Table of contents
A study into the antibiotic effect of garlic Allium sativum on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus albus
D.C.J. Maidment, Z. Dembny, C. HardingA quantitative method involving colony counting was undertaken to assess the antibiotic effects of garlic Allium sativum on possible food‐borne bacteria. The investigation using…
Tackling diet‐related disease by promoting fruit and vegetables
Peta CotteeThis article outlines the importance of increasing fruit and vegetable intake in the battle against diet‐related disease and health inequalities. It identifies some of the…
Antibiotics and resistance in farm animals
Quintin A. McKellarAntibiotics are used in animals to cure disease and prevent suffering. Bacterial populations in animals which are exposed to these antibiotics may be selected for resistance…
Contribution of “packed lunches” to the dietary intake of 11‐12‐year‐old children
Lesley DouglasPacked lunches are a popular form of midday meal for children at school. This study of 11‐12‐year‐old children in Northern Ireland found sandwiches, crisps, chocolate and…
Diet, bacteria and colonic cancer
Sarah A. Taylor, Toni E. Steer, Glenn R. GibsonThe links between diet, bacteria and colonic cancer are examined in this article. Studies suggest that high intakes of fat and protein are associated with elevated risk of colonic…
Organisations providing diet sheets for people with Diabetes Mellitus
Mabel BladesThis article focuses on the dietary requirements of people with Diabetes Mellitus, both insulin dependent and non‐insulin dependent. It is one disorder where good dietary…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Vijay Ganji