Internet Research: Volume 30 Issue 6


Table of contents

Examining the side effects of organizational Internet monitoring on employees

Hemin Jiang, Aggeliki Tsohou, Mikko Siponen, Ying Li

Internet monitoring in organizations can be used to monitor risks associated with Internet usage and information systems in organizations, such as employees' cyberloafing behavior…


Design quality in building behavioral intention through affective and cognitive involvement for e-learning on smartphones

Chaudhry Muhammad Nadeem Faisal, Daniel Fernandez-Lanvin, Javier De Andrés, Martin Gonzalez-Rodriguez

This study examines the effect of design quality (i.e. appearance, navigation, information and interactivity) on cognitive and affective involvement leading to continued intention…


Exploring the human factor in cyber-enabled and cyber-dependent crime victimisation: a lifestyle routine activities approach

Naci Akdemir, Christopher James Lawless

The purpose of this study was to explore human factors as the possible facilitator of cyber-dependent (hacking and malware infection) and cyber-enabled (phishing) crimes…


YouTube marketing: how marketers' video optimization practices influence video views

Wondwesen Tafesse

YouTube's vast and engaged user base makes it central to firms' digital marketing effort. With extant studies focusing on viewers' post-view engagement behavior, however, research…


The alternatives to being silent: exploring opinion expression avoidance strategies for discussing politics on Facebook

Tai-Yee Wu, Xiaowen Xu, David Atkin

This study integrates the spiral of silence (SoS) theory and theory of planned behavior (TPB) by examining Facebook users' opinion expression avoidance, the reactions to…

Do digital celebrities' relationships and social climate matter? Impulse buying in f-commerce

Abaid Ullah Zafar, Jiangnan Qiu, Mohsin Shahzad

Growing evidence asserts that individuals are inclined to buy impulsively in the social commerce environment due to interactive elements. However, extant literature does not…


Data quality comparison between computers and smartphones in different web survey modes and question formats

Louisa Ha, Chenjie Zhang, Weiwei Jiang

Low response rates in web surveys and the use of different devices in entering web survey responses are the two main challenges to response quality of web surveys. The purpose of…

Understanding the emergence and development of online travel agencies: a dynamic evaluation and simulation approach

Xingyang Lv, Nian Li, Xiaowei Xu, Yang Yang

With the explosive growth of the Internet, online travel agents (OTAs) have gained an increasing market share in the online booking market. However, OTAs are facing fierce…


Exploring bloggers' switching toward microblogging

Xiongfei Cao, Jingjing Yao, Xiayu Chen

Built upon the push–pull–mooring framework, this study explores the factors that affect user switching from blog to microblogging. Low social presence is posited to form the push…

Effect of appeal orientation in sponsored ad forwarding on a microblog platform

Chenyan Gu, Yunjie Calvin Xu, Minghui Yao

This study identifies a new type of advertising, sponsored ad forwarding, in microblog contexts. It tests the effectiveness of designs of a message with an ad with regard to…

Cover of Internet Research







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  • Dr Christy Cheung