New & Noteworthy

Library Hi Tech News

ISSN: 0741-9058

Article publication date: 9 August 2011



(2011), "New & Noteworthy", Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 28 No. 6.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2011, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

New & Noteworthy

Article Type: New & Noteworthy From: Library Hi Tech News, Volume 28, Issue 6

E-Reader ownership doubles in six months: new research from Pew Internet

The percent of US adults with an e-book reader doubled from 6 per cent to 12 per cent between November 2010 and May 2011. This is the first time since the Pew Internet Project began measuring e-reader use in April 2009 that ownership of this device has reached double digits among US adults. Hispanic adults, adults younger than age 65, college graduates and those living in households with incomes of at least $75,000 are most likely to own e-book readers. Parents are also more likely than non-parents to own these devices.

Tablet computers have not seen the same level of growth among US adults in recent months. In May 2011, 8 per cent of adults report owning a tablet computer such as an iPad, Samsung Galaxy or Motorola Xoom. This is roughly the same percentage of adults who reported owning this kind of device in January 2011 (7 per cent), and represents just a 3 percentage-point increase in ownership since November 2010. Overall, the highest rates of tablet ownership are among Hispanic adults and those with household incomes of at least $75,000 annually.

The results in this report are based on data from telephone interviews conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International from April 26 to May 22, 2011, among a sample of 2,277 adults, age 18 and older.

Read the full report:

3M Library Systems announces roll out of the 3M Cloud Library

3M Library Systems debuted its new 3M Cloud Library eBook Lending Service at the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference, June 23-28, 2011 in New Orleans, Louisiana, 3M’s innovative new system is composed of both digital content and in-library hardware, along with apps for borrowing and reading, providing libraries with a simple, turnkey system for advancing their digital offerings.

The 3M Cloud Library eBook lending service offers software and hardware, as well as eBooks from a steadily growing list of leading publishers including HarperCollins Publishers, IPG, Random House and Sourcebooks. 3M will announce formal agreements with additional publishing partners in the coming months.

The Cloud Library eBook lending service consists of several components that help users browse the electronic catalog and read on the device of their choice:

  • 3M Discovery Terminals. Patrons at the library can browse the content catalog on 3M Discovery Terminals, electronic kiosks with an intuitive touch-based interface.

  • 3M eReaders. Content from the Cloud Library can be synced with easy-to-use 3M eReaders that can be checked out like any other lendable materials.

  • Mobile device compatibility. The service’s eBooks are compatible with PCs, Macs, iPads, Nooks, and Androids. Using their personal devices patrons can browse, check out and read eBooks all without leaving the app. For popular titles, patrons can add their names to a waiting list for the digital and/or print content within the app as well.

This flexible solution allows patrons to check out or buy materials and read on the device of their choice–at home or on the go.

The system is planned for installation beginning this summer at a number of locations across the country, including the Saint Paul Public Library, Minnesota; Bergen County Cooperative Library System, New Jersey; Maricopa County Library District, Arizona; Douglas County Libraries, Colorado; Darien Library, Connecticut; Richland County Public Library, South Carolina; and the State Library of Kansas on behalf of the Kansas Digital Library Consortium. 3M will seek feedback from both patrons and staff at these locations on the service’s ease of use and functionality, using their input to continue to refine the system.

3M Library Systems worked closely with library staff members to design the service, which enabled the creation of a solution that meets the needs of both library staff and library patrons. “We carefully selected libraries of varying sizes and technological advancement from around the country to be a part of our beta program,” said Tom Mercer, digital business development leader, 3M Library Systems. “We are working closely with library staff members during the beta phase to fine tune the system in order to create the ideal service for patrons and libraries alike.”

3M Library Systems: http://solutions.3m. com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/3MLibrary Systems/Home/

New Windows Phone App connects readers with eBooks & audiobooks from libraries

Readers at 15,000 public, school, and corporate libraries can now download eBooks and audiobooks directly to their Windows Phone with the free OverDrive® Media Console™ app. This new app enables users to find a library that offers digital books, and then download and enjoy EPUB eBooks, as well as MP3 audiobooks, on their device. Libraries offer best-selling titles, such as “Water for Elephants” by Sara Gruen and “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand, which can now be borrowed and enjoyed on popular Windows Phone devices, such as LG Quantum™, Samsung Focus™, and HTC Trophy™.

The OverDrive app for Windows Phone is available for download from Windows Phone Marketplace. To see if your local library is a member of the OverDrive network, visit OverDrive Search at

OverDrive’s Windows Phone app provides untethered access to EPUB eBooks and MP3 audiobooks from the library. The app’s “Get Books” feature makes it easy to find a local library, and then browse for titles, check them out with a library card, and download directly to Windows Phone devices. Digital books from the library will automatically expire in the app, so there are never late fees. Users will also benefit from enhancements, such as an orientation lock and custom bookmarks.

OverDrive provides digital distribution services for more than 15,000 libraries, retailers, and schools worldwide with support for Windows, Mac, iPod®, iPhone, iPad, Sony® Reader, NOOK™, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone.

OverDrive Media Console:

Worldcat local mobile now in production

A production version of mobile-optimized WorldCat Local is now available to libraries following beta testing of the service that makes it possible for mobile users to discover items, see location, shelf status, call numbers, and more in their local library, and in libraries worldwide.

New mobile-optimized WorldCat Local sites include many additional features not available in the beta version, most notably support for a wide range of devices. Any smart phone or feature phone capable of running JavaScript or a Java-based web browser such as Opera Mini or Bolt will be supported worldwide.

“We focused on mobile web browser support as opposed to device-specific applications because it supports the broadest audience possible worldwide. It is also simplest from the user perspective,” said Jeff Penka, OCLC End-User Services Portfolio Director. “Most importantly, we were able to build the production mobile site on the new architecture that takes advantage of the latest commercial web technologies and supports OCLC’s platform strategy moving forward.”

Libraries that maintain a full WorldCat Local subscription have the option to customize their mobile presence. In addition, the production version includes more item information than before, with easier navigation to previous and next items within a results set. Users can see location, shelf status, call number, levels of availability and can place a hold, request the item or email citations for any content that does not require authentication.

The move into production creates the possibility of a mobile presence for more than 20,000 libraries. Any library with WorldCat Local or visibility on WorldCat. org can claim their unique URL and use it to support their mobile users.

The new mobile-optimized WorldCat Local views are the result of more than two years of research, learning and usability testing. “We’re pleased with how well the production site supports the mobile user experience,” says Bob Robertson-Boyd, OCLC Product Manager.

Mobile-optimized WorldCat Local is available to WorldCat Local users at no additional charge. User feedback is encouraged for the new production mobile-optimized WorldCat Local sites.

Mobile-optimized views of will remain in beta at: OCLC worked with partner on the original WorldCat Mobile pilot app, which helped to inform progress in development. The app will no longer be available as of June 30, 2011.

Worldcat local mobile:

Confronting the future of libraries: New ALA Office for Information Technology Policy Report

The American Library Association (ALA) Office for Information Technology Policy’s (OITP) latest policy brief breaks down the formidable challenges in store for libraries during the next few decades. The brief, “Confronting the future: strategic visions for the twenty-first century public library” (PDF) was written by OITP Fellow Roger E. Levien, president of Strategy and Innovation Consulting.

The report explores how emerging technologies combined with challenges, such as financial constraints as well as shifts in the nature and needs of library users, require libraries to evolve rapidly and make strategic decisions today that will influence their future for decades to come.

ALA President Roberta Stevens said OITP’s brief clearly lays out why public libraries are in the midst of a true revolution. “The most recent development – the rapid growth in e-book usage – is another example of the fundamental changes affecting libraries. Such changes present many new opportunities for serving the public as well as challenges in how to best serve them,” Stevens said.

“‘Confronting the Future’ provides a straightforward yet profound way to think about future visions for public libraries. Anyone who cares about public libraries should read it,” Stevens said.

Public libraries fulfill a key role in providing information services to America’s communities.

“Commercial enterprises have been driving many information innovations, with many benefits derived by the public, but some critical important values – such as information access for all regardless of the ability to pay – are not well addressed by commercial interests,” OITP Director Alan Inouye said. “This policy brief helps to develop effective strategies for public libraries that preserve these values while leveraging emerging technologies for the benefit of communities,” said Inouye.

Bonnie Tijerina, chair of OITP’s advisory committee, said competition and innovation are paving the way for a revolution in library services, but at this point there is much uncertainty over how libraries should handle matters such as e-books licenses as well as the question of potential products such as the pending Google Book Search. “The brief also provides creators of new technologies and information services with guidance on how to serve communities through public libraries,” said Tijerina.

The full text of “Confronting the future: strategic visions for the twenty-first century public library” is available at: (PDF).

New library study: demand up for technology, budget cuts limit access

A new national report shows that USA public libraries continue to expand as technology centers for communities, providing essential resources for job-seekers and support for critical e-government services. In addition, as the demand for e-books increases, libraries are the starting place for free downloads. However, budget cuts have forced libraries across the country to scale back drastically on operating hours and access to services, just when resources are most needed.

The 2011 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the American Libraries Association (ALA), reports that virtually all public libraries (99 percent) provide public access to computers and the internet. More than 87 percent of libraries provide technology training, and more than two-thirds (67 percent) of libraries offer access to e-books, up 12 percent from two years ago.

Yet a pervasive “new normal” of increased demand for library technology resources, paired with decreased funding at state and local levels, is impacting service to millions of Americans, according to the report released today by the American Library Association (ALA).

“We’ve seen our libraries and communities struggle throughout this uneven economic recovery. Since the recession began, libraries have grappled with budget cuts and decreased hours, while users wait in lines before doors open, eager to use library computers or access Wi-Fi, get expert assistance for job search, and learn how to download e-books,” said ALA President Roberta Stevens. “We want patrons – and policymakers – to understand the dynamic resources available at today’s library and keep those resources funded. Let’s make sure that our investment in libraries yields its full potential.”

While 70 percent of libraries report increased use of public computers, and more than half of libraries report an increase in use of electronic resources, 55 percent of urban libraries report operating budget decreases during the current fiscal year, followed by suburban (36 percent) and rural (26 percent) libraries. At the same time, 16 percent of libraries report decreased operating hours, a jump from 4.5 percent just two years ago. For the third year, the greatest impact was experienced by those living in urban communities; nearly 32 percent of urban libraries report reduction of open hours, up from 23.7 percent last year.

Not surprisingly, libraries report again that services for job-seekers rate as the most important public internet service provided to the community.

More than 74 percent of libraries offer software and other resources to help patrons create resumes and employment materials, and 72 percent of libraries report that staff helped patrons complete online job applications. Yet, 56 percent of libraries report they do not have enough staff to effectively assist job-seekers.

Increasingly, as government agencies eliminate print forms and close satellite offices, public libraries are the front lines, connecting people with essential e-government resources.

Nearly, 68 percent of libraries report that staff provided assistance in completing government forms, and one-quarter of all libraries partnered with government agencies and non-profit organizations to provide e-government services. An Oklahoma library director reports that a major employer no longer distributes printed W-2s to employees. Since only a small percentage of residents have internet access at home, employees had to depend on library computers and printers to retrieve the forms.

The proliferation of e-books marks a milestone in public libraries; the number of libraries that offer e-books has increased almost 30 percent since 2007.

“We’ve seen a dramatic increase in people coming to the library with their e-readers, eager to learn how to use it with the library e-book collection. It’s a great opportunity to showcase our expansion into digital services. As a technology hub for our 26 communities, we make sure to feature a wide range of resources for users,” said Contra Costa County Library (Calif.) Deputy County Librarian, Cathy Sanford.

“Millions of Americans each year go to their public libraries to seek educational resources, government services, employment information, and opportunities to improve their lives,” said Jill Nishi, deputy director of USA Libraries and Special Initiatives at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. “As libraries struggle to meet the growing needs of their communities, against the pressure of significant financial constraints, it is crucial that both public and private partners consider how they can help libraries sustain the critical services they offer.”

Conducted by the ALA and the Information Policy & Access Center at the University of Maryland, this year’s study builds on the largest study of internet connectivity in public libraries that began in 1994. The study functions as an annual “state of the library” report on the technology resources brokered by our libraries and the funding that enables free public access to these resources.

Find the study online at:

Research support services in US and UK universities: new report from OCLC

A new report, “Supporting Research: Environments, Administration and Libraries”, synthesizes the results of two parallel studies of research support services in US and UK universities that OCLC Research and the UK’s Research Information Network undertook last year.

The following findings from the joint studies are highlighted in the report:

  • Universities face a diversity of needs and transnational challenges as they adjust to manage their researchers’ outputs.

  • Libraries in recent years have been struggling to make a positive impact on the scholarly work of researchers with relatively little effect.

  • Many institutionally provided research support services are not appreciated by researchers in universities, who consider them marginal at best and burdensome at worst.

  • Although the contribution of libraries to preserving the scholarly archive is not certain, we cannot abandon the attempt to reach a shared understanding internationally.

  • A shared view of a scholarly archive for the digital age is needed to further develop capabilities and realize value.

This report is the latest in a series of OCLC Research reports resulting from the Research Information Management thematic focus of work, the goal of which is to help reach a collective understanding of the responsibilities of, and opportunities for, libraries in a changed research environment.

View the report overview page for “Supporting Research: Environments, Administration and Libraries”:

Read the full report: research/publications/library/2011/2011-10.pdf

Building up COAR Latin America – CLARA, COLABORA and COAR join forces

The Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR), an international association of repository initiatives, is reaching out to develop its activities in Latin America. As a first step, at the BIREDIAL conference in Bogotá, Colombia on May 9-11, 2011, representatives of COAR, the Latin American organization RedCLARA, and the network of CoLaBoRa signed a Memorandum of Understanding committed to work towards the establishment of a regional branch of COAR. Within the worldwide structure of COAR, this regional approach will build upon existing Open Access activities in Latin America and encourage and support the development of new initiatives. At the same time, the new distributed network structure would recognize the national and regional legal, organizational, cultural, language and communication challenges.

This regional initiative will be coordinated by CoLaBoRa through its network of national contacts and in close collaboration with RedCLARA and the COAR office.

Florencio Utreras, Executive Director of RedCLARA, and Malgorzata Lisowska, Executive Director of CoLaBoRa note: “This collaboration within the framework of COAR is a great opportunity to extend our network of expertise and use this sharing of knowledge and strategies to further the developments in Latin America.” Norbert Lossau, chairperson of COAR, adds: “We are looking for-ward to close beneficial relationships and activities with our colleagues from Latin America. This will strengthen our common goal to improve global visibility of research outputs through networks of Open Access repositories.”

COAR, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories, is a young association of repository initiatives launched in October 2009, uniting over 80 members and partners from 24 countries from throughout Europe, Latin America, Asia, and North America. Its mission is to enhance greater visibility and application of research outputs through global networks of Open Access digital repositories.

CLARA, Cooperación Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas (Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks), is a non-profit organization whose legal foundation dates back to December 2004, uniting 17 Latin American countries. The CLARA vision is to serve as a Latin American collaboration system by means of telecommunications-advanced networks for research, innovation and education. CLARA develops and operates RedCLARA, the advanced internet network that was established in Latin America for regional interconnection and linked to the European GÉANT2 network.

CoLaBoRa, the Comunidad Latinoamericana de Bibliotecas y Repositorios Digitales, was initiated in 2009 and addresses the need to liaise institutional repositories and regional OA repository initiatives in Latin American countries. In particular, CoLaBoRa aims to increase the visibility and presence of Latin American authors and institutions in the academic world and on the web. The network unites researchers from 30 institutions in 10 countries including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, and Venezuela.

COAR home page:

CLARA home page:

Enhancing open access to Grey Literature: OpenGrey Repository launches

June 17, 2011 marked the launch of the OpenGrey Repository. OpenGrey succeeds OpenSIGLE, which was an initiative by INIST-CNRS (INstitut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) to transfer the contents of a commercial database into an open access environment – including the results of 25 years of collecting and referencing grey literature by European partners. Since 2008, GreyNet’s conference preprints complement the offer on grey literature in OpenGrey by providing full-text access to research output in this field of information science.

OpenGrey not only signifies a change in platform but also provides improved features for users redesigned to meet the needs of a Google generation. OpenGrey moreover closes the gap caused by the termination of the SIGLE database by reopening the way for new record entry with links to full text. Comments and recommendations are welcome at:

INIST and GreyNet gave a poster presentation at OAI7, the 7th Cern Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication, held on June 22-24, 2011 in the University of Geneva. The poster discusses the OpenGrey Repository as well as a broad based project involving GreyNet’s enhanced publications. The poster is available at:

OpenGrey repository:

GreyNet International:

OpenURL Referrer 2.5.2 now available

OpenURL Referrer by Thomas Ventimiglia is a browser extension that can take certain kinds of citations on the web and convert them to direct links to a local library’s databases. This can be accomplished thanks to OpenURL, a powerful technology that packages bibliographic information into a format that many internet services can understand. OpenURL Referrer can produce links for three different kinds of citations: OpenURL Referrer will insert OpenURLs into the results pages for Google Scholar and Google News Archive, and can also activate COinS (Contect Objects in SPANs).

This Firefox extension, initially published by Openly Informatics and then by OCLC, has been updated to recover its Google Scholar and Google News Archive functionality. The updated version (compatible with Firefox 4.0) is available for download from the (AMO) web site.

OpenURL Referrer 2.5.2:

For more information on COinS see:

W3C Library Linked Data incubator group draft report – call for public comment

The mission of the W3C Library Linked Data incubator group is to help increase global interoperability of library data on the web, by bringing together people involved in Semantic web activities – focusing on Linked Data – in the library community and beyond, building on existing initiatives, and identifying collaboration tracks for the future.

The Library Linked Data Incubator Group has been chartered from May 2010 through August 2011 to prepare a series of reports on the existing and potential use of Linked Data technology for publishing library data.

The group is currently preparing:

The W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group invites comments from interested members of the public. Feedback can sent as comments to individual sections posted on the group’s dedicated blog ( or by email to a public mailing list (, archived at: using descriptive subject lines such as “[COMMENTS] ‘Benefits’ section”.

Comments will be especially welcome through July 22, 2011. Reviewers should note that as with Wikipedia, the text may be revised and corrected by its editors in response to comments at any time, but that earlier versions of a document may be viewed by clicking on the History tab.

It is anticipated that the three reports will be published in final form by August 31.

W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group:

Crossref to preserve bibliographic and reference metadata with Portico

Portico has announced that CrossRef has entered into an agreement with Portico to preserve its bibliographic and reference metadata. The agreement, which was initially announced as an “agreement in principle” in November 2010, will add bibliographic data with CrossRef Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for more than 46 million records from more than 3,400 publishers.

Portico is a digital preservation service provided by ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization with a mission to help the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways.

CrossRef is a not-for-profit membership association of publishers. Since its founding in 1999, CrossRef has provided reference linking services for more than 46 million content items, including journal articles, conference proceedings, books, book chapters, reference entries, technical reports, standards, and data sets.



ICANN approves historic change to internet’s domain name system

The internet corporation for assigned names and numbers (ICANN) Board of Directors has approved a plan to usher in one of the biggest changes ever to the internet’s domain name system. The Board vote was 13 approving, 1 opposed, and 2 abstaining.

During a special meeting, the Board approved a plan to dramatically increase the number of internet domain name endings – called generic top-level domains (gTLDs) – from the current 22, which includes such familiar domains as .com, .org and .net.

“ICANN has opened the internet’s naming system to unleash the global human imagination. Today’s decision respects the rights of groups to create new Top Level Domains in any language or script. We hope this allows the domain name system to better serve all of mankind,” said Rod Beckstrom, President and Chief Executive Officer of ICANN.

New gTLDs will change the way people find information on the internet and how businesses plan and structure their online presence. Internet address names will be able to end with almost any word in any language, offering organizations around the world the opportunity to market their brand, products, community or cause in new and innovative ways.

“Today’s decision will usher in a new internet age,” said Peter Dengate Thrush, Chairman of ICANN’s Board of Directors. “We have provided a platform for the next generation of creativity and inspiration.”

The decision to proceed with the gTLD program follows many years of discussion, debate and deliberation with the internet community, business groups and governments. The Applicant Guidebook, a rulebook explaining how to apply for a new gTLD, went through seven significant revisions to incorporate more than 1,000 comments from the public. Strong efforts were made to address the concerns of all interested parties, and to ensure that the security, stability and resiliency of the internet are not compromised.

ICANN will soon begin a global campaign to tell the world about this dramatic change in internet names and to raise awareness of the opportunities afforded by new gTLDs. Applications for new gTLDs will be accepted from January 12, to April 12, 2012.

ICANN home page:

Testing resource description and access (RDA): final report and recommendations

The Library of Congress, the National Agricultural Library, and the National Library of Medicine have issued a statement from the Executives of the three libraries regarding the Report and Recommendations of the USA RDA Test Coordinating Committee on the implementation of RDA – Resource Description & Access.

In response to concerns about RDA raised by the Library of Congress Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control, the three USA national libraries – the Library of Congress (LC), the National Library of Medicine (NLM), and the National Agricultural Library (NAL) – made a commitment to the further development and completion of RDA. The three libraries agreed to make a joint decision on whether or not to implement RDA, based on the results of a test of both RDA and the web product. The goal of the test was to assure the operational, technical, and economic feasibility of RDA. Testers included the three national libraries and the broader USA library community.

The Coordinating Committee believes that RDA should be accountable to its own goals and has drafted a plan that postpones implementation until these goals are substantially met. This belief and the Committee’s analysis and assessment of the test data lead the Committee to make the following recommendation regarding the implementation of RDA by the three USA national libraries. Contingent on the satisfactory progress/completion of the tasks and action items delineated in the report, the Coordinating Committee recommends that RDA should be implemented by LC, NAL, and NLM no sooner than January 2013. The three national libraries should commit resources to ensure progress is made on these activities that will require significant effort from many in and beyond the library community.

Full Report: Report and Recommendations of the USA RDA Test Coordinating Committee (May 9, 2011, revised for public release June 20, 2011) [PDF, 2.7MB]:

Executive Summary: Report and Recommendations of the USA RDA Test Coordinating Committee (June 13, 2011) [PDF, 174KB]:

Response of the Library of Congress, the National Agricultural Library, and the National Library of Medicine to the USA RDA Test Coordinating Committee (June 13, 2011) [PDF, 47KB]:

OCLC offers free online training for members in the USA and Canada

OCLC has announced that it will offer free, live-online and self-paced training for many courses that cover Cataloging, Resource Sharing and FirstSearch services beginning July 1, 2011.

Advances in e-learning technologies and the increased demand for online learning have allowed OCLC to offer more training while affording greater economies of scale. This makes it possible to pass these savings on to OCLC members in the USA and Canada by offering free training on the services members rely on most. In April, OCLC announced that prices for Cataloging, Resource Sharing and Access would remain flat for the third consecutive year. Adding training at no additional cost further increases savings and the value of membership in the OCLC cooperative.

OCLC trainers and training partners – Amigos, WiLS, Minitex, MLNC, MCLS, OHIONET and LYRASIS – will continue to offer a wide variety of classes and learning opportunities to help members refresh or maintain skills, ensure effective use of OCLC subscription services, and learn new applications to help members leverage their investments in the cooperative.

To find out more about training OCLC offers, sign up for courses and begin taking advantage of these new learning opportunities, visit the OCLC Training Portal:

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