New Library World: Volume 99 Issue 5


Table of contents

The knowledge smiths: librarianship as craftship of knowledge

Yonathan Mizrachi

Considers some of the reasons why we can no longer assume a progressive‐linear transition from facts and information provided by “the library” or by the “information professional”…


Issues of intellectual property

Stuart Hannabuss

Discusses current issues in intellectual property, including the interpretation of legal and professional guidelines, and suggests that, in this fast‐moving and…


Libraries find profitable partnerships in the commercial sector

S.D.J. Manley

Details the partnership between the County Reference Library in Buckinghamshire, UK, and Dun & Bradstreet. It enables the library to provide better information services to its…


Sports journalism as an information resource: a case study

Steven Whitlam, Hugh Preston

Information as a resource in newspaper journalism is a widely‐discussed issue, for which surveys have revealed a range of findings and from which conclusions can be drawn…




Online date, start – end:

1898 – 2016

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Merged from:

Asian Libraries