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Publication date: 2 September 2024

Urbi Garay, Miguel Ríos, Albrect Sorensen and Enrique Ter Host

Art return indices are usually estimated based only on a few means of artistic expression (mainly paintings and drawings). Other forms of expression (e.g. sculptures and…



Art return indices are usually estimated based only on a few means of artistic expression (mainly paintings and drawings). Other forms of expression (e.g. sculptures and installations) are generally ignored, in part because they are three-dimensional and, hence, more difficult to measure. We analyze the price determinants as well as the return and risk of three artistic expressions (paintings, drawings and sculptures) executed by Fernando Botero, the most expensive living Latin American artist, to analyze the degree to which their risk and return attributes differ throughout a 20-year period.


We analyzed all paintings, drawings and sculptures executed by Botero and sold at Sotheby’s and Christie’s between 2000 and 2020 (a total of 707 artworks). The data and the images of each artwork were obtained from the web pages of these two auction houses. A hedonic regression was run to explain the price of each artwork and use explanatory variables that are standard in the literature. Art price indices for paintings, drawings and sculptures were constructed using the year-dummy variables estimated in the regressions. We performed a similar analysis for another artist, Carlos Cruz-Diez, as a robustness to our results.


The performance of Botero’s sculptures through time differs markedly from that of his paintings and drawings. Our results suggest that it is possible that returns estimated in the literature could suffer from a bias, as they have usually ignored the performance of sculptures and other artistic expressions. Botero’s paintings provided a return that was comparable to those of his sculptures (3.36% and 3.20%, respectively), they were two times as high as those of his drawings (1.68%). On the other hand, whereas paintings and drawings had similar annual standard deviations (26% and 25.22%, respectively), sculptures had a much smaller standard deviation (16.96%).

Research limitations/implications

A limitation of the hedonic regression method lies in the need to have a significant and diverse sample to identify the true effect of each variable on the price of a good. Another limitation is that we were only able to use art prices from auctions, as this is the only comprehensive source of art price data that is publicly available. These two limitations are shared by all the studies that use the hedonic pricing model.

Practical implications

Our results have practical applications for art collectors and investors, as well as for artists, galleries and, in general, for the whole art market ecosystem. The risk and return attributes of the various artistic expressions of an artist can be different, and thus it makes sense to analyze each one of them individually, as well as their correlations with the other artistic expressions and with traditional and other alternative investments.

Social implications

The art market is part of what is known as the “orange economy” (also known as the Creative Economy). According to the World Bank, the economic value of the creative sector is not well known or appreciated, even though cultural, creative and artistic activities are vital for our sense of well-being.


To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that compares the financial performance of paintings, drawings and sculptures for the case of a specific artist. We chose Botero for three reasons. First, he is a Latin American living artist who has achieved the highest levels of international sales. Second, Botero has worked extensively on various artistic expressions (oil paintings, drawings on different materials and sculptures) throughout his life, a characteristic that is essential to be able to carry out our study. Third, there is a long record of auction sales for each of Botero’s artistic expressions.


Los índices de rentabilidad del arte generalmente se estiman basándose únicamente en unos pocos medios de expresión artística (principalmente pinturas y dibujos). Otras formas de expresión artística (por ejemplo, esculturas e instalaciones) generalmente se ignoran, en parte porque son tridimensionales y, por tanto, más difíciles de medir. Analizamos los determinantes del precio, así como el retorno y el riesgo de tres expresiones artísticas (pinturas, dibujos y esculturas) ejecutadas por Fernando Botero, el artista latinoamericano vivo más caro, para analizar en qué medida sus atributos de riesgo y retorno difieren a lo largo del tiempo, en un período de 20 años.


Analizamos todas las pinturas, dibujos y esculturas ejecutadas por Botero y vendidas en Sotheby’s y Christie’s entre 2000 y 2020 (un total de 707 obras de arte). Los datos y las imágenes de cada obra se obtuvieron de las páginas web de estas dos casas de subastas. Se realizó una regresión hedonante para explicar el precio de cada obra de arte y se utilizaron variables explicativas estándar en la literatura. Los índices de precios de arte para pinturas, dibujos y esculturas se construyeron utilizando variables ficticias anuales estimadas en las regresiones. Realizamos un análisis similar para otro artista, Carlos Cruz-Diez, como análisis de robustez de nuestros resultados.


El desempeño de las esculturas de Botero a través del tiempo difiere marcadamente del de sus pinturas y dibujos. Nuestros resultados sugieren que es posible que los retornos estimados en la literatura sufran un sesgo, ya que generalmente han ignorado el desempeño de esculturas y otras expresiones artísticas. Las pinturas de Botero proporcionaron un retorno comparable al de sus esculturas (3.36% y 3.20%, respectivamente), pero fueron dos veces superiores a los de sus dibujos (1.68%). Por otro lado, mientras que las pinturas y los dibujos tuvieron desviaciones estándar anuales similares (26% y 25.22%, respectivamente), las esculturas tuvieron una desviación estándar mucho menor (16.96%).


Una limitación del método de regresión hedónica radica en la necesidad de contar con una muestra significativa y diversa para identificar el verdadero efecto de cada variable sobre el precio de un bien. Otra limitación consiste en que solo pudimos utilizar precios de arte de subastas, ya que esta es la única fuente completa de datos sobre precios de arte que está disponible públicamente. Estas dos limitaciones son compartidas por todos los estudios que utilizan el modelo de precios hedónico.

Implicaciones prácticas

Nuestros resultados tienen aplicaciones prácticas para coleccionistas e inversores de arte, así como también para artistas, galerías y, en general, para todo el ecosistema del mercado del arte. Los atributos de riesgo y retorno de las diversas expresiones de un artista pueden ser diferentes, por lo que tiene sentido analizar cada una de ellas individualmente, así como sus correlaciones con las otras expresiones artísticas y con las inversiones tradicionales y otras alternativas.

Implicaciones sociales

El mercado del arte forma parte de lo que se conoce como “economía naranja” (también conocida como Economía Creativa). Según el Banco Mundial, el valor económico del sector creativo no es bien conocido ni apreciado, a pesar de que las actividades culturales, creativas y artísticas son vitales para nuestra sensación de bienestar.


Hasta donde hemos podido comprobar, este es el primer artículo que compara el desempeño financiero de pinturas, dibujos y esculturas para el caso de un artista específico. Elegimos a Botero por tres razones. En primer lugar, es el artista vivo latinoamericano que ha alcanzado los mayores niveles de ventas internacionales. En segundo lugar, Botero ha trabajado extensamente en diversas expresiones artísticas (óleos, dibujos sobre distintos materiales y esculturas) a lo largo de su vida, característica que resulta fundamental para poder realizar nuestro estudio. En tercer lugar, existe un largo historial de ventas en subasta de cada una de las expresiones artísticas de Botero.

Publication date: 29 July 2024

Siqi Emily Lu, Brent Moyle, Elaine Chiao Ling Yang and Sacha Reid

This paper aims to critically examine the discourse on the disability workforce in Australian tourism policy and planning documents.



This paper aims to critically examine the discourse on the disability workforce in Australian tourism policy and planning documents.


This research draws on a database of 490 Australian tourism policy and planning documents, across national, state, regional and local levels of governments, destination management organisations and peak industry bodies, to systematically examine the issues pertaining to disability workforce over the ten-year policy cycle (2013–2023), through critical discourse analysis.


Analysis revealed 20 of the existing 490 documents had mentions of the inclusion of people with disability (PWD) in the tourism workforce. Through critical discourse analysis, the nuances of political attitudes are evident. Tourism policies tend to exert a cautious approach towards the inclusion of PWD employment. PWD do not have a strong voice when it comes to the formation of tourism policy, especially not as members of the tourism workforce.

Practical implications

This research underscores an emerging call for the government’s commitment to considering the underrepresented social group of PWD in the tourism workforce. By shedding light on critical discourse analysis of the disability workforce, tourism scholars and practitioners understand the current challenges and explore opportunities to implement tangible actions for an inclusive work environment for all.


The research is novel and innovative as it critically examines the discourse of the disability workforce in the tourism sector through an institutional theory perspective. The limited emphasis of government policies on the disability workforce may result in missed opportunities to encourage meaningful employment engagement of PWD in tourism organisations. Consequently, this research contributes a tripartite model of policy recommendations that explicitly articulates the mechanisms for change that are tailored to tourism workforce and advocates for the active voices of PWD community in the policy formation process.




本研究采用了490份澳大利亚旅游政策和规划文件, 涵盖了国家、州、地区和地方政府、目的地管理组织和行业峰会机构的文件, 系统地分析了 2013 年至 2023 年的10年政策周期内有关残疾人劳动力的讨论。


分析显示, 在现有的 490 份文件中, 有20份提到了在旅游业中的残疾和工作包容性。通过批判性话语分析, 可以看出政治态度的细微差别。旅游政策在雇佣残疾人时往往采取谨慎的态度。在关于旅游业工作政策的制定过程中, 残疾人的声音略显薄弱。


本研究强调了政府应致力于考虑残疾人这一少数社会群体在旅游劳动力中的参与度。通过揭示残疾人工作的批判性话语分析, 旅游学者和从业者能够了解当前面临的挑战, 并采取切实可行的措施来创造更具包容性的工作环境。


本研究具有新颖性和创新性。它从制度理论的角度批判性地审视了旅游业中残疾人工作的讨论。政府政策对残疾人工作的重视不足可能导致错失在旅游相关公司促进残疾人有意义的就业参与机会。因此, 本研究提出了一个三方政策建议模型, 明确阐述了针对旅游业工作的变革机制, 并倡导在政策制定过程中积极听取残疾人社区的建议。


Este artículo tiene como objetivo examinar en profundidad el tema del personal discapacitado en los documentos de política y planificación turística en Australia.


Esta investigación parte de una base de datos de 490 documentos de política y planificación del turismo australiano del gobierno a nivel nacional, estatal, regional y local, de las organizaciones de gestión de destinos y de los organismos del sector turístico, para examinar sistemáticamente las cuestiones relativas al personal con discapacidad a lo largo del ciclo político de 10 años (2013–2023).


El análisis reveló que 20 de los 490 documentos existentes mencionaban la inclusión de personas con discapacidad (PcD) en el empleo turístico. El análisis crítico del discurso pone de manifiesto los matices de las actitudes políticas. Las políticas turísticas tienden a adoptar un enfoque cauteloso hacia la inclusión laboral de las PcD. Las PcD no presentan una voz fuerte cuando se trata de la formación de la política turística, especialmente como miembros del empleo turístico.

Implicaciones practicas

Esta investigación destaca la necesidad emergente de un compromiso gubernamental para considerar al grupo social subrepresentado de personas con discapacidad en el empleo turístico. Al arrojar luz sobre el análisis del discurso crítico del empleo turístico con PcD, los investigadores y profesionales del turismo comprende los retos actuales y exploran las oportunidades de poner en práctica acciones tangibles para un entorno laboral inclusivo para todos.


La investigación es novedosa e innovadora, ya que examina en profundidad el personal con discapacidad en el sector turístico bajo un enfoque de la teoría institucional. El limitado énfasis de las políticas gubernamentales del personal con discapacidad puede hacer que se pierdan oportunidades de fomentar una participación laboral significativa de las PcD en las organizaciones turísticas. En consecuencia, esta investigación aporta un modelo tripartito de recomendaciones políticas que articula explícitamente los mecanismos de cambio adaptados a los trabajadores del sector turístico y aboga por la participación de la comunidad de PcD en el proceso de formulación de políticas.

Open Access
Publication date: 22 November 2023

María A. Bretos, Sergio Ibáñez-Sánchez and Carlos Orús

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how previous literature has analyzed the role of augmented reality and virtual reality in the field of tourism, distinguishing between…




The purpose of this paper is to investigate how previous literature has analyzed the role of augmented reality and virtual reality in the field of tourism, distinguishing between studies focused on one technology or the other as both have characteristics that profoundly differentiate them.


This study carries out a critical review to assess and synthesize the literature on augmented reality and virtual reality in tourism. Literature searches are conducted using various keywords, resulting in a selection of 84 articles (19 on augmented reality and 65 on virtual reality) from 39 indexed journals.


The research findings demonstrate an increasing scholarly focus on exploring the application of virtual reality and augmented reality within the realm of tourism. These results highlight a noticeable progression in recent years with respect to different matters, such as methodologies, used theories or considered variables, among others. Based on these results, it is proposed a future research agenda that seeks to establish a cohesive framework and drive the development of both augmented reality and virtual reality research in tourism.


By conducting an individual and comparative review of the literature on the application of augmented reality and virtual reality in tourism, this research helps elucidate the specific lines of research for each technology while providing a better understanding of how each technology can be used to generate effective tourist experiences.


El objetivo de este artículo es investigar cómo la literatura previa ha analizado el papel de la realidad aumentada y la realidad virtual en el ámbito del turismo, distinguiendo entre estudios centrados en una u otra tecnología ya que ambas tienen características que las diferencian profundamente.


Este estudio realiza una revisión crítica para evaluar y sintetizar la literatura sobre realidad aumentada y realidad virtual en turismo. Se realizan búsquedas de literatura utilizando diversas palabras clave, que dan como resultado la selección de 84 artículos (19 sobre realidad aumentada y 65 sobre realidad virtual) procedentes de 39 revistas indexadas.


Los resultados de la investigación demuestran que existe un interés creciente en explorar la aplicación de la realidad virtual y la realidad aumentada en el ámbito del turismo. Asimismo, se pone de manifiesto una notable progresión en los últimos años con respecto a diferentes cuestiones, como las metodologías aplicadas, las teorías empleadas o las variables consideradas, entre otras. A partir de estos resultados, se propone una agenda de investigación futura que pretende establecer un marco cohesionado e impulsar el desarrollo de la investigación en el ámbito tanto de la realidad aumentada como de la realidad virtual en turismo.


Al realizar una revisión individual y comparativa de la literatura sobre la aplicación de la realidad aumentada y la realidad virtual en el turismo, esta investigación ayuda a esclarecer las líneas de investigación específicas de cada tecnología a la vez que proporciona una mejor comprensión de cómo cada tecnología puede ser utilizada para generar experiencias turísticas efectivas.


本文旨在研究以往的文献是如何分析增强现实和虚拟现实在旅游领域的作用的, 并对侧重于其中一种技术或另一种技术的研究加以区分, 因为这两种技术都有深刻区别于其他技术的特点。


本研究通过批判性综述来评估和归纳有关旅游业中增强现实和虚拟现实技术的文献。通过使用各种关键词进行文献检索, 从 39 种索引期刊中筛选出 84 篇文章(19 篇关于增强现实技术, 65 篇关于虚拟现实技术)。


研究结果表明, 学术界越来越重视探索虚拟现实和增强现实在旅游业中的应用。这些结果突显了近年来在方法论、采用的理论或考虑的变量等不同方面的明显进步。在这些成果的基础上, 提出了未来的研究议程, 旨在建立一个具有凝聚力的框架, 推动旅游业中增强现实和虚拟现实研究的发展。


本研究通过对增强现实和虚拟现实技术在旅游业中应用的文献进行单独和比较审查, 有助于阐明每种技术的具体研究方向, 同时让人们更好地了解如何使用每种技术来产生有效的旅游体验。



Social Constructions of Migration in Nigeria and Zimbabwe: Discourse, Rhetoric, and Identity
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83549-169-0


Publication date: 9 November 2023

Yung-Cheng Shen, Crystal T. Lee and Wen-Ya Lin

The proliferation of digital communication on social media provides new opportunities for businesses to take advantage of Internet memes to boost customer engagement. Academic…



The proliferation of digital communication on social media provides new opportunities for businesses to take advantage of Internet memes to boost customer engagement. Academic literature on digital communications mostly focuses on popular forms such as selfies, branded posts, and branded emoticons. Less attention has been paid to brand memes and their implications for brand management. Based on the cue utilization theory, this research aims to investigate the informational cues of brand memes foster brand partnerships.


The structural equation modeling and importance-performance matrix analysis were used to empirically validate the research hypotheses with 595 respondents to an online survey.


Three informational cues of brand memes (i.e. comprehensibility, novelty, and meme-brand congruity) stimulated consumers' attitudes, which in turn impacted consumer-brand relationships. Another brand meme informational cue, sarcasm, negatively moderated the relationships between the three informational cues and consumer-brand relationships.


Our findings indicate that a brand can engage consumers in conversations on social media and foster long-term consumer-brand relationships through brand memes.


Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, vol. 18 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2040-7122


Publication date: 13 August 2024

Wenshen Xu, Yifan Zhang, Xinhang Jiang, Jun Lian and Ye Lin

In the field of steel defect detection, the existing detection algorithms struggle to achieve a satisfactory balance between detection accuracy, computational cost and inference…



In the field of steel defect detection, the existing detection algorithms struggle to achieve a satisfactory balance between detection accuracy, computational cost and inference speed due to the interference from complex background information, the variety of defect types and significant variations in defect morphology. To solve this problem, this paper aims to propose an efficient detector based on multi-scale information extraction (MSI-YOLO), which uses YOLOv8s as the baseline model.


First, the authors introduce an efficient multi-scale convolution with different-sized convolution kernels, which enables the feature extraction network to accommodate significant variations in defect morphology. Furthermore, the authors introduce the channel prior convolutional attention mechanism, which allows the network to focus on defect areas and ignore complex background interference. Considering the lightweight design and accuracy improvement, the authors introduce a more lightweight feature fusion network (Slim-neck) to improve the fusion effect of feature maps.


MSI-YOLO achieves 79.9% mean average precision on the public data set Northeastern University (NEU)-DET, with a model size of only 19.0 MB and an frames per second of 62.5. Compared with other state-of-the-art detectors, MSI-YOLO greatly improves the recognition accuracy and has significant advantages in computational cost and inference speed. Additionally, the strong generalization ability of MSI-YOLO is verified on the collected industrial site steel data set.


This paper proposes an efficient steel defect detector with high accuracy, low computational cost, excellent detection speed and strong generalization ability, which is more valuable for practical applications in resource-limited industrial production.


Robotic Intelligence and Automation, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2754-6969




Recovering Women's Voices: Islam, Citizenship, and Patriarchy in Egypt
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83608-249-1

Book part
Publication date: 16 September 2024

Auba Llompart

This chapter examines two 21st-century Disney fairy tale adaptations, Frozen (2013) and its sequel Frozen II (2019), focussing on the representation of male characters and the…


This chapter examines two 21st-century Disney fairy tale adaptations, Frozen (2013) and its sequel Frozen II (2019), focussing on the representation of male characters and the discourse on masculinity that can be inferred from both films.

Despite featuring two prominent female protagonists – Queen Elsa and Princess Anna – and dealing with themes such as sisterhood and female bonding, a close reading of the two films reveals that they are as much about masculinity as they are about femininity. For instance, filmmakers introduce heterosexual romance where there was none before, as well as male characters Prince Hans and Kristoff, who are not present in the literary source that they draw from, Hans Christian Andersen's ‘The Snow Queen’ (1844).

Furthermore, these male characters are given names, personalities, and motivations, which cannot be said of previous Disney fairy tale Prince Charming-type figures. Therefore, Hans and Kristoff are proposed to be variations of this archetype and can be read as an attempt on Disney's part to complicate it, undermine the patriarchal masculinity that it stood for in its previous Disney renderings, and propose alternative models for the implied 21st-century audience.

Although Prince Hans is initially presented as a stereotypical Disney fairy tale prince, he is eventually revealed to be a narcissistic lover and a patriarchal villain. Kristoff, by contrast, is the humble, lower-class, sensitive ‘new’ man who is presented as a socially acceptable alternative and finally takes Prince Charming's place by becoming the princess's love interest and partner. Frozen can be read as a cautionary tale that urges young women to choose their romantic (male) partners wisely and warns both male and female audiences against the dangers of fragile patriarchal masculinity.


Gender and the Male Character in 21st Century Fairy Tale Narratives
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83753-789-1


Open Access
Publication date: 28 August 2024

Ya-Fei Liu, Yu-Bo Zhu, Hou-Han Wu and Fangxuan (Sam) Li

This study aims to explore the differences in the tourists’ perceived destination image on travel e-commerce platforms (e.g. Ctrip and Fliggy) and social media platforms (e.g…



This study aims to explore the differences in the tourists’ perceived destination image on travel e-commerce platforms (e.g. Ctrip and Fliggy) and social media platforms (e.g. Xiaohongshu and Weibo).


Tourism Critiques: Practice and Theory, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2633-1225


Book part
Publication date: 7 October 2024

Jianping Hong and Jiandong Yi

The inclusion of esports as an official event in the Hangzhou Asian Games is an important step towards the institutionalisation of esports. The significance of this event marks…


The inclusion of esports as an official event in the Hangzhou Asian Games is an important step towards the institutionalisation of esports. The significance of this event marks that Asia once again takes a lead in the global esportisation. This chapter investigates a series of history events in the inclusion process of esports into the comprehensive Games in Asia using process sociology and actor network theory (ANT). This study will analyse the type characteristics of esports events in Hangzhou Asian Games, whilst examining how key stakeholders' interact and balance in the network composed of international sports organisations, host of the event, emerging esports organisations and esports game companies. The chapter also examines the functions of global game industrial economic geography, local cultural politics, esports geopolitics and Olympic values in esports sportization, aiming to reveal the implications of esports inclusion in the Asian Games on the debate of whether esports meets the criteria to be classified as a ‘sport’ and its enlightenment of digital strategy to the inclusion esports in the Olympics.

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