International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 24 Issue 1


Table of contents

Moving Beyond Trade‐offs

George C. Jackson, Jeffrey J. Stoltman, Audrey Taylor

Logisticians are trained to identify trade‐offs and to devisecompromising solutions which produce the lowest total costs. Forexample, the economic batch size is a compromise…


Computerization: Supporting Integration

Craig M. Gustin, Theodore P. Stank, Patricia J. Daugherty

Fast and flexible low‐cost data processing and information systems havetransformed business operations. Reductions in production setup times,lot sizes and inventory levels have…


Logistics Performance: Definition and Measurement

Garland Chow, Trevor D. Heaver, Lennart E. Henriksson

Concerns the definition and measurement of performance in logisticsresearch. A review of the literature reveals a variety of constraintswhich make it difficult to draw broad…


An Integrated Decision Support System for Global Logistics

Hokey Min, Sean B. Eom

As the globalization of business activities broadens and diversifieslogistics operations, many logistics managers have found themselveschallenged by extreme complexities and…


Adapting Purchasing to Supply Chain Management

Michiel R. Leenders, Jean Nollet, Lisa M. Ellram

Predicts that in the decade ahead, the purchasing function will have toshed its service and operational perspective and take on the challengeof effective contribution to…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Ivan Russo