Douglas, A. (2008), "Dr Joseph Juran: born 24 December 1904, died 28 February 2008", The TQM Journal, Vol. 20 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Dr Joseph Juran: born 24 December 1904, died 28 February 2008
Article Type: An appreciation From: The TQM Journal, Volume 20, Issue 3.
It is with a sense of deep loss that the quality world mourns the passing of one of its greatest thinkers and proponents, Dr Joseph Juran. I never had the privilege of meeting the great man. However, as first a student and then a practitioner of quality management I read his books and papers and watched his videos. Now full circle and as a teacher, my students are in-turn made aware, through his books and papers, of his immense contribution to that branch of management science we call quality management. For this legacy we are eternally grateful.
Those of you who have read his candid autobiography Architect of Quality will be aware of what an amazing life he had from very humble beginnings in Romania to becoming a recognised and much lauded “quality guru” world-wide. Like the journey to total quality it was long and not without its share of trials and tribulations but through it all he consistently carried the torch for the quality movement. Now he has joined those other great torch-bearers, Deming and Crosby, and it is up to each one of us to carry our own torch and see to it that his work continues and improves the quality of life for everyone.
We all at the TQM Journal offer our deepest sympathies and condolences to Dr Juran’s family for their great loss. The world will be a much lesser place without him.
Alex DouglasEditor