Journal of Service Theory and Practice: Volume 32 Issue 2


Table of contents - Special Issue: Service Marketing and the Winds of Change; ANZMAC 2019 Conference

I'm no expert, but … ? Consumer use of supportive digital tools in health services

Helen Bocking, Rebekah Russell-Bennett, Kate Letheren

The use of supportive digital technology – the provision of supportive services and self-management health tools using digital platforms – by marketers is increasing alongside…

Why do consumers become providers? Self-determination in the sharing economy

Bodo Lang, Joya Kemper, Rebecca Dolan, Gavin Northey

The purpose of this paper is to explore why and how sharing economy users switch from consumer (e.g. Airbnb guest) to provider (e.g. Airbnb host), and how this helps enrich…


Co-owned resources: IP and data in smart cities

Angeliki Maria Toli, Niamh Murtagh, Hedley Smyth

Smart city projects typically operate in consortia of actors that lead to the co-creation of jointly owned intellectual property (IP) and data. While IP and data are significant…

The role of meaning in service innovation: a conceptual exploration

Ana Kustrak Korper, Stefan Holmlid, Lia Patrício

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of meaning as a relevant but missing link in understanding the building blocks of service innovation informed by…


A collaborative application of design thinking and Taguchi approach in restaurant service design for food wellbeing

G. Rejikumar, Asokan-Ajitha Aswathy, Ajay Jose, Mathew Sonia

Innovative restaurant service designs impart food wellbeing to diners. This research comprehends customer aspirations and concerns in a restaurant-dining experience to develop a…


The synergistic effects of LMX and procedural justice climate on employee motivation and customer loyalty in a retail service context

Jin Ho Jung, Jaewon Yoo, Yeonsung Jung

The aim of this paper is to test how leader–member exchange (LMX) interacts with procedural justice climate to influence three types of employee motivation (i.e. achievement…


First-time versus repeat tourists: resistance to negative information

Lujun Su, Maxwell K. Hsu, Brian Huels

The purpose of this paper is to review the literature regarding negative information’s impact on consumer behavior in the context of tourism services. In addition, this paper…

Introducing a sensemaking perspective to the service experience

Tiina Kemppainen, Outi Uusitalo

Most recent service experience research considers customers as sensemakers and sensemaking as a focal process in experience construction. Despite this, the sensemaking theory…

Restaurant employees' attitudinal reactions to social distancing difficulties: a multi-wave study

Meng-Long Huo, Zhou Jiang, Zhiming Cheng, Adrian Wilkinson

Grounded in the job demands–resources (JD-R) theory, this study investigates how the difficulty in social distancing at work, resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, may lead to…

COVID-19 vaccination: engagement behavior patterns and implications for public health service communication

Jaylan Azer, Matthew Alexander

COVID-19 vaccinations face a backdrop of widespread mistrust in their safety and effectiveness, specifically via social media platforms which constitute major barriers for the…

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  • Dr. Chatura Ranaweera
  • Dr. Marianna Sigala