International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 22 Issue 3
Table of contents
Economic Growth in South Korea
Laurence BartonSouth Korea is set to become the “next giant of Asia”.A strong industrial base, driven workforce and widespread governmentsubsidies have allowed major chaebols (conglomerates) to…
The Quality Service Mission Statement: Developing a Superior International Customer Service Programme
Richard LancioniMotivating workers is an important element in developing a qualityculture in a business firm. This can only be achieved through amacro‐quality mission statement developed by…
Creating an Effective Logistics Systems Solution: The Role of People
John L. GattornaLogistics managers can no longer treat their areas ofresponsibility as discrete functions. They need to perform anintegrating role within their own area and within the overall…
Materials Management in Capital‐intensive Industries
Martin MitchelsonIn capital‐intensive industries, the management of the primerevenue‐earning capital assets is of critical importance. While much hasbeen done to improve some key functions, such…
The Shortage of Truck Drivers in Japan
Yukio Ozawa, Yutaka Karasawa, Eiichi MoriyaJapan suffers from a serious labour shortage, particularly in thecarrier industry. Analyses the deviation between the demand and supplyof truck drivers through a forecasting model…
Setting Standards for Quality Service in Logistics
Richard Lancioni, John L. GattornaSuperior customer service is necessary to maintain a competitiveedge in international logistics. In order to develop a comprehensivecustomer service programme, a company must…
Reshaping a Logistics Group for the Future
Gary EdsteinExplains how DHL International is reshaping a highly successfultransport company of today into a service provider of logisticssolutions for tomorrow. Explores the significance of…
Integrated Logistics Management, Total Cost Analysis and Optimization Modelling
Jeremy F. ShapiroStates that total logistics costs in many companies can be reducedby as much as 10 per cent as a result of integrated planning, which canhave an enormous impact on a company′s…

0960-0035Online date, start – end:
1990Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Ivan Russo
- Professor Shashank Rao