Library Review: Volume 57 Issue 4


Table of contents

“Or you got it or you ain't”: the nature of leadership in libraries

David McMenemy

To examine the nature of leadership as a set of skills that can be acquired, vs the argument that they are skills a person either has or has not, and discuss this in relation to…


It is not all free on the web: advocacy for library funding in the digital age

Nicholas Joint

To examine the impact on library funding of budget holders' idiosyncratic understanding of three important principles of technological innovation: the more you use a technology…


The information‐seeking problems of English high schoolers responding to academic information need

Andrew K. Shenton

The problems experienced by young people when looking for information are significantly under‐researched and this paper aims to attempt to expand the fragmented knowledge base. It…


A bibliometric study of Embelia ribes

Gian Singh, Moin Ahmad, Mohammad Nazim

The study aims to present a bibliometric analysis of scientific output of the plant Embelia ribes, the aim being to offer an overview of research activity in this field and…


Library and information science education in Rwanda

Musa Wakhungu Olaka

To provide an overview of library and information science education in Rwanda.


Russian literary resources: a reference companion

Helen Semertzidou

The purpose of this paper is to outline the aims, purposes and contents of the various reference guides to Russian literature.

Cover of Library Review



Online date, start – end:

1927 – 2017

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:
