International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management: Volume 48 Issue 2


Table of contents

Corporate reputation and retail bank selection: the moderating role of brand image

Bedman Narteh, Mahama Braimah

Even though scholars have proposed multiple dimensions to measure corporate reputation, the relationship between these dimensions and service provider selection has received a…


Dual effect of sensory experience: engagement vs diversive exploration

Margarita Lashkova, Carmen Antón, Carmen Camarero

The purpose of this paper is to examine the dual effect of sensory experiences on customer behaviour in the context of retailing. Based on the theoretical framework of the optimal…


The transformation of the e-tailing field: a bibliometric analysis

Murat Hakan Altıntaş, Serkan Kılıç, Can Efecan Akhan

There is an increased interest in e-tailing research in the literature, along with the development of new technologies and e-tailing platforms based on consumer and industry…

Implementing self-service technologies: not without competition!

Bertrand Audrin

The purpose of this paper is to explore the implementation of self-service technologies (SST) in two competitors and unravel the process of change in two related setups, offering…


Gaze behaviour in front-of-shelf orientation

Wagner Ladeira, Fernando de Oliveira Santini, William Carvalho Jardim

This study was predicated on gaze behaviour in front-of-shelf orientation. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the effect of the presence (absence) of competing brands on…

Assessing the role of product category involvement and relationship proneness in the satisfaction–loyalty link in retailing

Choukri Menidjel, Abderrezzak Benhabib, Anil Bilgihan, Melih Madanoglu

Product category involvement and relationship proneness are crucial in explaining relationship outcomes. Nevertheless, the authors know little about their roles in the formation…

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  • Prof Neil Towers