Library Hi Tech News: Volume 28 Issue 6


Table of contents

Sharing digital resources globally: the China‐North America Library Conference

Sha Li Zhang

This paper aims to report on the China‐North America Library Conference held in Beijing, China. The conference theme is Sharing Digital Resources: Challenges and Opportunities…

Web site search engine optimization: a case study of Fragfornet

Aurélie Gandour, Amanda Regolini

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of techniques used by websites in order to be better indexed by search engines. This papers aims to focus upon “white hat”, “in page”…


Effect of web searching on the OPAC: a comparison of selected university libraries

Shiv Kumar

The paper seeks to evaluate the effect of web searching on online public access catalogue (OPAC) users in the university libraries in India. It is a comparative study of the three…


Collaborative marketing for electronic resources

Marie R. Kennedy

The project outlined in this seeks to answer the question: “Is a collaborative model of benchmarking the marketing of electronic resources feasible?”


A US academic library promotes pluralism with technology

Deborah J. Margolis

The purpose of this paper is to share how a US university library used technology to promote pluralism after a desecrated Qur'an was found near the local Islamic Center in…

Cover of Library Hi Tech News



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Mr Martin Kesselman