Performance Measurement and Management Control: Contemporary Issues: Volume 31

Table of contents
(18 chapters)Part I: Critical Management Challenges of Performance Measurement and Management Control
This chapter reports on the results of extensive research into the role of performance measurement and management control systems in increasing both incremental and breakthrough innovation in large organizations. It includes both business model and technology innovation and is based on extensive large sample survey research and field research with leading global corporations.
The research extends the common exploration/exploitation discussion and describes an “innovation paradox” where the factors that have led to many companies’ successes in achieving organizational excellence and profitability through cost savings and various incremental improvements are the same factors that have inhibited them from developing needed breakthroughs. The chapter also discusses how achieving breakthrough innovation is significantly different in top down versus bottom up organizational designs and systems. The critical role of management control and performance measurement systems is described.
Practical implications
The research provides a new model to achieve breakthrough innovation in large, established corporations. It provides a description and the details of a process – “the Startup Corporation” – that can be implemented in corporations to bring together the benefits of small startups with the benefits of large established companies that have significant resources, networks, and systems to achieve success. By combining these strengths, large established companies can succeed in achieving breakthroughs where they have often failed.
This research over two decades has provided new insights on the differences in the needed management control and performance measurement systems to succeed in breakthrough innovation in addition to the incremental innovation that is so common in large organizations.
The purpose of this chapter is to explore aspects of both enabling and coercive control usages and to extend the literature stream by integrating relevant ethical variables at both the level of the individual and the group. We also provide multiple ideas for future research studies.
An overview of prior literature in management control systems is presented with an aim toward identifying gaps in research knowledge.
As a result of our investigation into the intersection between management control and ethics, it is evident that there are many future areas ripe for enquiry.
Research implications
This study contributes theoretically by conceptualizing the integration of ethical considerations with how control systems are used, and then offering ideas for future research directions.
Our research investigates the intersection between management control and ethics. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to delve into this critical area.
Part II: Performance Measurement and Management Control: Linkages to Society
Prior research shows that companies that achieve high performance excel at certain financial objectives. This chapter addresses the question: Do companies that excel at these financial performance objectives also excel in integrated reporting and sustainability reporting?
We compare a sample of high performance companies (HPC) with a sample of companies that purport to support integrated reporting, and a sample that purport to support sustainability reporting. Our hypotheses are that HPC will equal or exceed the integrated reporting and sustainability reporting practices shown by International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) companies and US companies will be less at these practices than non-US companies.
Our findings indicate that IIRC companies and GRI companies generally do not meet the high financial performance measures of the HPC. Based on an integrated reporting and sustainability reporting matrix, we show that HPC exhibit equal performance on the practices of sustainability and integrated reporting compared to GRI companies, but both HPC and GRI are lower on these practices than IIRC companies. Also, US companies disclose less information in sustainability reports and integrated reports as compared to non-US companies. Overall, all three groups fall short of full compliance with standards of integrated reporting and sustainability reporting.
This chapter provides evidence as to the financial performance and the current state of integrated reporting and sustainability reporting among HPC, GRI, and IIRC companies. This chapter highlights the global need for a generally accepted set of standards for sustainability and integrated reporting practices.
The chapter builds on the literature of Agency and Signalling Theories to analyse the corporate governance factors associated with the voluntary decision to prepare an Integrated Report according to the <IR> International Framework promoted by the IIRC.
The chapter is based on the results of a probit regression run with regard to a sample of 35 companies that joined the Pilot Programme in 2011 and 137 similar companies that did not.
The analysis of two samples of European companies reveals that adhesion to the IR Pilot Programme is positively related to the gender diversity and size of the board.
Research limitations
Further research is required in order to study the differences between listed and non-listed companies in terms of variables affecting the adoption of the <IR> Framework and to increase the time range of our study. In addition, it would be interesting to include other variables capturing different aspects other than corporate governance, since the decision to join the Programme, as the results of our analysis have shown, may also be influenced by other factors, such as strategy decisions and communication policies.
The chapter adds to the existing literature by showing the main governance characteristics that impact the decision to adhere to the IR Pilot Programme. It is also important to the existing literature regarding the role played by gender diversity in corporate governance mechanisms and CSR policies.
Part III: Performance Measurement and Management Control: Improving Performance
The assessment of the success of Performance Management Systems (PMS) is difficult because there are many success factors, they are mutually dependent on each other, and located at different hierarchical levels of an organization. Therefore, there is a need to describe the complete logical chain, which makes PMS successful for an organization and to find out a comprehensive list of key factors (KF) affecting the success of PMS. The objective of this research paper is to develop a method to assess success of a PMS based on a logical chain of 14 KF.
The research first develops a logical chain based on the 14 KFs on the basis of prior studies and then carries out a survey about these KFs (15 check points) of PMS and their connection to organizational performance for a small sample of firms from two EU countries.
There are next findings of this study which indicate following: KFs of PMS affect organizational performance; successful PMS improves organizational performance; PMS is successful for the organization when the completeness of the logical chain in PMS is high.
Practical implications
The practical contribution of this study is that findings show that firms can assess their own PMSs and compare their check point values against the values of successful PMS group. This kind of analysis indicates directly improvement potential for the different check points in PMS.
We examine the effectiveness of strategic performance measurement system (SPMS) in creating and steering a tension characterized by the two competing values of transformation and consistency.
We identify problems with a dynamic tension and propose an alternative approach to deepen understanding of tension management. The data were collected from 312 strategic business units of Japanese firms listed in the first and second sections of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
We obtained the following results through a cluster analysis, a multiple comparison test, a multiple regression analysis containing interactions, and a post hoc analysis. First, we found that SPMS is positively associated with the creation of tension. Second, while the organizations facing tension averagely show higher performance than the others, the group shows larger variance in the performance. Third, SPMS contributes to the steering of the tension to some extent; however, the effect is not strong enough to attain the highest performance.
Research implications
The findings have some implications for management accounting literature in the following ways; by providing a new perspective for deepening a consideration of the steering of the tension, emphasizing that the organizations facing tension give us an interesting research opportunity, and suggesting a need to search a composed mechanism (including SPMS) to steer the tension effectively.
We define and operationalize the tension with the competing values so that we can clearly recognize the effects of SPMS on the creation and steering of the tension.
This chapter focuses on how changes in management control systems in a manufacturing company could be affected by the interplay of institutional forces and power mobilization over an extended period of time (1946–1975).
The chapter is grounded in the ‘hybrid’ theoretical framework developed by Yazdifar, Zaman, Tsamenyi, and Askarany (2008) which ties old institutional economics, new institutional sociology and power mobilization frameworks to provide a holistic view of a process of change. Historical analysis contributes to an understanding of the institutional context. The research has been developed by a longitudinal case study by using archival data.
The chapter provides us with an insight into management accounting change during an extended period of time dominated by political instability, economic turbulence, social tensions and change in the company’s presidency. The study suggests that changes were dependent on a complex set of relationships and preconditions, that the specificity of the company’s accounting controls was tied to isomorphism forms and power relationships internal to the company, while pressures from the external environment did not impact significantly on control systems architecture and functioning of the company.
Research limitations
The use of qualitative approach (as longitudinal case studies) is often criticized because its results are not generalizable and replicable.
The chapter clarifies the theoretical underpinnings of the institutional frameworks and power relationships and suggests areas for institutional and interdisciplinary research into management change.
Part IV: Performance Measurement and Management Control: New Directions
The budget has traditionally been viewed as playing an essential role in management control. However, recently it has become the subject of intense critique. The critiques concern the way budgets are used as well as the fundamental drawbacks of the budgeting process. At the same time, a number of studies provided evidence that budgets are still being used in most organizations. Responding to the call for more examination of these issues against empirical evidence, this chapter studies contemporary budgeting practices in the case of a Russian oil company.
The chapter is heavily based on primary data collected from the interviews with company representatives. Secondary data collected from public sources was used as well. The empirical description is organized around a monthly budgeting process adopted in one subsidiary of the case company. The description is presented from the perspective of the financial department of the subsidiary company.
The study concludes that, in spite of all the critiques, budgeting is widely used in the Russian oil company. It is extensively used for control purposes, and the main focus of budgetary control is put on a transactional level.
The chapter traces the budgeting process currently adopted in one of the Russian oil corporations. This contributes to research evidence on Russian companies, an area which has previously received little attention from researchers and provides evidence supporting the view of budgeting as continuing to play an important role in many organizations.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive review of empirical research on performance management (PM) in former communist Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, to evaluate the state of knowledge in this area and suggest possible directions for future research.
An examination of the literature was undertaken to review the empirical studies treating on PM in ex-communist countries from CEE. A total of 96 journal articles, PhD thesis, and conference papers were identified, categorized, and analyzed according to research questions, methodology, and theoretical framework. Contributions are classified by countries, according to progress in transition process (post-transition/transition countries) and membership in the Soviet Union (Soviet/non-Soviet countries). The review examines publications in four languages (English, French, Romanian, and Russian).
The literature review identified various stages of development of PM research and practice in the different groups of CEE countries.
In post-transition CEE countries, PM research follows the trends settled up in the developed countries (quantitative studies examining the extent of usage of different PM tools, influence of contingent factors, relationship PM-strategy, and impact on company’s performance). Also, the findings illustrate the modernization of PM practices: increasing importance of nonfinancial indicators and integrated performance management systems (PMS), although financial indicators are prevailing.
On the contrary, in transition countries PM research and practices are at an early stage, the reviewed literature highlights some specific issues related to transition context: the dynamic aspect of PM, change management, importance of informal systems, cultural aspects, and business traditions.
Research limitations
Because of the large number of CEE countries and the diversity of their national languages, many studies conducted in native languages have not been addressed in this literature review, which is essentially based on publications in English and French. Only for three CEE countries (Russia, Romania, and Moldova) publications in national language were considered.
Practical implications
This literature review may be useful for practitioners, providing insights on the extent of diffusion and usage of different PM tools and identifying difficulties and pitfalls to avoid in their implementation.
The chapter represents one of the first contributions to the knowledge about PM research and practice in former communist CEE countries. The adopted framework for reviewing and classifying the literature allows identifying the differences in PM research and practices between post-transition/transition and Soviet/non-Soviet countries.
To provide a conceptual framework for understanding the role of organizational control in the context of remote work arrangements.
The framework has been developed drawing on two distinct research streams. Existing frameworks on remote work arrangements enabled to identify relevant dimensions to include in our framework, namely drivers of adoption and outcomes of implementation. They also evidenced the importance of opening up the remote work implementation process addressing crucial management issues, notably organizational control. On the basis of extant organizational research we deconstructed the complexity of organizational control in its constituent elements and identified mechanisms of control enactment over time.
The framework links the dynamics of change in organizational control initiated by the adoption of remote work arrangements with its antecedents (drivers of adoption and characteristics of the remote work model) and implementation outcomes at individual, group and organizational level. It opens the implementation stage focusing on the dynamics of organizational control and clarifies its role when the organization decides to adopt remote working.
The framework assumes that organizational control is not a static entity but a process of mutual constitution between structures of controls and actions enacted over time by both managers and employees (remote workers and on-site colleagues). It shows the value of a process perspective that emphasizes time mechanisms underlying changes in organizational control of remote work. Moreover, it constitutes a valuable reference guide to interpret in an integrated way existing research on the issue and identify inconsistencies in empirical findings, relevant gaps and opportunities for future research.
Part V: Performance Measurement and Management Control in Governmental and Nonprofit Organizations
An examination of the commonalities and differences between performance management practices in the public and private sector.
A literature review of 100 publications in international academic journals over the last 20 years.
The chapter develops a framework which links the dimensions of the public/private-distinction (ownership, funding, control and type of goals) to the design and use of performance management systems (PMS). This framework subsequently informs a literature review, which can be summarised as follows: Multi-dimensionality of the PMS is core in both public and private sector organisations, but quite many private sector papers point to a financial focus at the top of the PMS, while public sector organisations show a broad variety of performance indicators, including those on societally relevant goals. In addition, a link between the PMS and strategies can be found in the public and the private sector, but the match between different strategies and PMS design is more elaborated in the private sector. These findings are largely in accordance with our expectations. The review also finds support for the assumption that performance information in public sector organisations is primarily used for external accountability reasons, while internal managerial control is the main purpose in private firms. The use of performance information is quite intensive and mostly functional in both sectors, which does not meet our expectations. Overall, the differences between performance management practices in the public and private sector are less stringent than expected.
Research limitations
Due to limited evidence about the importance of performance-related pay systems and no evidence about targeting in both sectors, a more focused literature review on these issues would be desirable.
Practical implications
Mutual learning between both sectors, for example the public sector can learn from the private sector on how to link strategy to the PMS and the private sector can learn from the public sector about serving a multitude of stakeholders in the PMS.
A comprehensive review of performance management practices in the public and private sector.
This exploratory study aims to contribute to theory extension regarding the unique factors that characterize performance evaluation in the public sector.
The chapter reviews the Public Sector and the Interpretation literatures and develops a framework that introduces the concept of interpretation asymmetries, and then uses two case studies and a survey applied to both South American and European public managers to illustrate and analyze propositions derived from the framework.
Public agencies and managers are not assessed by their activities and outcomes but by how the general public may come to interpret and perceive them. Public officers – besides getting their organizations’ job done – struggle to show the truth of their organizations and preserve their organizations’ legitimacy due to the conditions of interpretation asymmetry and the dynamics of politicization prevalent in the public domain.
Research limitations/implications
This study was designed to be exploratory and fundamentally oriented to theory extension. As such, the findings and conclusions are tentative and require further research.
Practical implications
Governments, public officers, politicians, and researchers would benefit from going beyond usual considerations of information asymmetries and start paying attention to, understanding, and managing interpretation asymmetries.
This chapter contributes to the increasing research on the intersection of performance management and the public sector, and provides new concepts that enhance our understanding of the dynamics of assessment in environments prone to politicization. While prior research has been mainly focused on agent’s dysfunctional responses to performance measures, this chapter illustrates functional behaviors through which agents aim to increase the dimensionality and integrity of principals’ interpretations.

- 10.1108/S1479-3512201631
- Publication date
- 2016-06-28
- Book series
- Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting
- Editors
- Series copyright holder
- Emerald Publishing Limited
- 978-1-78560-916-9
- 978-1-78560-915-2
- Book series ISSN
- 1479-3512