International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 19 Issue 5
Table of contents
Revisiting the smiling service worker and customer satisfaction
Magnus Söderlund, Sara RosengrenThe purpose of this paper is to examine if the service worker's display of smiles in the service encounter has an effect on customer satisfaction.
Stressors and resources in customer service roles: Exploring the relationship between core self‐evaluations and burnout
Dana Yagil, Gil Luria, Iddo GalThe purpose of this study is to explore the role of core self‐evaluations (CSE) as a coping resource in customer service roles.
Exploring tools for learning about customers in a service setting
Karolina WägarThe purpose of the paper is to explore how frontline contact persons appropriate and use learning tools from the socio‐cultural context for learning about customers in their…
Development of an integrated product‐service roadmap with QFD: A case study on mobile communications
Yoonjung An, Sungjoo Lee, Yongtae ParkThe purpose of this paper is to provide a concrete integrated roadmap structure and a supporting tool for efficient roadmapping, to enhance interdisciplinary research on…
Revisit service classification to construct a customer‐oriented integrative service model
Chun‐Hsien Liu, Chu‐Ching Wang, Yueh‐Hua LeeThe purpose of this paper is to construct a customer‐oriented integrative service model based on the generic service process. Business strategies can then be formulated by using…
An examination of the impact of cultural orientation and familiarity in service encounter evaluations
Paul G. Patterson, Anna S. MattilaCustomers' judgment of service quality is by and large based on their evaluation of personal experiences during the service encounter. The purpose of this study is to investigate…