Marketing Intelligence & Planning: Volume 30 Issue 3


Table of contents

The impact of internal and external market orientation on performance in local public organisations

Ana Paula Rodrigues, José Carlos Pinho

This study aims to build on and extend the literature of market orientation by examining the impact of sub‐dimensions of both internal and external market orientation on financial…


Can after sale service generate brand equity?

Sajjad Ahmad, Muhammad Mohsin Butt

This research attempts to empirically expand the Aaker's consumer based brand equity model in hybrid business firms by incorporating after sales service as a new dimension…


Measuring sales training effectiveness at the behavior and results levels using self‐ and supervisor evaluations

Ashraf M. Attia, Earl D. Honeycutt

The purpose of this article is to improve the sales training process by gaining a deeper understanding of the first two levels – reaction and learning.


Market orientation and performance in private universities

Mostaque Ahmed Zebal, David R. Goodwin

The purpose of the study is to explore the market orientation of the private universities in Bangladesh. The study further aims to investigate the relationships between market…


Ethnic diversity in Britain: a stimulus for multicultural marketing

Rina Makgosa

The current study seeks to explore ethnic diversity in Britain by investigating the strength of ethnic identity and acculturation levels of two British ethnic minority groups …

Cover of Marketing Intelligence & Planning



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Babu John-Mariadoss