Safer Communities: Volume 10 Issue 3


A journal on crime, crime prevention and community safety

Table of contents

Inside the Youth Justice Board: ambiguity and influence in New Labour's youth justice

Anna Souhami

The Youth Justice Board (YJB) was established in 1998 as a central part of the Labour government's radical programme of youth justice reform. Yet while it has had a central role…


How will the recession affect crime rates in Greater Manchester?

Chris Fox, Kevin Albertson, Mark Ellison, Tom Martin

This paper aims to explore what impact the recent economic recession and ongoing economic difficulties experienced in the UK might have on crime in Greater Manchester.

The way forward in designing out crime? Greater Manchester police design for security consultancy

Leanne Monchuk

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) aims to make the built environment less vulnerable to crime and disorder through its design. CPTED is applied in practice by…


An opportunity or liability? London 2012 and security

David Barrett

This paper seeks to look at the considerable challenges that the London 2012 Olympic Games poses in terms of crime and security. A number of key tensions appear to be arising as…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Timi Osidipe