(2008), "Call for papers for special themed issue of above journal on: Teaching Qualitative Research in Organization and Management", Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, Vol. 3 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Call for papers for special themed issue of above journal on: Teaching Qualitative Research in Organization and Management
Article Type: Call for papers From: Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1.
Guest Editors: Professor Michael Humphreys and Dr Mark Learmonth
Qualitative methods have become widely taught in business schools at all levels, and there is now a plethora of pedagogic texts for teachers and students to choose from. What seems to be missing in all this are ``tales from the field'' which is to say, experiences of teaching, or being taught, qualitative research. This special issue seeks to enhance the teaching of qualitative research methods in organization and management by providing opportunities to reflect upon different approaches, how they have been experienced by teachers and students, along with outcomes. While we welcome papers on any aspect of teaching qualitative research, we are not looking for straightforward ``how to do it'' tips. Rather we seek, in particular, papers that help to progress our understanding of teaching and learning in ways that call upon us to be reflexive about one or more of the following themes:
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novel explorations of the relationship between teaching and learning in the context of qualitative methods;
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strategies for convincing sceptical students and staff of the value of qualitative research in business schools especially those that may have a stronger tradition of quantitative research;
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integrating qualitative and quantitative research teaching;
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approaches to teaching different epistemological and ontological traditions;
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autoethnographies of teaching or being taught qualitative methods;
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teaching qualitative methods to practitioners and in ``practical'' contexts;
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a discussion of the criteria that allow assessment and evaluation of teaching qualitative research;
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reflections on ethics the ethics of teaching and teaching the ethics of qualitative research;
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combining practical how-to-do-it sessions with theory and conceptual issues; and
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using one's own research to inform teaching.
Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2008.
Intended publication date: December 2009.
Arrangement for submissions: please send electronic copy of a paper not exceeding 9,000 words by 30 September 2008 to both of the Guest Editors at the e-mail addresses below:
Michael Humphreys:
Mark Learmonth:
Authors wishing to discuss their ideas before submitting a paper are welcome to contact the guest editors before the deadline for submissions.
For details of Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, see: