Human Resource Management International Digest: Volume 12 Issue 1


Table of contents

Alcan workers don’t want to be management: More autonomy did not remove “us and them” demarcation

There have been many examples of how various teamwork systems have improved an organization’s competitive edge and helped in reducing costs. There have also been many examples of…

Performance appraisal and development renovate Rother Homes management: Top team transformed into a more enthusiastic and cohesive group

New systems of performance appraisal and management development have helped to revitalize a UK housing association, enthuse its managers and transform them into a more cohesive…


Training changes attitudes and culture at Lancashire County Council: Management development “first step to delivering highest quality of service”

Lancashire County Council, a local authority in the north of England, is delivering a leadership‐development program for all middle and senior managers, which is changing the…


Nationwide dials up training over the telephone for call‐center staff: ... and the results surpass those of the classroom‐based approach

The Nationwide’s regional call centers are designed to supplement the services of the society’s two main call centers, in Swindon and Nottingham. These two centers employ hundreds…


Lloyds TSB banks on call‐center quality: Staff benefit from training and career development

More than ten million Britons currently use telephone banking and an estimated 11.5 million online active bank accounts are in use – more than in any other European country. These…


MeritaNordbanken – sewing machine or fast‐food joint?: Imagery digs deep to discover managers’ real feelings

The fact that the Finns fought an epic battle to repel a Soviet invasion more than 60 years ago should not really have much bearing on how banking colleagues get on with each…


Project management gives BAT a boost: Program approach pioneered in Middle East now operates across the world

Moving from hierarchical management with annual reviews to a program and project‐management approach has helped the mighty British American Tobacco (BAT) to gain market share in…


Emap Communications talks to staff online: ... and gets fuller, quicker feedback at half the cost of paper‐based methods

The transition from paper‐based employee surveys to electronic implementation has resulted in quicker and fuller feedback from employees and reduced costs by half at Emap…


Alliance Unichem uses 360‐degree feedback to improve performance: ... and integrate cultures and values following a merger

European pharmaceuticals‐distribution group Alliance Unichem is using 360‐degree feedback among its top managers to drive culture change, support employee development and increase…


Psychological search for Hilton hotel managers: Online testing seeks out the best candidates

The week before Christmas, with staff winding down at a quiet celebration, might not be the most appropriate time to embark on a ground‐breaking system to revolutionize a top…


Emotional intelligence: the key to effective performance: ... and to staying ahead of the pack at times of organizational change

Job candidates are increasingly looking for a job that is a meaningful extension of themselves, as opposed to simply a way to make money. Motivating and developing people in…

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  • Nicholas King