Strategic HR Review: Volume 6 Issue 5


Table of contents

Leadership in the 21st century

Sara Nolan

Leadership in the 21st century can be a minefield. Power to the people, and to the shareholders, is the order of the day, and the autocratic route is rarely an acceptable option …


Talking the walk: the top five secrets of uninspiring leaders

Javier Bajer

Dr Javier Bajer of Possibilate shows that it’s all too easy for leaders to become uninspiring.


Automation helps council meet statutory and local targets

In 2005, Basildon District Council implemented an integrated solution across human resources, training and recruitment. Roy Moore, workforce planning manager at the council…


How to improve your CEO’s people skills

Steve Harrison

What employees want in a leader is someone who articulates the values the company stands for and models his or her behaviour on those values in matters large and small.


Thomas L Elliott, chief operating officer

Thomas L Elliott is chief operating officer at Mercer Human Resource Consulting. He has 26 years’ consulting and leadership experience, and was previously president of Unisys…

How can I sell HR strategies with intangible value?

Cheryl Fields Tyler

This question is one of the perennial issues in HR, and there are some very practical ways to tackle it. This article examines 4 strategies.


Pfizer shows community spirit

Pam Baker, Christine Jenkins

Pam Baker of Pfizer and Christine Jenkins of CC Works explain how volunteering, fundraising and payroll giving can boost employee engagement and professional development as well…


Rabobank aligns leadership skills to change program

Stephan Janssens

Developing leadership skills through a performance management program was key to achieving a cultural shift at Rabobank international, explains Stephan Janssens, head of HR…


Compensation across borders

Frances Wilson, Peter Williams

Frances Wilson, international manager at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), and freelance journalist Peter Williams examine reward and recognition from a…


Research and results: A look at current trends and data

Strong link between work/life balance and ethical behaviour, Management behavior meets expectations half of the time, Five major HR challenges ahead for organizations in Europe…


Leadership in turbulent times: Effective leadership during times of organizational change

David Pardey

David Pardey, development consultant at the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), explores why effective leadership is so important during times of organizational change…


What makes your leaders tick? Getting a personal perspective on the people at the top

Ros Taylor

Psychologist Ros Taylor interviewed 80 leaders, including chief executives, chairmen and managing directors of some of the leading organizations in the UK and US, in her bid to…

Courage in the face of extraordinary talent: Why talent management has become a leadership issue

Marcus Powell, Guy Lubitsh

Organizations recognize the need to attract and successfully manage talented people, but with the balance of power lying in the hands of the cleverest and most talented, this…


Taking a bold approach to organizational learning: Making the most of the latest learning and development resources

Kay Baldwin‐Evans, Charles Jennings

Drawing on two pieces of research contrasting employee and employer perspectives of organizational learning, Kay Baldwin‐Evans, director of research at online learning provider…

Playing the workforce generation game: Meeting the HR challenges of changing workforce expectations

Peter Walmsley

The expectations of new employees are rapidly evolving and placing further challenges on HR professionals. Peter Walmsley, HR director and HR Access Solutions, uses his career…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Javier Bajer
  • Nicholas King