Drugs, Habits and Social Policy
Issue(s) available: 10 – From Volume: 23 Issue: 1, to Volume: 25 Issue: 3/4

Volume 25
Learning from HIV and drug policy failures: reflections from clinical practice and research in Edinburgh
Roy Robertson, Gerard McCartneyThe purpose of this study is to review the evolution of drug use in South East Scotland over the period since 1980 and from the clinical experience and to consider the…
Harm reduction design: doing health and safety differently
Nancy D. CampbellThis paper aims to document a novel course titled Harm Reduction Design Studio. The course introduced the harm reduction problem space to design students for designing objects…
Liberalisation of alcohol policy in Lithuania and the role of public health coalitions: change in policy beliefs and strategy
Remigijus Civinskas, Jaroslav DvorakThis study aims to investigate the role of the public health advocacy coalition (PHC) in the context of policy change. Using the “advocacy coalition framework” theory, this study…
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2022Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedEditors:
- Dr Aysel Sultan
- Dr Marta Rychert