves around a gender-comparative lens, where women entrepreneurs are understood only in comparison with men. This study examines the association between informal academic entrepreneurship (IAE) and the level of asymmetry between the micro-, meso- and macro-level factors (5M framework). In this study, the author conducted three interviews with female academics in Bangladesh.


New Horizons and Global Perspectives in Female Entrepreneurship Research
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83982-781-5


Book part
Publication date: 13 August 2020

Iain Docherty

The transition to a future of ‘Smart Mobility’ – a mobility system characterised by real time organisation via the internet incorporating technologies such as connected and…


The transition to a future of ‘Smart Mobility’ – a mobility system characterised by real time organisation via the internet incorporating technologies such as connected and autonomous vehicles – has the potential to transform many aspects of everyday life. Many countries have evolved a system of ‘multi-level governance’ (MLG) to manage the formulation and implementation of public policies at different spatial scales. Whilst MLG has several potential advantages, such as providing multiple sites for policy innovation and de-risking the implementation of new policies by piloting them in particular places, the existence of many different governing tiers with different priorities and mandates requires skilful management and coordination. The management of any substantive, disruptive transition such as that to Smart Mobility is challenging for the policy system per se; for countries with MLG systems, the task is made more complex still by the need to achieve sufficient policy alignment between different tiers and entities of governance to implement new policy instruments in practice. The specific instruments of transport pricing and roadspace reallocation provide clear examples of these challenges and pointers to how implementation questions might be resolved in an MLG framework.


Shaping Smart Mobility Futures: Governance and Policy Instruments in times of Sustainability Transitions
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83982-651-1


Book part
Publication date: 13 August 2020

Louise Reardon

With the plethora of smart mobility innovations, their applications, and their pace of change, it is easy to get distracted by what these innovations can (potentially) do, rather…


With the plethora of smart mobility innovations, their applications, and their pace of change, it is easy to get distracted by what these innovations can (potentially) do, rather than what we want or need them to do, if we are to meet our societal goals. The focus of this chapter is therefore on the extent to which smart mobility can help create policy change towards the goal of low carbon mobility. The concept of policy is broken down into its component parts, to outline the relationship between policy goals and policy instruments, and identifies the key tools underpinning policy instruments. In turn, the chapter situates policy instruments within an understanding of policy change and triggers for policy change, arguing there are two key ways in which transformative change can occur; exogenously and endogenously. The chapter argues that the onset of smart mobility does not suggest an exogenous shock to the current policy system, in which smart mobility disrupts the authority and beliefs inherent within the current policy approach to mobility. Smart mobility therefore in and of itself is unlikely to lead to a radical policy shift towards low carbon. However, in understanding smart mobility innovations as policy instruments, it is possible to envisage smart mobility incrementally changing policy towards low carbon mobility, if opportunities for reflexivity and learning are embedded within local policy contexts.


Shaping Smart Mobility Futures: Governance and Policy Instruments in times of Sustainability Transitions
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83982-651-1


Publication date: 1 July 2006

Alexander J.J.A. Maas

The purpose of this paper is to show that relationships between academics and professionals can gain in organizational studies by prioritizing practical wisdom, which also…




The purpose of this paper is to show that relationships between academics and professionals can gain in organizational studies by prioritizing practical wisdom, which also benefits teaching.


To explore practical corollaries of Flyvbjerg's claim that social scientists are better equipped than natural scientists to produce phronesis or practical wisdom.


Practical wisdom emerges when social scientists interact with professionals. In (relational) practice, Organizational Science scientists and practitioners develop local knowledge that cannot be taught a priori but which develops bottom up and emerges from practice. Scientists and practitioners converse, exchange interpretations and perspectives, in specific contexts. Interaction and communication with OS practitioners seems for OS professionals to be a necessary human condition to develop phronesis.

Practical implications

Explores implications of Flyvberg's method to critically study discourse among OS scientists and between them and OS practitioners. Examine how discourse changes on the basis of an example of phronesis.


To provide a practical contribution to the theory/practice debate.


Critical perspectives on international business, vol. 2 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1742-2043


Book part
Publication date: 17 November 2010

Alexander J.J.A. Maas, Johannes H. Stravers and Frans P.M. Baar

Europe's population is aging. Compared to the number of people who live with an acute, life-threatening disease, more people now live with the effects of serious chronic…


Europe's population is aging. Compared to the number of people who live with an acute, life-threatening disease, more people now live with the effects of serious chronic illnesses, and disability toward the end of life. Meeting both needs presents a public health challenge. Policy makers and health professionals recognize that these changes require a health program that encourages both inventive cure and care professionalization, particularly palliative care for those patients (and their families) who cannot be cured (Davies & Higginson, 2004).


Relational Practices, Participative Organizing
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-0-85724-007-1

Book part
Publication date: 13 August 2020

Annica Kronsell and Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren

New forms of ‘smart’ mobility have emerged with the advance of information technology. From a public sector perspective, these ambitions have been framed both in terms of…


New forms of ‘smart’ mobility have emerged with the advance of information technology. From a public sector perspective, these ambitions have been framed both in terms of innovation and sustainability. The development work of these technologies is in part being subsidised by public actors investing in and funding different types of pilots or experiments in order to ‘test’ these technologies in what is called a real-life environment. This is part of a larger trend of experimental governance in which smart mobility is an important and a possibly growing part. This chapter offers a conceptual analysis of experimental governance by analysing three underlying assumptions in literature and practice (1) the need for extraordinary solutions, (2) the importance of learning by doing and (3) the necessity of collaboration. These three assumptions are analysed in relation to smart mobility experiments in Sweden, and discussed in relation to public values. The concluding discussion elevates a number of normative implications of using experimental governance as a policy instrument for the development of smart mobility.


Shaping Smart Mobility Futures: Governance and Policy Instruments in times of Sustainability Transitions
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83982-651-1




Scaling Social Innovation Through Cross-sector Social Partnerships: Driving Optimal Performance
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80043-539-1

Book part
Publication date: 30 April 2024

Paul J. Jackson, Nicolette Michels, Jonathan Louw, Lucy Turner and Andrea Macrae

This chapter contributes to the scholarship of teaching and learning in extracurricular enterprise and entrepreneurship education. It draws on research from two annual ‘Business…


This chapter contributes to the scholarship of teaching and learning in extracurricular enterprise and entrepreneurship education. It draws on research from two annual ‘Business Challenge Weeks’ (BCW) held at Oxford Brookes University in 2021 and 2022, in which teams of postgraduate students from three faculties worked on external client projects, supported by an academic mentor. It presents and discusses findings derived from a survey and interviews conducted after the second of these years. The chapter takes a transdisciplinary perspective, after Budwig and Alexander (2020), Piaget (1972) and Klein et al. (2001) and explores the relationship between this and the enterprise and entrepreneurship development pipeline set out by QAA (2018). It analyses the experiences of the three main participating groups engaged in the challenge weeks – students, external clients and academic mentors – and explores the organising challenges inherent in multiparty pedagogical initiatives. The chapter contributes to knowledge in this area by revealing and reflecting on the motivations and expectations of the three participant groups, the roles they played during the week and the outcomes they reported. It also expands understanding of transdisciplinary enterprise pedagogy.


Extracurricular Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Activity: A Global and Holistic Perspective
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-80382-372-0


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