International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications: Volume 14 Issue 1
Table of contents
What is your tweet worldview? Mapping the topic structure of tweets on the Wikipedia
Yu Suzuki, Hiromitsu Ohara, Akiyo NadamotoThis paper aims to propose a method for summarizing the topics of tweets using the Wikipedia category structure as common knowledge for supplementing the understanding of the…
A novel approach to solve a mining work centralization problem in blockchain technologies
Yuki Kano, Tatsuo NakajimaThis paper aims to solve a mining work centralization problem using a gamification-based approach.
TapOnce: a novel authentication method on smartphones
Minori Inoue, Takefumi OgawaSecurity technology on mobile devices is increasingly more important as smartphones are becoming more versatile and, thus, store more sensitive information. Among the three…
Learning from appropriation practices: Towards the next generation of e-participation environments enabling collaborative writing in-situ and ex-situ
Anna Maria Al Zubaidi-Polli, Nervo VerdezotoPublic participation is an important – if not the most important – pillar of democracy. When designing new e-participation environments, it is advisable to consider previous…
Modeling urban mobility with machine learning analysis of public taxi transportation data
Ha Yoon Song, Dabin YouThe purpose of this paper is to understand urban mobility model.

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Seng Loke