Library Hi Tech: Volume 26 Issue 2


Table of contents

Meeting our future professionals

Elke Greifeneder

The purpose of this paper is to reflect about future professionals, hybrid publications and conference blogging.


Consortia: anti‐competitive or in the public good?

Catherine A. Maskell

The purpose of this paper is to report on research that examined the potential affects of academic library consortia activity on the scholarly publishing cycle.


Implementing social software in public libraries: An exploration of the issues confronting public library adopters of social software

Louise L. Rutherford

The purpose of this paper is to report the results of a research project designed to identify the kinds of social software that public libraries are using and to explore the…


Adding value to digitizing with GIS

Marianne Stowell Bracke, C.C. Miller, Jae Kim

The purpose of this paper is to present a project that digitized the 1906 Soil Survey of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, extracted its contents into full‐text and geospatial datasets…


Managing subject guides with SQL Server and ASP.Net

Araby Greene

The purpose of this paper is to report on the content management solution for 50 subject guides maintained by librarian subject specialists at the University of Nevada, Reno…


Staffing the Commons: job analysis in the context of an Information Commons

Robert Boyd

The purpose of this research is to apply principles from the field of industrial and organizational psychology on organizational analysis and job analysis to better identify…


Exploring faculty experiences with e‐books: a focus group

Danielle M. Carlock, Anali Maughan Perry

The purpose of this paper is to describe how, in the spring of 2007, Arizona State University Libraries held a focus group of selected faculty to discover their perceptions and…


Sensitivity analysis of mapping local image features into conceptual categories

Chih‐Fong Tsai, David C. Yen

Image classification or more specifically, annotating images with keywords is one of the important steps during image database indexing. However, the problem with current research…

Development and evaluation of SPAT: a web page assessment tool

Elizabeth M. LaRue

The purpose of this research is to measure the validity and the adoption of a new web page assessment tool called SPAT (Site, Publisher, Audience, Timeliness).

Duplicate detection algorithms of bibliographic descriptions

Anestis Sitas, Sarantos Kapidakis

The purpose of this paper is to focus on duplicate record detection algorithms used for detection in bibliographic databases.

Recovery of descriptive information in images from digital libraries by means of EXIF metadata

Nuria Lloret Romero, Vicent V.G.C. Gimenez Chornet, Jorge Serrano Cobos, Alicia A.S.C Selles Carot, F. Canet Centellas, M. Cabrera Mendez

The purpose of this paper is to present a study case of the digitization of documents kept by the Reino de Valencia Archive and its description and recovery through EXIF metadata…


Copyright in the networked world: gray copyright

Michael Seadle

This paper uses an inductive approach to define “gray copyright.” It is needed to describe those situations in which the practical degree of copyright protection can best be…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Dickson K.W. Chiu
  • Dr Kevin K.W. Ho