Journal of Management Development: Volume 24 Issue 6


Table of contents

Examining the utility judgments of public and business administration instructors and understanding their professional identity

Arthur Sementelli

The purpose of this paper is to determine if business and public administration have distinct identities based on perception of curriculum areas.


Managing intangible assets: An essay on organising contemporary organisations based upon identity, competencies and networks

Michiel Schoemaker, Jan Jonker

To develop a concept of managing intangible assets in contemporary organisations. Insight is given into the rise of the network organisation and the importance of talent, social…


Health service use of whole system interventions

Mark A. Papworth, Ann Crosland

This paper aims to evaluate a whole system intervention (WSI) that was applied to North Tyneside (UK) adult mental health services and offer a discussion on the broader…


In competence we trust? Addressing conceptual ambiguity

Maurice M. Grzeda

The competence framework continues to be plagued by unresolved conceptual ambiguity. This paper aims to consider other perspectives of managerial performance.


High‐potential development policies: an empirical study among Belgian companies

Daniël Vloeberghs, Roland Pepermans, Kathleen Thielemans

To investigate different aspects of the development policies of high potentials and their relationships with organizational characteristics in a set of Belgian companies.


Towards a typology of managerial barriers to learning

Martin McCracken

To contribute to the literature on managerial learning and illustrate the most important barriers to participation in learning for mid‐career managers. To provide recommendations…

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  • Associate Professor Magnus Larsson